Autism Test

Lets see which of you have actual autism

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Fuck you i'm only slightly autistic

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Suck my dick, autists. I'm a normie now

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>I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending.

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I got a 41 last time I took it. I don't think I'm autistic.

>Your score was 28 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 26-32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).

I don't think this is a great test because it lacks the neutral/don't know response and some of the questions aren't specific e.g.
>I am fascinated by dates.
Is that dates as in days or dates as in going out with someone- two completely different questions

>Is that dates as in days or dates as in going out with someone- two completely different questions
Dates as in days. plenty of other questions were about numbers, you aspie

>Your score was 38 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 33-50 range indicate significant Austistic traits (Autism).


Even if I fudge the answers a bit, I'd still probably be stuck in that range.

Last time I took it I scored 32,which means borderline, now I scored this, I need help

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scored 43. not bothered at all

Fuck you autists, im chad now

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Your score was 42 out of a possible 50.

Yes, I made that assumption as well but that doesn't change the fact that its a poorly written question. In virtually everything you should always assume the end user is a retard (murphy's law)

Same. 38/50.

hello, fagboys

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I guess it's time I go.

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Got a 31

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These tests are pointless. You wont know if you really have autism unless you go to a psychologist

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34 and I'm a diagnosed autist

take all the fun out of everything why don't ya

the question "what the hell am I even doing here" comes to mind

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If you got below 25 you need to leave

I got a 29, kinda always felt like an autist but never have been officially diagnosed.

>tfw afraid to go to a psychologist cause fear I might actually be autistic
Let me live my life a lie please.

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Neck yourself gatekeeper

neck yourself redditor. I bet you got like a 20

>waaa your not allowed in my secret club
>wwwaaah I'm special
Pathetic piece of shit. And no I got a 32, not that that means anything at all

I think you need to go somewhere that'll give you upvotes for your dankpost

>tfw got 25

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I think you need to go outside and lean to not be such a pathetic being. Seriously, attaching the fact that you browse Jow Forums to your personality isn't very healthy.

only redditors go outside faggot

It's OK user, I'll let you have this Internet fight. It seems you don't have much else going for you buddy.

Ree normies get out honestly

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thank you. now leave this place. I banish you to the shadow realm, you unsightly fagboy

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My fellow 39er

Makes perfect sense, I was actually diagnosed as such

>Inb4 "Phoneposter REEEEE"

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So you're 30 and you were diagnosed, I'm 39 but I've never been diagnosed yet and I've been holding out hope that I'm not autistic. Is it over for me?