Can one be a mommy gf even if having smol boobs ?

can one be a mommy gf even if having smol boobs ?

real question

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Yes, definitely. It's all in the personality and they're so rare people won't be picky over something like that.

I don't see why not.

That said, inducing lactation will cause about a full cup size in breast growth on average. I mean, if you're going to be a "mommy" to someone, that's something to consider. All-natural breast enhancement.

yes, being mommy gf is state of mine and dynamic and lovey dovey inner feels
pls be my mommy gf

I can safely say I would absolutely want a mommy gf regardless of breast size. I don't think there's more than a few thousand of them in existence so there's no point being picky.

Oh! I thought you had to be preggy to lactate. That's what I get for not doing my research, thank
like you said user, it's about the love first. I don't think I could date someone just right off the bat as a mommy relationship. That kinda just comes naturally

I think most girls have much more of a natural tendency to be nurturing and mommy-like than most may think. I think using the terms "mommy" might scare some if they are more normie- inclined and a man who always acts childish might be a turn off as well. I used to think I was a sub, but after trying mommy stuff once i was absolutely hooked. Just try to find a girl whose naturally nurturing and that could really help!

>I thought you had to be preggy to lactate
That is 100% the easiest way to get milk flowing. However, besides hormonal changes, demand is other way to get it started. It's a lot more difficult to pull off (without cheating and using domperidone), but with enough stimulation, lactation will eventually start. There's lots of resources on the the internet that go into greater detail.

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i was just shitpostin, i know the actual relationship has to come first and it can't be all CG/L dynamic all the time, gotta build a nice solid foundation for it
i bet it's really fucking comfy to be able to call someone mommy whenever you wanted and have her liking it though ;w;

i've actually talked to a few nurturing type girls just as friends and they were all pretty turned off by the idea of it, which makes me scared for my prospects ;w;

Will you be my mommy owo

heck yaas

giv smol tiddy mommy gf

how about notiddie mommy gf?

??? is this a trick again

no, why would you think its a trick?

are you a girl (male)? or the real kind

the real kind, i should have probably specified

ok. deal. you are now my gf

I don't think that's how relationships works, friend.

>how about notiddie mommy gf?
i want this, sounds mega cute

Sounds perfect to me. I prefer small breasts, to be honest. Besides, as others have said, your attitude is probably going to be a lot more important anyway.

>tfw too old for a mommy gf
All I can hope for now is a bully gf that tells me what to do.
>tfw I still won't get that

out of curiousity how old is too old?

Probably past 23. Even I can sense it becoming weird at that point and women would be more critical.

tfw 27 virgin and have zero hopes

Yeah? I'm 42, how do you think I feel? I know I'm too old, but unfortunately, that doesn't affect my needs or wants.

user... im so sorry
i can't even imagine myself being 42 and wanting a mommy gf, i'd probably be dead or something god damn
fuck man it's a fuckin curse

Well, at least I have my cats. I love them, and they occasionally condescend to cuddle with me. So, y'know, at least someone does. But yeah, it seems pretty clear that there's a horrible supply-and-demand imbalance at any age. I hope you find someone before you get to my age.

have you had previous relationships though user?but god damn i hope so too, feels like a ticking clock

how do they work?? this is r9k

I as a mommy gf would not discriminate and in fact have not minded older mens.
Mommy is a mindset not an age range.
Also if you somehow found a lady your age she would automatically look more the part. Why have you not tried for even older gfs? They must exist and at that point I think they wouldn't care much if you were intrested in something like that.

I have actually had a few relationships, and they were all disasters of one kind or another. Some were with people younger than myself, some with people older than myself.

One was physically abusive, one turned out to be some kind of compulsive liar, one turned out to be a drug-addicted lunatic who thought I could save her somehow, one discovered she was actually a lesbian, and the rest turned out to be colossally dysfunctional people barely capable of caring for themselves who were hoping I could do so for them.

I know that sounds like a lot of relationships, but most of them didn't last very long, and I have enough fingers to count the total number of times I've had actual sex. Which probably makes me a normie to some people here, but the last one was more than five years ago now, and I swear I have PTSD from that shit.

You know what I learned? Loneliness is not, in fact, the worst thing that can happen to you. Which somehow just makes it all that much worse.

I just realize that I'm a mommy gf, even though I don't have mommy milkies
> I always wake my bf up and make him breakfast
> Help him with uni
> Cook him
> Always give him gifts, even though he can't afford any gift to me
> Let him live in my apartment
> Take him to restaurants any time he wants
> When his family had financial 's problems I always helped em
> Way stronger than him, I always play with him and lift him

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what the heck user that's amazing ;_; i can only hope to have a nice mommy gf like that that's honestly awesome
how'd you guys meet? what do you like about him? :3
>tfw jealous and lonely reading this even though it might be fake

Fall in love with me!
or not, it's up to you really

> rise in a small town
> no friends
> everyone thinks I'm a weirdo
> move out alone to a big city to study
> "now I can meet all the people from internet who lives here :3"
> start making a lot of friends in uni and also from internet
> Some guys and also some girls try to ask me out but I'm autistic af and with 0 experience so I play dumb
> Talking to some guy in a telegram cg, he's also from this city
> We have a lot of things in common
> He ask me to meet up so I could help him with uni
> He already knowed that I'm an autistic fag that have no experiences with guys
> We meet up

Basically he did the whole "hard work" so we start dating in a more serious way like a week after our first meeting.

d'aww... that's a nice story user, the guy bringing you out of your shell and gettin a mommy gf in the process ;_;
>tfw not even remotely social enough to do that kind of stuff
fuck, i feel like im not built for this world since i love being alone so much

idk I guess it's just meeting the correct ppl. I uses to thought that almost all people were retards normiefags, and then I come across with a looot of people who has a lot of interest in common with me, and also some people who also lurks IBs and that kind of things.

ops pic made me feel