
not so comfy tonight, tired of fried dumplings

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bumping once. watching day after tomorrow right now

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For me, it was the Sam Adams Summer Ale this evening. Was okay

havent had sam adams in a long time. i had some flying dog earlier today in the morning, passed out and then am drinking soju and beer now

I see Kimchi, but where is the meat?

no meat today unforunately. ive been eating too much fried dumplings lately and feel kinda gross so im keeping it light

Is flying dog any good? I'm in Maryland so I see it around all the time but I've never gotten around to trying it

Drinking the master cheap beer atm,
>Coors Banquet

Been into high gravity beers lately. Only takes one Orpheus' Transmigration to get me feeling good

Do you buy the kimchi or make it?

my roommate's gf's mother made it so its pretty good quality. ive never really tried making it only ever helped me mom ages ago as a kid. wish i paid attention to her technique

Happy friday everyone. I opened this cheap bottle of wine, and it will be gone by 19.30. Maybe I will work up the guts to end it all this weekend! who knows. Please reply and tell me what movie to watch now.

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cheers man. why are you thinking of ending it? i'll throw in the truman show to watch since i was between that and the day after tomorrow to watch tonight

Thanks for the suggestion. That movie used to always make me super paranoid, but I have seen it enough times I will probably be fine now.
>why are you thinking of ending it?
Probably the same reason as everyone else. Crap job, no friends, no family, never ending cycle of exhaustion and misery, with no light at the end of the tunnel. I have been wanting to get out of it for years now, but recently it has just been too much. I will probably take my car up to the mountains this weekend to the place I want to jump from and see how I feel one I get there.

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shit well i doubt i could talk you out of it but ill still try anyways since i once contemplated/attempted suicide before. im not going to say i was in any better or worse place than you but things pass and they may get better. you lose all the chance of that happening if you kill yourself though. i understand if you disregard my words because i remember how every word of advice and encouragement i got felt fake but i hope you reconsider. if not, enjoy your drink and buzz tonight friend

Yeah, I have heard that before, and I respect that advice, and thats why I waited so long. But I figure even if it gets better by Monday, thats still 48 more hours of whatever _this_ is that I will have to deal with, and I just don't really feel like doing that any more. Sorry to bring down the mood ITT.

no problem man. i still contemplate ending it sometimes just to ease how shitty i feel so you're not bringing anything down lol dont worry. if you are dead set on driving up to that spot this weekend, at least try and have some fun before you go user, maybe just have a nice expensive meal or something. i hope you change your mind but respect your decision

My sister tried suicide once. I told her that if she killed herself she would also kill me, and she never tried again. Now I can't kill myself, or I'd be a horrible hypocrite. Also my mom would be sad, and I like my mom

My friends and family are the reason suicide is out of the question for me. If i do suicide it would preferably be me killing people i hate as my last act before death.

is just kimchi really a meal? not even like rice or anything? i can't imagine it being like filling. if so maybe I'll try it because i feel like something light too

I live with my parents. How am i supposed to get drunk alone in a comfy place? They never leave the house at night.

its not a meal at all lol but korean drinking culture requires a dish (anju) to eat while drinking and i didnt feel like whipping something up and grabbed what i had in the fridge
just grab some liquor and drink it in your room its pretty quiet

hmmmm. do you eat the entire time you're drinking? I'm pajeet and we're the same, usually we have bags and bags of spicy fried things or nuts and shit. but i don't actually do that when i drink.

No it's not a meal, koreans eat it with a meal or as a side dish. Also i don't understand why op is drinking this shit with japanese beer. I can tell he put in the effort with the metal chopsticks but common it takes more than buying kimchi to eat like a korean.

Drank half a bottle of Merlot and some shitty white wine. Probably gonna either fall asleep to some podcast or play Persona 5 absent mindedly.

nearly yes. the fare gets lighter the more you drink/get full but there is at least some chips or snacks. ive never drank with indians before, what do you usually drink?
im korean and its miller lite lol i just chose it because it mixes well with soju and is close to light korean beer. i can enjoy a korean meal with a nicer japense beer though
i wish i had some wine too i brought some cheese over from france recently that ive been loving

What kind of cheese, user? I've never really gone beyond cheddars albeit strong. Also debating whether to drink more and just get trashed.

i wish i could tlel you. i brought 4 cheeses over but the cammerbert and brie spoiled. the other two were harder cheeses and were fine but i threw the labels away after pening them. ive never been a big wine guy but my week in frnace made me appreciate it because it was so cheap and delicious

As long as you enjoy them I wouldn't call that a loss. How long did you stay in France? Also, are they really sort of high class about wine, or is it more common to just chug a glass? Or does it vary?

o shit sorry dude, that can looked like asahi from the side

As a korean dude do you ever mix soju or just drink it straight?

i was only there a week unforunately but it was a fun time. theyre pretty casual about it desu but i was also not in paris, in montpellier and i didnt encounter any of the parisian rudeness you hear about online
asahi is my favorite japanese beer! i almost always drink it mixed with beer unless i am drinking with a few guy friends and we are feeling moody lol

I was drinking beers with my friends tonight, one of them I actually knew since we were born, because our parents were friends. We have been best friends since we met at age 3 in kindergarten, have been through the whole school system together, studied at the same uni, and we have been roomies for 5 years now.

Feels good man, heres some comfy music for you: youtube.com/watch?v=Vht_XsBtzHQ

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the way Indians eat is they'll order or make (meaning the women make) fried chicken and veggies and shit and the aforementioned spicy chips and nuts and mixed nuts and stuff.

i don't think Indian people have a national liquor like soju, but my family typically drinks scotch, gin, vodka (scotch and gin might be remnants of British? vodka is probably a remnant of American sorority bullshit)

I'm American though so i drink whatever the fuck. my favorites being malt liquor, gin, soju, sometimes whiskey maybe wine, and been getting real into campari lately.

i have the same kind of friend where our mothers were friends from high school. its very precious and though i dont see him as much as i would life, im glad you and your bro are very close. thanks for the song, and have a great night user
cool sounds pretty similar to korean shit desu lol. i wish i had more friends from dif backgrounds so i could experience drinking cultures from all over desu

yeah i miss my Korean buddy in LA. i think yours is the best drinking culture desu. i love Korean bars, and just shooting the shit with people and picking at food and playing stupid drinking games

I'm not even drinking right now but this thread is making me want to. i got a weird random headache earlier this week that left me bedridden for 2 days and my gf told me to quit drinking for a while, but i don't think it had anything to do with it

when i was younger i loved getting smashed off shots of liquor but now i definitely enjoy drinking in korean bars more where its slight more quiet and there are drinking games that can be done as well as punishments like going to another table and getting a shot poured by a stranger/girl. where you living now bro?

Only parisian thing I've heard of is hordes of Islam, but that's more Jow Forums tier ranting desu. No idea what Paris is actually like. Maybe I'll go someday.

If this friend is a qt, bang. Potentially ruin everything, but also get some b-tier anime plot going on.

Soju is good shit. Korean tradition is the youngest pours the Soju, right?

Oakland. there are some Korean bars here but i have no friends and i blew off my girlfriend because i got super depressed today

forgot to ask : you? I've

>>If this friend is a qt, bang
Lel what kind of a gay anime are you living in? Or are you trying to bang everyone you have a positive relation with?

yeah usually soju is poured by the youngest but its more strict in older circles. my friends and i pour each others drinks just out of tradition but we drink at the same pace so we take turns just pouring drinks for everyone
anything going on? or just one of those days? im in MD

Works 100% of the time, 60% of the time.

just one of those. after a long time I've started writing again and i think that's brought back feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence of my skill at writing. i want to make films and one of my old friends that does had asked me to start writing again and it was exciting for a while but i forgot this used to happen to me every couple weeks when i did used to write and shit... should be good in like a day or two but right now i just don't want to talk to anybody.

whatchu up to tn? I'm watching obscure films on my roommates Amazon prime + fandor account

i enjoy writing too, but cant shake the feeling of being a shit writer lol. hope your funk ends soon bro. im just drinking and browing chan/watching disaster movies

I'm drinking now too
Miller high life and soju haha

fucking cheers man. my beer and soju hav gotten a little warm since im drinking in my room lol but thankfully mi drunk enough now to still be okay with it

yeah i had a minor panic on the way to the store to get beer thinking i should just save $$ and just drink soju but someone was following me talking on the phone and i got too nervous to just turn around and go home and they followed me all the way to the store so i just went and bought beer lol

I bought this because it was cheap and 40% ALC. It says dark. Gonna taste like shit isn't it? Gonna shot glass it so I can get drunk faster

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40% alcohol always tastes like shit, its literally poison

That actually looks really good...i have not eaten for quite a few days so...

im on the verge of passing out but why havent you eaten for so long user? just waitng on a paycheck?