>have 138IQ according to mensa
>fail to understand any tv show that is not as simple as shows for children, so I usually rewatch every episode of anything I watch
Is the test broken or am I only smart at answering tests?
>have 138IQ according to mensa
>fail to understand any tv show that is not as simple as shows for children, so I usually rewatch every episode of anything I watch
Is the test broken or am I only smart at answering tests?
IQ covers only a narrow scope of a vague concept.
you dont have any experience watching/performing social interaction so the episodes dont make sense since youre not used to seeing people behave as they do on screen. you rewatch to see if they were actually acting outside your typical spectrum of reality, since thats such a concept for you to comprehend
you're probably just autopiloting through the shows, you should probably pay more attention
you might just not be interested
I highly doubt your IQ is that high if you can't figure out the difference between a TV show and a test designed to find the limits of your mind's recognition and data processing abilities.
wait,what do you fail to understand?Are you talking about understanding allegories and such or just the plot itself?Plotholes and contrived scenes might be contributing to your confusion.
Get fucked nigger.
IQ is actually the single best supported theory in all of psychology. If you don't believe that, you might as well stop 'believing' in autism, OCD, BPD, and basicly discard anything related to psychology.
IQ tests are meaningless. There are numerous metrics of intelligence.
131 IQ according to mensa here too. I have the exact problem, that's why I switched to different types of anime. I don't watch the deep stuff, I just watch CGDCT stuff and SoL.
You probably have a bad memory + ADHD. I developed similar problems after a brain injury.
My speech processing is shit so I usually watch with subtitles
I actually have though this, I hope with practice I begin to understand shit mroe easily. I'm new to series and stuff cause I want to have something ot talk about with people for a change
I find it hard to be interested in stuff that's true
the plot itself, I also forget who the characters are
maybe I should follow your example
fuck that have been happening to me too, but I think it's because my brain's burn out and my attention span is dead
IQ tests are mostly meaningless. The main thing they measure is how good you are at IQ tests.
t. professionally-tested 139
Fuck been having this problem too, I don't want to watch only SoL I wanna understand Penguindrum whyy
Alternatively, you can just watch the show and enjoy it for what it is, and don't read into it too much. It can be enjoyable like this too, but I usually only do this when I'm tired of CGDCT and SoL and comfy stuff.
I also committed the mistake of watching Evangelion as soon as I got into anime. Maybe it was just the 3rd anime I've seen
I have to rewatch it when/if I grow up some more brain cells
Lol Eva was my second anime(first was Koi Kaze lmao) and I understood it easily, the problem came later, like 1 year later,I started not being able to focus on the screen and getting lost pretty easy, im
What shows? Why would you watch a tv show for information? It's a mindless pasttime, if you want to learn something watch a documentary or listen to podcasts.
Hm, yeah the anime itself doesnt have a complex plot. I did have a hard time figuring out what was Seele, the Human instrumentality project, and well, I didn0t get a lot of conclusions from the movie tb h
I get lost like you a lot as well
Penguindrum was fuckin confusing as shit. I legit felt retarded as I was watching the latter half of the show.
Anyone knows how to fix us? Or we are just fucking brainlets
>Or we are just fucking brainlets
probably this
because you have autism unironically
>fiction is mindless
imagine actually believing this.
Have you been tested for ADHD before?
It might be worth looking into
If you had a processing speed subscore that was lower than your overall IQ that could be an indication of it
IQ denial is completely political. An attempt to deny the reality of correlation between groups like race and intelligence. Ironically it comes almost entirely from the left, who constantly deride the right for "science denial".
>thinking an online iq test has substantive value
I dont trust them either, but it has to mean SOMETHING, right?