Every time I do something fun all I can think about is how much better it would be if I was doing it with you.
Every time I do something fun all I can think about is how much better it would be if I was doing it with you
>Every time I do something all I can think about is how much better it would be if I was doing it alone.
What did you do that was fun?
Purge spreadsheeters with prejudice
>Every time I do something fun all I can think about is how much of a whore i am to do anything with you***
Today was really bad not fun. Thanks to my dysfunctional family doing the dumbest shit alive once again.
You're opening post made it sound like you had fun.
I know the feel of a dysfunctional family ruining things. My family causes a lot of stress.
My mentally ill 40 year old cousin was put in jail for molesting a kid when really he should be in a mental institution. I think my stupid extremely delirious grandma wants to sell 100k worth of our families acre ownings to bail him out. She shouldn't have the rights to do that when she hasn't worked at all in her whole life while it took my family decades to get what they have and she wants to blow it all on our cousin who has made all of our lives even harder. He is mentally deranged and has the brain of a 10-year old and deserves to be put out of his misery.
It's making me so nervous scared and confused. This all happened today in my extremely fucked up life and I'm chalking it up to another one of the hundreds of reasons to end my life.
And the best person in the whole world isn't here to comfort me right now.
Weird. My family sold a mountain we had owned to get their home out of the red and put my cousins into college. I didn't get any money no one close to me did. My father would have but he committed suicide in 2011.
Now I'm in a shitty 1000 person town living in an RV home. My mother crys and drinks everyday leading to me being insulted. She resents me and I'm a disappointment. I can't blame her. If I ever suicide it would be with her gun.
I don't know what to do. I feel completely powerless I'm just stuck.
Having someone to comfort you would be nice. All we have now is Jow Forums.
I've been rping with someone that doesn't care about me at all just to feel loved. I wouldn't recommend it.
My dad was shot and died in front of me in 2011. I don't want my family to lose the rights to the house I grew up in because he's not around to talk some sense into the retards of the family.
I think rp is really dumb and stupid but if it makes you happy and feel good user then I'm happy for you.
I always feel like I'm one of the only robots left.
I don't feel happy at all. It is just a way to pass time. I don't even feel aroused by it.
Our fathers past away at similar times. I'm sorry for your loss. I found his body but I doubt it's the same idea. After he was gone his family swarmed like insects and took his things. I hate them. The only way I remember him is my memories which I don't have a lot of. He would be really disappointed with me.
My home life is very inconsistent. I've been told to pack my bags 4 times in 6 months. I don't know what to do.
I think my dad would be disappointed in me too.
I've tried to get a job but it's just so hard I don't know what's wrong with me. I think my mom resents me because all I do is sit in my room all day bringing in no money and crying about a guy on the internet who doesn't love me.
Even though I try hard to do things to help. I clean the whole house, wash the dishes, do the laundry, make the food, cut the grass, take out the trash. But she still see's me as a disappointment.
It's hard I know but maybe you should try to get a job too and move out if your family is bringing you down.
Hey again Tomoko Poster,i really wish that things go well for you,but i must ask.
Have you Tryed Numming the Pain with Drugs
I need to get a job. The only one I have found is a minimum wage part time job at a bar. I couldn't live with that.
I lost the last job I had because I couldn't leave my bed. For quite some time I'd just lay there doing nothing. I could get up for anything I even did that bathroom bottle thing. I disgust myself thinking about it. I've promised myself I wouldn't be like that again. But I'm not doing anything to stop that. I'm honestly scum. I barely help out at all. Most of my time is spent crying online. Mostly reading about others crying.
If I ever manage to escape I don't want to see anyone in my family again.
Every time I drink alcohol I start crying really hard then pass out.. I smoked weed before it's ok.. Cigarettes are stupid but I guess they can be comfy sometimes but only very occasionally..
I've only had 1 real job. I had a terrible experience and one day I had a panic attack and did no call no show. Made me sad because the manager was nice to me and said I was a good worker but he was the only nice person who worked there and I never got to see him.
Before that I helped in my dads restaurant when I was 6-10 years old. Was the most comfy time of my life. There was a room with arcade machines and I got free quarters and I could control what songs played on the speakers in the restaurant. I miss these days so much..
Smoke Weed, I mean i feel empty inside and want to hurt myself and others when i'm not high,so smoke pot ti'll your dull as a Potato.
I would but I have 0 friends irl and I would run out of money.
My brother smokes though and he's the only one who's nice to me so he would probably share..
I've worked at 3 jobs. Retail was the longest. I quit because I was going to college. Worked there 6 months I liked it. Coworkers were even kind to me.
Then a restaurant. I got fired on my second day. Said I wasn't going to make it. I was a dishwasher. Finally at a fast food sandwich shop. That's when I just broke. I don't even know why it happened.
I don't have many fond memories if childhood. My father was an alcoholic he'd scream and insult me until I cried over everything. I still respect him and wish he didn't do what he did.
I've tried drinking similarly to you I've just cried. The one time I got drunk I woke up in a hospital bed naked with my wrists cut. I can't remember anything before that. They just let me go I thought I'd be put in a psych ward or something but nope. They let me go and gave me a bill for 6000 dollars. I haven't paid a penny in two years. It still causes a lot of anxiety for me.
I've avoided any mind altering things since.
I Don't Have Any Friends Either, I Just smoke in my room.
I'm afraid one day I'll drink too much and I'll kill myself. But really that might be a good thing.
Do you like guys and are you open to your family about it?
Where do you get your weed? Because since I have 0 friends and 0 contacts irl that aren't family it's impossible for me to get it.
I Live in canada, you can buy it online (the non deep web) and get it mailed right too your P.O Box.
If I ever do suicide I'm not going to drink. I think I'd mess it up somehow. I think the only way it will get to that is if I become homeless.
I do like guys. I've never said anything to my family. They just seem to know. It could be that I've never been with a woman but I've never brought a guy home.
I don't think that affects their opinion of me though they never really bring it up.
Don't Kill yourself man please you seem like a nice person don't.
>having someone to miss
>not being completely isolated with online imageboards being your only form of communication
Oh sorry. I'm in USA and it's still illegal in my state.
That's good, user. I'm glad your family doesn't make fun of you for that or anything.
I have plans to kill myself from co poisoning in the middle of October this year. It makes me really nervous and scared but I said to myself I would do it since 2016 and I'm going to.
This was before I met the love of my life who I thought would change everything, but I guess I put too much faith into him and expected too much..
This was and is my only form of communication besides my family who I don't even talk to. I even met him on here.
Well user glad to see ur still alive
>Anime poster who chatted with you some yesterday
Hey Boys How about we try and make The day a bit better, Tomoko Poster What do you like (Other then that guy)
Yesterday was really hard and today was really upsetting but I can't kill myself before I said I would or I'd be just as useless in death as life..
I like comfy drives at night and cooking and eating yummy food
You should read my posts. I'm very scummy to only people I have left.
My family doesn't really care about that stuff. I don't know how they'd react if I brought someone over but that will never happen.
I really enjoy October. The weather is nice as is the look. Halloween was my favourite holiday. There could be a worse time to go. I don't think I'd use co.
I've never fallen in love with someone. I've never given it a chance. I'm not very fun to be around even online. I don't do anything so I never get close to people. I add people from here but it never goes any where.
My trust is ruined. I always doubt everyone I talk to. I don't confront them about it but it effects things. I don't think I'll ever fall in love with someone. That might be for the best. Although I really want to be loved and have affection.
Would you Listen to Synth Music And Go for comfy Drives?
You're not useless and you should contact me at my throwaway email thompsondon36gmail so we can chat because i said so
As i sent the post i thought you were tomoko poster, then i realized who you were
TL:DR I'm Too Stoned
I think I was like you in a lot of ways until I met him
I discovered a lot about myself because of him
I thought I couldn't feel love at all
True love waits and true love is rare
But at the same time it hurts it hurts really bad
I like to do this it's really fun
But I'm not able to do it as much as I want because gas is expensive
Talking off of Jow Forums makes me really really nervous, user..
You have nothing to fear or be nervous about user..i promise i'm a good person
>Also check out my bane thread ^__^
I think I can feel love. It will extremely difficult to. It'll take a perfect person for me.
As sweet as it would be to feel love and affection I'm not sure I want it. In sure I would ruin it. I'm too insecure for anything like that to last.
The closest I've gotten to love or romance was someone changing their username to be similar to mine.
Your oneitis is a piece of shit, how do you care about them?
I feel bad for you op. you sound like a nice and comfy person