Any of you guys squat shit? Tried it for the first time and holy shit! The whole process seems a lot cleaner now...

Any of you guys squat shit? Tried it for the first time and holy shit! The whole process seems a lot cleaner now. Not a single stain on my ass nor was there a mess in the toilet. Just a nice, smooth, and solid chunk. It also felt a lot easier on the body to push out.

Attached: embeddedIMG_howtopoopright_850px_2-600x600.jpg (600x600, 21K)

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You use a foot stool? Hover over your toilet and squat like a man. Or while you’re at it do some squats and rep out your shits for some extra momentum and an excuse to skip leg day.

This is more garbage stuff you learned off Facebook from liberals wanting to make pajeets feel normal.

t. manlet
how is there possibly enough space for you to hover over the toilet

Does this mean doing anal while she's squatting makes her ass more loose?

It doesn't loosen your anal hole, it just aligna your prostate more straight and not squashed

T. Lanket just assumed everyone can squat above the toilet

>natural position that human body adapted to over thousands and thousands of years to allow for optimal shitting
>toilets are like 5000 years old
>dude this is clearly facebook garbage to normalize feelings indians have

who is trolling who here, is the real question?

Who the fuck had a toilet 5000 years ago?

Toilets were holes dug in the ground.

Confession: I'm 30 years old and I have never successfully shat sitting down in my life. I mount the toilet like a degenerate every time I have to go. I fear that one day I might be too old to do this without falling off and killing myself.

I bought a Squatty Potty from Costco about a year ago and I swear I can't shit properly anywhere but my home now. Feels even better taking a shit in full squat position though.

this is the correct shitting position, you fucking amateurs.
until you do pic related you will never experience shit shooting out of your anus like a bullet

Attached: designated.jpg (420x420, 17K)


You think this is a fucking joke?

Absolutemênt basé et rougepillé

pajeets apparently

Its even better if you squat and cough just as you start to push. Its like your body is launching its own torpedo made of shit.
Try it it'll change your life.

read about this last night

Leaning forward when you sit achieves the same hip angle. Squatty potties are such a meme

I have chronic constipation, pushing it out is agonizing and takes hours in the bathroom sometimes, will this help me?

Try it and find out

Been doing it for the last few years, literally quicker than pissing desu

it's the correct way for humans to shit

Oh God my sides

Been squatting as long as I can remember, despite my mum's efforts to stop me from doing so as a kid. Absolutely it is better; pre-civilisation humans were squatting in fields to shit, not sitting on cold porcelain bowls.

I always used to have problems shitting/abdominal pain until I got one of these. It’s really helped; basically forces you to relax and the shit just slides out.

When my kids started using the toilet we got a step and I started using it like this. It is definayely better. Less needing to push. Less chance of piles

lmfao I chuckled