Post your bank account robots

Post your bank account robots

>tfw finally hit 10k after saving up

Feels good, before i only had 800 for the longest time.

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>Hit 10k
>After saving up
You do realize you could have purchased stocks and made more, right?

nice going. im not gonna post my accnt but good job

dont buy stock its fucken gambling

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He could be saving for a car or a down payment for a house or another big purchase. Also, if you live on your own it's smart to have a few months' worth of living expenses in a savings account before you start investing to cover any emergency expenses so you don't have to resort to the credit Jew when an unexpected bill pops up.

Not all of it is currently in my account, but this is an instance of a loan I made out to a business. I'm getting a small return per month on it.

Once 2018 is over and the money comes back to me, I'll have $115k in the bank.

After that, I'll just throw 100k into the S&P and hope for 8% ROI per year.

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How people just throw around money like nothing is beyond me.

Part 2:

Bottom-right-most figure is my net worth as of July some time. That's why I'm estimating 115 by the end of the year.

I know where literally every single cent of mine goes (as demonstrated in part by this pic). Never like it's nothing. I spend very little on anything beyond necessities. I don't even have a car.

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Are you full jewish?0

I have exactly five outfits for work, I've been wearing the same shoes for 7 years, and I'm a high school dropout. So 2 out of 3.

I really wish I were rich, though. If I'm in my 20s and can manage money this will and live this cheaply, I'd never go broke if I never worked again even if I got like $1m. The world would never see me again.

Do you have insurance this loan wont go belly up?

I'm just the line of credit for a medical clinic's payroll, so yeah, I'll be okay. They already had line of credit from the bank. I just swooped in and said "Return x/y amount to the bank, and I'll give you x at a lower rate than the bank is". Safe receivables, good operations, already studied their books.

This. I just hit 20k cash in a high yield savings account as my emergency fund with $2500 monthly living expenses and am saving for a house. Thing that sucks is I want to have 20k left over AFTER house down payment and closing costs so im pretty much at 0% progress when it comes to getting the down payment. Im hoping by the time I get an additional 40-50k a couple years from now there will have been a housing market correction. Im considering shifting my emergency fund to a 70/30 cash/stock split to help alleviate loss of value to inflation.

I have literally $3.78 in my account.

>tfw poverty

>29.95 monthly account fee
>giving someone your money and then paying them a monthly fee to keep it

Fucking Americans

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I ain't posting pic, but right know I only have 1,500 in the bank, and another 500 in cash in my wallet and around my place.

>have house
>have new car
>only 1k in savings and only put 200 into my emergency fund per month
Im living pretty close to the edge but my 12k a year raise kicks in, in a few months so hopefully shit gets better.

$220k which may seem like a lot but that's basically my life savings. +/- 30-40k in some IRAs

I have $70000 saved up and I don't know what to do with it.

I think I'm too lazy to take care of the upkeep on a house and an apartment seems like a waste of money.

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I spent a couple grand just in the last few weeks though

I know that feel user. I was making stupid amounts of money at 21 and blowing it on dumb shit. My dad who made well over six figures in a very low cost area sat me down and explained how I didnt make dick. He had like nearly a million in the bank but showed me how if X event happens he would need this much. Even 100k doesnt go far when it comes to some things. If I didnt have a god tier pension at my job, Id be working till I was dead unless I invested an absurd percentage of my income. Luckily I can retire at 48 which is nice.

still khhv

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More important is this: what are you anons average monthly increase in net worth? No point in making 200k in you save less than someone making 50k. I sit at around a 3k a month increase in net worth, not counting income capital gains. Considering moving in with roommates which would give me another 1k a month to invest but then my happiness would probably be a lot lower.

$930.30 to my name
22 y/o

Am I fucked?

this was not an original post, the fuck?

use that 52k to pay off your credit cards. What are you, stupid?

I had about 3k assets and 30k debt as a 22 year old, doing much better now

Depends what you have but honestly its never too late. I had 113 bucks to my name when I was 21. Im 24 now and have a house and a car not even 6 months old. Im a college drop. You dont need to go full blown stem meme if you're not suited for it. Find something financially practical you're good at. Trades are good honest work. Factory jobs are hit n miss but you can make bank if you suck enough dick. Honestly the richest guys I know are a few high school dropouts who all worked shit jobs and started a really specific niche business. One of them owns a company that shreds industrial amounts of paper. Hes 25 and drives a tesla and owns a 3000 sqft house with 2 kids and s stay at home wife

My credit cards are on autopay. That 2k is from the last month, it's not accruing interest, the bill date hasn't come in yet.

Not that it's a usual amount I spend in a month anyways, just had some things come up.

Good to hear. Between my car (owned) and my computer (only two real assets) I have prob 2k.
No debt though!

I'm thinking about going to tech school for welding. Feels good to hear I have time to pave my road.

Slow and steady...
>tfw paid off my $20k in loans after barely a year working

Have you read the FCIC's report on the financial crisis? I agree wholeheartedly with this user:

And, nempe, I forgot my image.

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It's gambling if you're investing on a short time horizon.

If your time horizon is 5+ years, then make steady investments in an S&P500 index and don't worry about it until your 5 years from needing to liquidate it. At that point you make your move when the market is good, you just need to think ahead so you're not caught in a downturn when you need to liquidate.

Do you wanna help out a poorfag who wants to die with some money

only $11K in retirement?

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I invested in real estate instead of stocks.

I'm starting to put money in stocks now that I realized being a landlord is laaaaame. I got lucky and at least brought appreciating properties, but being a landlord is like another job.. eh..

>Dad makes well over 6 figures
>Not even a million saved up I'm the bank.

Sorry user, but your dad is bad a finance.
Probably a bigger retard than you if he can't save up a million with a salary well over 6 figures

(Fucking autocorrect ruins everything)

property tends to appreciate anyway, but generally don't appreciate nearly as much as diversified portfolio I think? I don't know much about property (yet.) isn't it only like 5% appreciation, not accounting for inflation?

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>zero debt whatsoever; I paid off all my student loan debt last year (it was literally $380k, that's not a joke or a typo)
>$80k in my 401(k)
>$44k in my checking
>wife has $20k in her checking
>wife has $50k in her 401(k)
>no other savings

Am I doing okay, bros?

>much better off than almost all my friends
>still a total poorfag compared to most people ITT

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He probably meant well over 100k as in, 150-200k. Maybe he only made that much for a short period of time

>15.05 in cheque
>0.06 in savings
I quit smoking this monday passed for the sole purpose of saving money.
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna save, and do things with my life.
I'm gonna make it.

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>100 percent chance of winning
unlike stocks, you can play craps for 10 years straight and never get out of the hole

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I hope youre a doctor with that kind of student debt and lack of assets for a 33 year old. A software dev working since age 22 should have about 500k-1mil by your age.

literally how?!
good god, the loss in opportunity costs!
aslo unless youre explicitly saving for a house, theres no reason for more than about 10k in liquid cash.

Not going to post it, but it's 30% ETFs, 50% cash, 20% in p2p loans. I think there's going to be a downturn in the local market soon, so hopefully I can turn some of the cash into ETFs when the market drops.

If your minimum expenses are 5k a month and you dont have mommy and daddy to move in with in the event of a job loss I could see someone needing 60k or more in cash

whats up commbank bro?

I got 7k atm, but im away for work for a few weeks so hopefully itll climb a bit!

I'm getting plastic surgery and i want to move away to another state

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I have $4,410.35 in the bank and about $1000 in bitcoin that I bought a few years back and have been sitting on. The good news for me though is that I'm not a penny in debt and have 0 living expenses since I will be living in mommy's basement for at least 3 more years while I'm in college.

put that shit in a decent savings account if you don't want to risk the market, if you're leaving it in your smart access, inflation is cucking you

don't bother with CBA's pathetic rate, look at some of the 3% goal saver accounts out there

>lives with parents
>lie to them about having money saved
I'm a fucking mess

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Not much, i'm 19 and looking for a job at the moment. Gonna live with parents maybe until i'm 28 or 30. That's if life doesn't screw me over.

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>dont buy stock its fucken gambling

myth spread by tech-illiterate grandpas and manipulative financial advisors (which serve no purpose other than to swindle your money).

Stocks as a investment are safer than even real estate as a investment, why?

-Liquidity; you can open and close a position in a instant provided you're not trading OTC/PINKs like some Jow Forums retard and the volume is enough. Which usually shouldn't be a problem unless your moving hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in a single trade.

-low costs; commissions these days are flat $10 tops. The retarded myth of "high transaction costs kills stock picking!" is a leftover from a pre-computer era where stockbrokers were actually relevant and charged you $100+ to trade. Also can invest with little amounts (long term mutual funds with apps like Acorn). Only need $25,000 (say $30k for safety) to become a daytrader if you are into that. Compared to the vast sums required for a downpayment

-can put stop-losses and set max loss. In very volatile sessions there are chances where your stop-loss order will not be filled but usually that's due to pre/post-market moves and stop-loss orders entered incorrectly.

-can profit both ways in a down and up market thanks to short-selling. While in short-selling your max gains are 100% and your potential losses are in theory unlimited they still offer a way to make money when assets are losing value.

-can do any style. IF you want to gamble like a day-trader and hold your stocks in 5 seconds and try to gamble off those short swings you can try it. If you want to dump it all in mutual funds and not even touch those stocks in over 10 years you can also do that.

>20k cash
>6k stocks
>26k retirement
>17k cryptos
>6k other imvestements
Heres my 2 week paystub

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neet trust fund babby reporting in

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>3k in tax
This kills the man

That's not even all of it. A huge part of the pretax deductions are not coming back to me.

>most robots magically have 100k+

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I've been on Jow Forums since I was 15. In 14 years I've eventually managed to get a career along the way. I imagine many robots are like this too.

Can't be bothered logging in to take a screenshot but I have just shy of 6k

Mostly due to never spending money on anything but bills and rent

Please get rid of that horrible font

some original stuff 9r32

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Does anyone feel like lending a poorfag $130? I need a phone and I only have enough money to get phone service started and not enough to also get a phone. There's one on Amazon that would work and I could get phone service for about $25 a month. Anyone feel like being nice?

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I have no money. I don't need it. I spent my time accumulating social capital. People are willing to pay for things on my behalf just for the pleasure of being around me. My friends have covered about half of the food I've eaten in the past year. It's good to have friends.


Give me a (you) or leave Jow Forums for 2 days you clown

Around 700 euros in the bank and a couple hundred in a drawer at home. Got a job two weeks ago, if my calculations are correct it should take like 3 years for me to save 10k. Yay wageslaving.

>a couple hundred in a drawer
can I be your friend? I want to have tea with you at 5

I don't get it. Why pick me?

while you go get the cookies I go get the couple hundred

My apartment is 29 square meters. I would literally hear your every move.

>tfw mentally ill neet with $215k but still too inept to invest or buy a fucking thing with any of it.

Can I borrow $130 of that $215,000 to get a replacement phone? Or $130 + $75 to pay for three months of service in advance.

Sorry for the crude drawing, this is you trying to figure out what to do with all that money!

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thicc with 2c's

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get a job and stop begging for money on the internet

Wait until black friday to get a cheap and decent phone. That's what I did last year.

You stop being mean.

That's a good idea but I can't wait 3 months to get a phone.