Why is rock n roll no longer popular?

Why is rock n roll no longer popular?

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Because the taste of the mainstream is in a constant state of change, there's no telling what will become popular and what will fall out of favor with the public.

Grunge isn't rock n roll
Dumb dumb.

Rock stagnated and didnt evolve enough to retain the attention of the masses. Also niggers amiright?

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Jews pushed nigger music to be hip and cool, despite sounding like shit.

>niggers amiright
i get what you're implying but
>doesn't understand the roots of rock n roll at all


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White girl here
I don't listen to rock coz they're all ugly white bois
I listen to rap coz the rappers are hot black guys

it was popular for decades dude, let it go.

It's true that Jews control what people hear and don't hear but if you don't like hip hop you are a straight up busta

From wikipedia:
Grunge (sometimes referred to as the Seattle sound) is a fusion genre of alternative rock, punk rock, and heavy metal.

'twas the end times of music heralded by the niggers and the repetitive trash

That is meaningless. Is thriller considered horror because they're similar. Don't be dumb.

Max Martin (look him up, it's incredible) and Lukasz Gottwald found a formula that worked and made songs sell. They cracked the code.

Also, millennials have shorter attention spans.

I really miss these old school type of memes


Rock had a good run though

No. That would not be a correct analogy.
A better analogy would be that two films could be
a horror and a thriller but they would both be tragedies.

Rock and roll is literally nigger music you retard.

>Rock and roll is literally nigger music you retard.
The only retard here is you tbf.

Yeah m8 you're the one being dumb. user is right. Grunge is a genre within rock.

Never talk about music ever again. Especially on /mu/.
They will rip you apart over there.
Unless this is some ironic meta troll bullshit. Then fuck off.

shifting demographics, expensive instruments, the hassle of getting 3-5 people together in the same room and sounding good, fuck moving drums around, too similar to what people's parents listened to, exhausted genre, lyrics and themes too detached from reality compared to other genres (eg rap), probably an element of (((conspiracy))) influence, etc

Rock used to be the main source of expression and critics(about society, live, etc...) years ago, nowadays this function is shifting to rap and hip hop, basically rap and hip hop are the rock n roll of this time.

>rap and hip hop
Stop that, stop doing that now

>Never talk about music ever again. Especially on /mu/.
You're not making yourself look any smarter with a remark like this.

You are underage. You cant prove me wrong because you cant comprehend an actual argument. So you shit out non responses.
So can you tell me why I am wrong or are you going to be a retard all day?

>Rock used to be the main source of expression and critics(about society, live, etc...) years ago, nowadays this function is shifting to rap and hip hop, basically rap and hip hop are the rock n roll of this time.
Not these days. Rap was like that in the 90s. since the 00s, rap has all been about big booty bitches and da club.

Shut up! /mu/ is the patrician board. huh? tempo? quaver? legato? wtf is that shit we only talk about music here1

Faggot nobody is discussing Mozart in this thread. A debate between hip hop and rock is retarded whoever chooses to participate which is you

Because it just isn't, why do you even care if it's popular or not? Just listen to it if you like it. I personally think that most of the older popular rock music is just as boring as the stuff they play on the radio nowadays.

Rap is about hedonism, plain and simple.
Our culture reflects this.At least rock had a deeper meaning.

Rock has no deeper meaning........

>At least rock had a deeper meaning.
*tips le fedora*

yo dawg das racist we wuz against da system n sheeit

70's rock onwards was a very white man thing. Our current sjw culture hates that shit so it died in popularity

Rock was the product of bored ass privileged white boomers with the most leisure time of any generation creating uncreative sounds relying on one repetitive instrument (electrical guitar) to write angsty political protests songs or love songs

Because the last great rock bands were a while ago now. Talking Heads were probably the last legendary group in the genre. Grunge was just an even more angsty, middle class, teenage, commercial version of late 70s punk rock. Nothing new was done in that time, and when something so derivative dominates the genre on such a scale for a while, it doesn't inspire much revolutionary change afterwards. If anything it has made people pine for the old days of the 60s and 70s, hence why every current rock trend is some kind of revival. Neopsych mainly.

>At least rock had a deeper meaning.

>Talking Heads were probably the last legendary group in the genre.
Radiohead and Nirvana.

nirvana sucks but radiohead is great mainly because they ditched rock for bleep bloops

>nirvana sucks
bad meme

Explosions in the sky is the only rock band with deep lyrics

buttrock vocals are not good

Society became more disjointed and people have become more reclusive and autistic so people started listening to pure autism machine noises.

nigger music for whites, you're right. I meant trap/rap/hip hop. It's so horrible, I just want medieval music to make a comeback

Because it was just a phase. Why do people act like rock is some ahistorical genre or the culmination of all music? We're not at the end of history, rock ran out ideas, music moved on. You don't see Baroque musicians writing thinkpieces asking what went wrong do you? Build a better future.

Nirvana were awful. Cringeworthy lyrics written purely to shift millions of albums to angsty teens. No subtlety to their music, just cliches and pandering. All a carefully executed marketing plan. Shame because they wrote some good riffs. Radiohead? Yeah, maybe you got me there.

>Nirvana were awful.
bad meme

Pearl Jam is better.

But rock is the most important and most popular genre in the history of popular music. It brought about immense cultural change in the 50s and 60s in particular. It had the power to quite literally change the world in a way that transcended music. Inspiring political movements, exposing the world to drug culture, breaking down social barriers like race, sexuality, etc. That's why its supposed death is far more significant than that of baroque music's.

They were though.
>We're so saaad maaan, life is so unfaaair dude
There's a reason it has aged like milk.


The Meme Generation killed it.

I'll fucking take 10 trillion soundcloud/bandcamp music makers/rappers with the lifespan of 2 months in the spotlight and coming out with the most heterodox/avant-gard sounds just to get attention over a band of old ass white dudes drug deadbeats trying to re-live their glory days where they haven't innovated at all yet boomers still listen to their shit due to nostalgia banking.

Look at the lives of Ozzy, Jerry Garcia, John Bohman, Brian Jones, and kurt cocaine and how they turned out. Also Lennon was a wifebeater. You'd expect these wrecks to come from backgrounds like G unit but these blokes had it all but blew thanks to muh angsty repetitive guitar beats. Can't wait for rock to die. I'll take Cuban Salsa or those future funk tunes over rock.

Even Classical music which today (original works) only subsists as soundtrack pieces in movies is more innovative than rock. Bob Dylan no better than soulja boy's lyricism

>in the history of popular music
Oh the most popular genre in the history of popular music? And what happened in the 20th century? Mass media. Popular music before mass media is just folk music, which is something else entirely. To say that rock music is the most popular genre in the history of popular music is to name three categories without actually making a comparison. Rock's just a distended group of symbols. Let it bleed.

Kurt Cobain would be cool if he wasn't a mega cuck

Rock is no longer edgy
Black Metal is edgy because it's generally made by criminals, neo-nazis, and ex-cons.
Rock is listened to by old boomers

The music is just lacking for me, especially modern hip hop, and what's considered popular. It gets to a point where you question if the rapper is even recounting truthful events, it seems all they do is talk about doing drugs and having sex, it's pushing this generation further into a cult of degeneracy which will leave them hollow and empty. And yes, it's nigger music, it's rhythmic based and puts very little attention into melody, any interesting use of harmonies and melodies is overlooked and thrown on a 30second loop. People care more about the "flow" of the rapper than they do about the vivid imagery conjured up by the passion and emotion in the delivery. It's music that lacks a character, it feels hollow and for that I can't appreciate the large majority of it.

now i get it. rock was the go-to music for kids who hate their dads back then. Now since your dad is a rock loving boomer, you rebel by listening to hip hop, lo fi or what ever repulsive stuff to piss your dad off.

Take a look not only at the Beatles' sales, but their cultural impact. Elvis too, while you're at it. Name me a single music artist not classed as rock on their levels, and then we can discuss it. Stop with that shitty semantics argument.

>People care more about the "flow" of the rapper than they do about the vivid imagery conjured up by the passion and emotion in the delivery.
I'm not even a massive hip hop fan but that is so far from the truth. You're just thinking of mainstream hip hop that dominates charts. Of course pop bullshit is vapid and requires little talent. The same can be said of any genre's most popular songs. What you seem to be ignoring or forgetting is that the so-called greatest hip hop albums according to serious fans of the genre are judged on exactly the things you described. Passionate delivery, vivid imagery, conscious lyrics, heart, etc.

dubs of truth. hip hop in general also has a cultural impact: normalizing thug attitude and degeneracy in women

isn't hip-hop/trap shit currently bigger than the pop formula songs? They don't have their hands in that

You are a retard who is trying way too hard to seem smart.

Only because it came at a age where globalization was just getting started along with the western world youth being bored as fuck and able to waste time on music thanks to the postwar prosperity and ample leisure time. Jet engines helped travel and world tours. Turd worlders were just starting to get radios and they viewed anything from west with marvel. We could have had any other music genre take that spot as there was nothing unique/specific in rock to have specifically caused that. We could have had the boomers being Baroque chamber music fanatics if that happened to the popular music in those globalization years.

Justin Bieber
Michael Jackson

Inb4 "they dont compare!!". Beatles cultural impact consisted of making Americans realize that England had music and a couple of angsty politcal songs and teenyboppers/fangirling. Though I will give you one for Elvis had more impact on popularizing the new devil music genre of rock and roll.

Louis Armstrong had more impact on political/racial aspects than the entirety of the Beatles

I cant even tell if this shit is bait anymore.
I refuse to believe the vastness of a genre like Hip Hop is boggled down to stupid shit like this.

I didn't call rock "low iq sounds" much like how many describe rap. Go back to listening to led Zeppelin grandpa

Nobody even cares about flow anymore. That shit's for grandpas. But whatever. We're just in that process of decline that's inevitable once women start getting power in a society.

Radio and p2p killed rock. All the decent, unique bands were pushed off the radio (when the law about owning multiple stations was changed) in favor of "mass appeal" garbage like nickelback, hoobastank, seether and all the generic bands. Nobody was pirating their stuff, and they got pushed to bb top 40 due to a demographic shift in people who still listened to the radio, while other bands perished under their inability to get signed and rampant piracy. The stations were costly to run with little return, so larger companies buying them up wanted to operate at as low-cost as they could, which meant those same bands now suddenly matched genres they normally wouldn't have and played on multiple stations. The ones that did manage to gain traction were ones that toured their asses off, developed a following, sold merchandise, and filled a niche, or they were already popular.

>Beatles cultural impact consisted of making Americans realize that England had music and a couple of angsty politcal songs and teenyboppers/fangirling.
They pretty much determined which drugs became popular across the world depending on what they were taking. They also influenced fashion like no other music artist. But these are just non-music related things; their influence in terms of recording techniques and songwriting was astronomical and set the tone for everything that came afterwards. Rubber Soul/Revolver/Sgt Pepper collectively are essentially ground zero for modern music.

I know you guys are all like 15 to 25 so you don't know what you are talking about so go ahead and tune to a classic rock station (if you can find one) and listen to it a for month and nothing else.

It's dumb-as-dirt, trashy nigger shit only it's being sung by middle class white people. It's as soulless and inauthentic as music gets. I'm not saying it's ALL bad, but the vast majority is just as dumb as rap that you hate so much.

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cuz that shit's not trill, senpai
it's all about fast clicky hats and mumbling in triplets now

this. there are a FEW exceptions but what you said still holds true.

This. Beatles are GOAT. Most innovative song of all time coming through...

Can anyone give me a decent rock song without the electrical guitar?

Can't stand the repetitive sound of that instrument. like I imagine it would be easier finding a half decent jazz song without the trumpet

Fuck your stupid picky autism.

trips of truth. user is just a picky autist

Are you joking? Electric guitar is the best thing about rock and roll for me.
You sound like an autist that thinks he's smart for liking classical music

>But rock is the most important and most popular genre in the history of popular music.

Lmao no it wasn't. Classical was around for centuries and there's 5 billion views on despacito which is probably more than every rock song has ever been listened to in history.

What a shitty ass music genre dependent on one single sound.

I'll stick to lo-fi jungle beats

>Le fast drums

you aint kidding

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Marilyn Manson and rock songs about Satan are edgier than rap songs

It will come back, don't worry. This shit comes in waves. Hip hop is popular now, but soon rock will take over again. Same thing happened in the 90's and early 00's. 80's rock bands and metal fell out of favor for rap and boy band type shit, then a few years later nu metal came around then not long after that it was all about rock music during the Myspace days.

Dumbest post of the year. The Beatles have sold between 500 and 600 million records, imagine how many times their biggest hits have been heard. That's just album and single SALES, by the way. Not counting streams and radio play.

>tfw all my friends either like K pop or Hip hop
>They constantly talk about how Kpop singers are so attractive
>Tfw I just want to play some rock n roll and dance

Is it distorted guitar or just electric guitar in general that you dislike?

nice larp jamal

You just need to look OP. Quit being so fucking lazy. It's not popular because people aren't willing to look for shit themselves, instead be spoon fed garbage on a daily basis. Rock n roll will never be what it once was. Quit dwelling on the past and find new bands.

I liked their Meat Puppets covers.

Wonder in what direction they would've went had Cobain not killed himself.

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Nigger rock has absolutely nothing to do with modern or post rock since late 70s fucktard. If you think this then hip/rap oringiated within folk music.

Why do stupid cuckolds and niggers think that niggers invented electric music/guitar?

Lmao. Boomers are fucking delusional. ACDC and Led Zeppelin are not deep

People didn't search for rock and roll in the eras where it was popular, which is the entire point of the term popular

Literally what does have to do with anything?
Are you dumb????

Crappy but better than anything today
>Led Zeppelin
Definitely deep.

Lemme guess. You like chill vapor wave sounds and "Joji" beats

>referencing Lord of the Rings a couple of times or wailing about groupies is deep

You already answered your own question. That cunt Cobain killed it.

I don't like rap because I can't relate to it. It's nothing like my life. Now Black Metal relates to my life.

Imagine having IQ this low.

It was overrun by white people and so it is no longer culturally relevant.