Why is it so hard to just not eat like a fat shit?

Why is it so hard to just not eat like a fat shit?

Why do I have to track calories?

How did I fail so much a a human to need to track what I eat in order to not be a total fucking fat loser piece of shit? Chads don't track shit.

Tracking calories is not sustainable for life because my mind is on food/calories 24/7. Intermittent fasting is not sustainable for life either because when I am an old man I am not going to be able to eat a lot of food in 1-2 meals. I need something sustainable NOW so I can eat better for LIFE, not just for my 20s and 30s.

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Fuck you you fat piece of shit

Just fucking do it

Pick up food, look at the fucking label, and keep fucking count

Losing weight is so fucking simple

It took me years of trying to lose weight, gain some back and then finally develop a good lifestyle. Just keep going OP.

Your problem isn't with calorie counting, it's to do with habits and your relationship with food. For example, once I realised I would always indulge when I was stressed/depressed, I replaced that habit with something else, instead of eating till I wanted to explode and subsequently hating myself after, I pretty much played video games to diffuse that kind of negative emotions. So now everyday I feel the urge to eat when I'm sad, I just play games instead. Find out when you're most susceptible to eating, then replace that habit with something new.

Say you eat a lot when you're bored, next time do something else or if you really want, you could try eating popcorn.

You can't do it cold turkey, it takes a long time to develop good eating habits.

Finally, one big thing which has changed is my relationship with food. As I gradually saw food as just fuel and not something to be avoided, I gradually incorporated junk food into my weekly diet and now I just eat whatever, but just less and exercise a ton to make up for it. It helps that I have a treadmill at home so if I do have a bit of an indulgence, I can work it off right away. Life is honestly so much better when you're not concerned about weight and food. Trust me I've been there. All throughout high school I've been trying to lose weight, successfully losing it and then gaining back more. Only until a few years ago until I fixed this bad habit.

Also I suggest you read Willpower, it's a book about habits and it'll probably help you more than other weight loss books. Oh and don't count calories, it's exhausting and like you said, not sustainable at all.



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Just fast breh, after 2 weeks your cravings will reset

OP, I could sugar coat the truth but you'd probably eat it!!!FACT!!!

lol. the mind usually gives way first desu.

stay fat then lol

I've done all this shit for about 4 or 5 months. It gets easier because it all becomes habit. You kind of get a feel for what you should and should not eat. So you naturally eat the smaller meals, etc.

Just do it for a couple of months and you'll get were you remember the better way to eat as a habit.

M8, TDEE is as sustainable as it gets.
Weight gain, weight loss, maintenance, it all comes down to your TDEE and eating accordingly.
Of course it's going to be tedious at first but there's apps to easily track calories and macros, plenty of websites to recalculate TDEE when you need to.
If you have a specific weight and body fat goal, there's no other way around having to do this.
You're likely overthinking it all.
Advise you learn about meal prepping, make all your food ahead of time and log the calories/macros in myfitnesspal or cronometer, then all you have to do after that is eat.

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You only have to track calories once then just repeat that meal every day.

>calorie counting
>meal prepping

Look cunt, 95% of people with abs don't do this shit.

Then disregard what I said in favor of your own method, bitch cakes.

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Just strictly eat as naturally as you can: meats, vege, fruits, nuts, a bit of dairy, eggs etc

Do a bit of cardio each day with weight training. Wowee

Ultimately, see food as fuel and that you're a high performance vehicle

>fatty trying to tell people how fit people get fit

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Here's my routine/ritual for staying lean without tracking

>wake up 7-8AM
>drink water (1liter)
>lift weights
>post workout 2 scoops whey protein + milk + vitamins
>fast for the rest of the day
>eat a large dinner around 7-8PM

I prefer this over traditional Intermittent Fasting because I just could not get over the Psychological aspect of NOT having a chunk of protein in me immediately after lifting. So basically I am doing my own version of Intermittent Fasting except I am eating 55-60g of protein from Whey Protein and Milk post workout so I dont go all day long with 0 protein in me.

Discipline until you cut out processed sugar (candy, soda, ice cream, etc) and be sure to eat tons of fiber. This will stop you from screwing with your gut so much and it is only two things to remember. You will lose cravings for sugar.

just eat fruit, vegetables, fish and chicken. eat a lot of fruit if you want something sweet, eat fish and chicken for your filling proteins, stuff your face with vegetables.

So you're never in a fasted state, and are getting none of the benefits of fasting.

You're probably still eating shite that's why.

Learn to make healthy food. Stop looking for easy convenient healthy foods because they don't fill you up like a proper well cooked meal.

Too bad fatties are too retarded to fast

Be happy. I have problems eating more than 3000 calories.


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>you can't do it cold turkey

This is exactly what I did. This works the best. It's a lot easier to draw a hard line than to fiddle with things and make exceptions. You can deny any craving if you just stop giving a shit. This applies to a lot of things in life.

Because we literally evolved to not lose any fat. Keep pushing, it takes years to completely change your lifestyle.

>What is ketosis
Jesus christ user how fat are you

Just substitute your carbs with veg and your fatty red means with lean cuts of white meat and as long as you don't go overboard on the snacks in between you'll lose weight.

Such as?

Bro just cook your own damn food, dont buy take out, dont buy bagged stuff, don't buy shit from restaurants and I guarantee you'll lose weight. When it takes and hour or more to make your meal you'll gain an appreciation for food and wont eat as much

Just start fasting. Go as long as you can and keep trying to go longer each time. Not only will you lose the fat, you'll build up the discipline needed to keep it off.
t. guy who used to eat nothing but sweets and bread everyday

Its hard to eat well if you're not enjoying life.

unfortunately i replaced eating when i'm bored with browsing Jow Forums so make sure the habit you do get into is good op

Your post is more or less why a lot of CICO diets fail eventually. It works, of course ... but only insofar as you can keep it up. As you say, it just engenders another unhealthy relationship with food and pulls you down the path of eating disorders.

This user sums it up really well ()

To add to that, a big problem that people often have is with portion sizes. My idea of an acceptable meal size was horribly skewed by growing up in a fat family. We ate a good variety of food, but just too much. Comfort eating was also a major problem for me.

I think an additional step might be to look at your life pre-weight loss and think about how your were getting so many calories. Is it too much takeout? Is it portion sizes? Is it snacks? Is it comfort eating?

If you can see where the problems are, you can work towards eliminating those. So for me, I realised that whilst I cook decent quality meals without a lot of junk or processed bullshit, I'd go overboard on the amounts. I don't count calories particularly carefully, but rather try to regulate my portions and eat more slowly.

The point I'm making is that there's a reason why I'm fat. I watched friends eat crappy meals and stay thin without really understanding why. How could they eat McDonald's and be thin? Well, it's because they ordered one meal instead of three.

It takes time to get to a better relationship with food. You have to unlearn a lot of bad habits. Today, I can eat a perfectly sensible meal and still feel hungry. I could probably force the same meal in again ... but I know that I don't need it. I'm forcing my brain into a new definition of 'full' or 'meal'. Plus I'm saving money too! It takes a long time.

I believe in you, user.

I used to wake up at midnight to eat sweets lmao fuck my fatass
Fasting really resets your whole food prefferences its great