Not vaping instead of using cigarettes

>not vaping instead of using cigarettes
How does it feel, niclets? How does it feel that you are yellowing your teeth and putting tar in your lungs, effectively killing yourself quicker than I am?

Its better in every way, and you still get the nic high, whilst satisfying your addiction

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Maybe I will switch next month. But it would be even better if I could get away from this fucking drug completely. I wish I never started smoking.

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i think im going to get back into vaping desu. ive been on and off smoking cigs for the past year but i always fall back into it and id rather try and ween myself off using a vape again. whats a good kit under 100$?

Me too my friend. Me too.

>you have been muted for two seconds because your comment was not original

pipe tobacco> chewing> shisha> vaping> cigs

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I have a freemax atomizer and an eleaf iStick that I got for about 80-90$ish
Good investment. Coils are cheap to replace

Put chewing after cigs and you got a done deal desu

ive tried/heard of this brand. hopefully my local vape shop has it. i used to use kangertech years back and really liked it. what juice flavor do you use op?


Pipe> Cigars> Shisha> vaping> Cigs> chewing

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CIGARS = pipe tobacco> chewing> shisha> vaping> cigs


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They might. If theyre nice enough you can just ask what would work best for your preferences under 100$. Smok is also a great brand, slightly pricey

thatll do laddy thatll do

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Damn how did you get your hands on something like this?

I haven't had the 'addiction' side of smoking so i only do it as a social thing.
However i own that cost like 80 GBP and it wasn't as good as smoking.

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yeah thats what i did the last time to get kangertech. thanks ill keep those brands in mind
beautiful pipe. only smoked pipe for about a year back in college but it was very nice even if i was probably buying some low end tobacco

Youll save much more money vaping. The only thing you really have to replace is juice and coils, and thats maybe twice a month.

Got this fucker, never had tabacco or a real cig, did weed tho

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4noggins, pipesandcigars, smokingpipes and ebay to buy meerschaum pipes straight from the Balkans/turkey


i feel you user, there is something about that shit taste that always drags me back to ciggs.

Is that a vaporizer for weed?

Quick PSA about smok, the quality control of their coils is garbage so I'd try to avoid if you can
(Learned this too late and now regret it)

No, it's an e cigarette, you put like special flavoured liquid in It and I have mine with a lot of nicotine, there is also thc liquid for em so pretty Nice at school toilets etc

ah okay thanks again. i hate when coils fuck up. i think i will likely go with kangertech again just because im used to it and i remember it being quite easy and nice. i moved back near my old vape shop a year ago and i love this pineapple gummybear flavor juice they have so im looking foward to it

Try to replace your coils every two weeks or so. Once they burn out they give burnt hits and make you feel like shit
Ive never really used smok, just heard about it a lot.

the fuck are you talking about? smok is absolute cancer, their mods are ass and their tanks suck ass aswell.

Try a juul. Starter kits are like $40 and juuls feel just like cigs imo

Whats the weird segmented thing under the tank? Ive seen vaporizers that use something like that to grind it up then vaporize it

yeah ive tasted burnt coils before and its fucking harsh lol
i thought about it and have tried it many times since my friend has one but it doesnt quite hit the spot. i also like the variety of flavors a vape offers but thank you anyways

Just what Ive heard about from people. Probably Jews trying to peddle my expensive products

That's a fucking nice meerschaum warden.
>tfw I smoke mostly cobs because I'm a broke NEET

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Burnt coils are the fucking worst

Especially when they burn out and you can't afford more or is that just me being a broke ass uni student

It's the energy transmitor that transmits the energy from the battery to the coil (burner)

iirc there was some prep to do with new coils like pouring juice into the tank and burning it a little bit without inhaling to get the cotton soaked. i fucked it up once and took a huge hit of burnt coil and started gagging immediately

I'm a vaper. I recently switched from 12mg liquid to 8mg and it was one of the best choices I've ever made. The 8mg juice tastes better and I can take more puffs without feeling sick. In fact I'm even starting to enjoy the effects of nicotine again... At 12 mgs I'd either feel nothing or get a nicotine overdose. At 8mgs I get a nice comfy feeling after about 3 or 4 big hits. I'm also starting to get into the culture of vaping, trying different flavor liquids and such. I've gone through a lot of vapes and e-liquids in my day but my current setup really works for me.

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I know the feel user. I used 12mg for awhile and halved my dosage because I always use my mod when I drive. Great feeling.

So fancy

>you have been muted for two second because your comment was not original

I managed to go from 16mg down to 3mg, it's 100% worth it, tastes so much better and doesn't make me feel like throwing up after a couple puffs

>not buying an elaborate meerschaum pipe and whipping it out infront of all the normies at work in the smoking pit.

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I took the vapepill and stopped smoking cigs early last year and never going back

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Agreed. Feels like heaven almost. It makes me feel slightly gassy every now and then though.

Love the colors! I almost bought a box mod just like that when I first got mine

I vape now but it's bretty hard not to crush darts desu. When it 90% of the people you work with smoke, its difficult not to take a smoke when someone offers. Also because vaping looks really fucking lame and at least smoking looks cool to 14 year olds.

>Putting a weird horse orgy in your mouth

Ok user

I love cobs. I usually take them when i drive to work or go /out/

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I might try it. How can I make one/where can I get it?

anyone else into cellaring and aging tobacco?

If I had that pipe it would certainly be for display only
>behind glass even

sounds very cool. wish i had my own place/the funds to try it. can you give me a quick rundown on your setup?

you can buy cobs for like 5 bucks online. They're amazing pipes for the price. Most of them smoke better than 100 dollar Briars. Best of all they smoke dry .

Here s a good starting one

and if you're feeling extra autistic then get whats int he pic

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Cobs are great. Still not like having a classy meerschaum or briar to puff an afternoon away.

Make sure you get a missouri meerschaum corn cob. A basic unfinished cob will run you $5.
Stay away from Chinese junk for sure

Just get some mason jars and a dry dark place to store it all.

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looks very nice user, happy smoking. im not sure how long i want to keep smoking desu but an occasional cigar or pipe smoke seems better than sucking on cigs all day

r8 my set up. Got it for 100 leafbucks.

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If you dont smoke then dont buy a vape, for real, mate.It is just not worth it.

Nothing stopping you from rolling pipe tobacco cigarettes either
Prince Albert and Carter Hall both make a good cig

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How is nicotine juice in those? I want my nic but smoking sucks, I've been using gum but it isn't as satisfying.

The only downsides of smoking are inherent to inhaling smoke, nic by itself is mostly harmless.

I prefer the tube vapes because they're more comfortable in the pocket, but ones like the one you have are obviously better performance. My tube vape ( ) actually gives a hit comparable to the more high end ones, but without the voltage control.

>Its better in every way,
except that it still doesn't feel like a smoke and never will

>doesnt feel like a smoke
How is that a bad thing?

you've clearly never been addicted to cigarettes if you have to ask that question

closest thing i can think of would be a MTL (mouth to lung) setup with a really restricted draw, but the taste will never be there.

Not sure if it's my juice or what but i always get a sore throat in the morning after a day of vaping. makes me think about what it's doing to my lungs.
desu im not convinced that inhaling nicotine juice is harmless and I only worry because somebody I know died from pulmonary disease

Ciglets get out REEEEEE

>suorin air
>$25 starter kit
>PERFECT throat/nicotine hit
>salt nicotine so it's stronger and you vape less
>incredibly small and portable
I don't know what I meant to accomplish with this post, I guess I have to get this love/hate relationship off my chest

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>it would be even better if I could get away from this fucking drug completely

Nicotine in vape form is hardly even a problem. I think it like raises your risk of heart disease by 0.5% or something, that's the only risk.

it's not like I wouldn't rather vape if I could but the OP statement is not reflective of the unfortunate reality

It's probably not entirely harmless, it's just not a risk of CANCER. It is abrasive on the lungs which means it could probably contribute to things like COPD.

I mean I'm probably killing myself way before cigarettes could kill me, but yeah, I agree that vaping is better. Being able to smell and taste food again is pretty nice.

Not him but I mean, I vape and I know it's a bigger problem than that. Not for your body so much as your brain. I used to smoke and have been vaping instead for a few years, but I quit nicotine for 6 months a while back. I was fucking brain dead the entire time until I finally started nicotine again. It's absurd how addictive it is despite its nonexistent high.

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>be in basic almost 3 years ago
>have artillery sgt as instructor
>dude LOVES the nic
>chain smokes in the field and goes through logs of dip
>smokes and chews at the same time
>mouth is completely destroyed but somehow never is bad enough to get medical restriction
>see him about 6 months ago
>hes off the smokes and dip and now vapes
>tells me hes down to 3mg juice and only vapes at work now
>tells me he quit because his father died of lung cancer
Anything is possible with enough motivation user.

>I was fucking brain dead the entire time until I finally started nicotine again.

I was off nicotine for a while and I found that I was really 'mentally lazy' the entire time. Like I'd go out for walks and I wouldn't even think about anything while I was walking, like my brain wasn't working. it was really frustrating because I don't like walking around with an empty head. After starting on nic again my brain gets going from the first hit of the morning.

You could chew nic gum.

The nicotine itself isn't any worse than caffeine (According to several studies) and in fact may be beneficial in the prevention of alzheimer's and shit

Also nicotine is most addictive when inhaled. Primary reason quitting is easier with a vape than with patches or gum

vapes are great, i started with the juul and then disovered the aspire breeze and the aspire breeze 2, which are convinient and small yet still powerful enough to give me a nice buzz. used to smoke cigs and this helped me off them. hoping to quit nicotine all together once i graduate

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the Smok Alien mod is like 80$ cad and is super fuckin solid. A buddy of mine who has broken most of his phones bought one and hasnt come close to breaking the thing at all. reasonably sized too.

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I think tpriv looks cooler so I got that one but its a matter of preference. Didnt even know it had a screen on top until I got my hands on it, just instantly bought it

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Aliens are known for breaking out of the blue, I wouldn't recommend it honestly. Just get a smoant Battlestar 200w. The thing is a tank and it's fairly cheap.

fairly certain all the other chemicals in the cigarettes are more addicting then the nicotine, I dont get the same buzz from hitting a vape

Cigarettes have all sorts of processing and weird shit in them not found in other tobacco products.

Just smoke pouch tobacco