Be fat average looking wh*te boy

>be fat average looking wh*te boy
>install tinder and okcupid apps
>get a few cuties but they lose interest quick
>get desperate
>install grindr
>get messages daily from really cute feminine sissy white boys
>they want to suck me off

Why can't girls find me attractive? I'm not gay.

Attached: broccoliboy.jpg (716x895, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yet you know who the people are in your picture, mhmm..?

and holy fuck iw ish that was me (except the "not being gay" part)

which one the boy or the girl (male)

the girl honestly. if anyone had the choice, they'd be pretty

>MFW i have jacked off to this guys video's
Deeper in the hole of degeneracy we go where it takes us nobody knows

Fuck i hate myself

Attached: 500731407_preview_o-PROGUN-NATIVE-AMERICAN-BILLBOARD-facebook.jpg (1536x1919, 494K)

Gays are more promiscuous

I'm insecure about my dick size. Mine is like 5.75 inches erect and 5.5 girth. I have a tree stump dick. It's fine for a lot of women, but not for size queen sissy bottoms.

Attached: 1529483521892.png (540x802, 502K)

How is that image homo , that chest implies it's a girl

There's no fuckin way the person on the left is a guy....t-thats....i....

Attached: 1526308891625.png (882x714, 904K)

That is straight because it's a girl

Don't be too hard on yourself, that guy is probably the closest thing you can find to an anime-trap, it's pretty normal getting aroused by it.

its not homo, the character is famous for being homo while pretending not to be homo

Attached: 1531962586574.jpg (1280x1354, 364K)

its a guy, once he removes the mask hes very masculine, if you cover the bottom of a skinny male most guys are feminine

same here, save for ethnicity. it really is a different feel to be wanted by gays and not so much grills.


Attached: 1531670388926.gif (192x197, 87K)

there is already a picture of him maskless, congrats user you are bisexual


Attached: tumblr_inline_ot9khjqUeW1qmvdcs_540.jpg (500x336, 24K)

Uhhh, he has a video with him wearing a 2b mask and not covering his chin. Just check out broccolibutts.

here's a still from a gif that's apparently too large to post.

Attached: 1509029328716.gif (267x294, 37K)

>Going to go kms
Bye have a good time!

Attached: 1497746355220.png (645x1260, 440K)

god im actually getting to the point where i might be desperate enough to do this. im a virgin in my 30's, do you think i could pull a qt femboy on grindr?

Link to the gif on some other image hosting site?

won't know unless you try desu but they are pretty high value by bicurious guys

absolutely not, don't think that just because that guy looks cute all femboys are going to be like him, that guy is a 10/10, guys who look even nearly as cute as that either have a boyfriend or don't need grindr to get laid.

I wouldn't user. You don't know what kind of diseases any of those guys have, it's not worth it.

Find your self a cute boy that you can actually date. I think it would be much hotter to find a friend that slowly starts to suck your dick, dress like a girl and become your personal semen depository over time.

no they do, people use grindr for a quick hookup not marriage lmao

But i hate traps i'm a fucking hypocrit

Still cute desu, would bang
wtf i guess im ghey now

user, who fucking cares? just fap away

>star citizen
oh no, it's retarded

But i don't want to fap to traps but i can't help myself. WHY THE FUCK AM I SO HORNY?

>spend 1000$ on spaships for a videogame that is not out yet

makes me sick, spent 40$ on that joke and regret every single cent. buyin litteral cow shit would have been a better fucking investment

your dick really doesn't care its evolved passed your petty values and personal beliefs upon sex

im just gonna dl it just to see the kind of msgs I get...

you haven't had sex yet (presumably), you've mastrubated a LOT in this years, and to a lot of different material, you just got bored of het stuff and now guys make you horny. happened to me aswell, stopped fapping and gay thougts where more present that before for a wihile but after 3/4 days they disappeared. sorry for the spelling errors i'm pretty shitfaced.

Because you're fucking fat?
Lose weight volcel

I wouldn't it's full of old men or diseased millennials

I think you mean devolve
What you just wrote describes me perfectly...i think i need to start preying again

so you are a subhuman

the fate of herb man is to be prey to alpha chad traps

what i wrote describes perfectly i'd say 80% of this board, that's why r9gay is here and why the trap thread cam up so often. don't get afraid about your sexuality if you havent explored it yet. hust chill out and fap to whatever you want, or if the traps disgust you so much just stop fappinf for a week. after not fapping you'll have to mantain a stable masturbation habit, don't over do it or you'll be back where you started.

>You are a subhuman
Why because i'm not a faggot like you?

you admitted to devolving subhuman fagboy

Fuck man your right what has my life become? I think i might just end it soon.

Attached: et_LilPeepOBIT_111617.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

thats's a pretty faggy reaction image

I think it fit's tho peep was pressed and died early i think i will go the same way he did

Attached: lil-peep_credit_g-l-askew-iix750.jpg (750x422, 51K)

Sorry about the grammar


>a twink has a bigger dick than me, a 4incher
Why the fuck is the world so unfair, bros...

Bandannas are big gay

Its hard not to find these people attractive on some level. They are being honest about who they are and are obsessed with pleasing their partner. Who doesnt want that. Before long the whole sex/gender thing will really blend together.

It's not normal, it's disgusting, fuck off reiko faggot tranny cunt, traps are fucking homosexual and getting any arousal from them makes you a faggot.