The sentence that made you start lifting

>Chad's heartrate is alot lower than user's, but he's an Athlete so that's why

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>clean up your bloody room


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Normal weight for average height white male.

>I'm sorry I left the restaurant and was all emotional at that time. actually I was not about to complain, I just wanted to thank you for everything. I was really happy to date you. I'm sorry we wont be spending time together on Christmas. you were a good boyfriend. thank you so much.

I never replied to that text

Pic related is average white male

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Didnt even try/10
Heres your (you)

Disgusting. Also not anywhere near average height.

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>start lifting because i've been lethargic and craving to protect and cuddle with someone and want to better myself

i've been called skinny and hate seeing myself the way i am so i don't have a sentence, but enjoy your night

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>hey user, so we were wondering, is Chad working today, can we speak to him?
Not even a please or thank you. Had the biggest smile in my face when I told them they missed him and he already left for the day though. They were gone before I finished taking

'Girls like muscles bro!'

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How is lifting going to help you lower your heartrate?

It lowers your resting heart rate

Cardio does, lifting does jack shit for the heart.

Not a sentence, just looking myself and realizing i could do better

>wow user you're so skinny

I said as I got out of bed. Turning 26 and having back pain isn't a good sign so I started lifting.

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>Come on man let's go to the gym
And like that for 3 weeks before that fatass talked me into going to the gym with him. After I gained 20kg of muscles and turned my life around I thanked him for starting a chain reaction that turned me into a chad

>'Yer looking """""""a little bit"""""""" chubbier aren't ya?'
I kinda was self aware already when I looked in the mirror and saw kim jong-un looking back at me.

rip Zyzz

Wash your penis, bucko

You feel so frail user, are you eating enough?

I've always been lifting on and off but
>"All your weight are useless, when you'll be forty, you'll be like like me son, you'll see!"
Got me really into it.

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There isn't a sentence that comes with a ghost after 5 months of your first relationship.

Despite my phrasing I'm not hung up on it. I was just depressed for years before the relationship started, and she wasn't the reason I got dragged out of it so I didn't want to make her the reason I got dragged back into it.

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If im understanding this right, gf just ghosted after 5 months of dating?

This is fucking retarded. Ive been ghosted out of a few week fwb or psudo-grey-zone dating situation. But a ghost after 5 months? Somebody please stop these thots.


actually my mom and brother said i was to skinny when i was 16, so my mom drove me to the gym and bought me a membership

I am very thankful to this when im 21 today

I want to fuck bitches

>Just wanted to let you know that I am in a relationship with someone now.

Two years together, she got a new man 2 months after our breakup. Put in for a gym membership that day and have been lifting ever since. That was around 4-5 years ago. So mostly an anger rage thing, I try to have minimal contact with women.

>I try to have minimal contact with women

"You're a funny guy user, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now"
>Gets a bf later that month

If you want to be with a Jow Forums girl you wont unless you are also Jow Forums

Cope. Average height for a male is around 6 feet. The 5'10" figure comes from the fact that old people are factored in, but they aren't your competition so they shouldn't count

>You look like a cardboard cutout from the side

This. Stupid bitch

"user you are going to die." -nurse practitioner.

"Who is the tallest guy in the room" came up as some question in a drinking game. Ended up comparing height with a buff dude.

"Oh you're 6'1? I thought you were shorter, maybe it's because you're so skinny."

"Yeah I thought Chad was taller but its probably because he's so big lol"

>Chad leaves party with the hottest girl I know later that night

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Women are always looking for a boyfriens you dope.
Do you think any single woman would say no to a goodlooking rich guy?
You are just ugly or poor or both handsome guy

She straight up told me I was good looking, so explain that, and I'm not poor either

Where is she now if you know? Hopefully in a worse place

Compounds have a cardiovascular effect. If you don't have a higher heart rate after doing squats or deadlifts i don't know what the fuck you're doing in the gym.

Well CLEARLY she was trying to let you down easy but apparently you're too dense to pick up the hint.

I'm not dense just inexperienced

You have to go back

alright dude then your learning experience is that women are always available for chad

If they did that every day they’d probably lose some weight

>bro are you going bald?
Nothing will scare a man into being physically fit like the prospect of balding in your early 20s

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resistance training has positive effect on cardiovascular health. there are journals regarding this. though I doubt the benefit would be far from doing actual cardio

I have the physical traits of a chad, that being tall, well built and good looking, however I do not desire to fuck thots, I want a good christian wife. Should I give up on this and pursue a life of empty meaningless sex instead?

>mum calls you skinny
>the person responsible for providing you food criticizes your nutritional habits

your mum is a gains goblin

It really isn't that complicated.

Your experiences with women from this point on will provide you with two perspectives that will very rarely match up with each other. They are basically the things women say vs the things women do. Feel free to ignore literally everything that they say whenever you have evidence for what they do.

In your instance, she told you she wasn't looking for a bf, but then shortly after she got a bf.

She also probably wasn't lying to you. It was just the truth FOR HER at that particular moment in time, their truths are generally subjective and are going to be based on massively environmental factors like her friends and their relationships, her hormones based on her position in her cycle and her fee fees at that particular moment in time.

It's really funny but if you start ignoring most of what women say you'll have a much easier time in dating and life in general.

Am I the only one not lifting for something some dumb roastie said to them? Jow Forums is literally COPE

Can you loser fags please stop going on about a Christian wife. Do you even go to church?


Im a devout Christian thank you very much, I expect my wife to be as well

people that don't just don't need to whine about it itt

Yes. I'm almost tempted to post tits but they're not really worth the ban

"when do you want to go to bootcamp?"

Fair enough user, looks can be subjective (to an extent) just cause she thinks you're ugly doesn't necesserily mean you are.

"anons got 25% more cream. LOL 25% MORE CREAM. thats what i'll call you from now on user."

and it all doesnt matter cause even tho im not fat anymore and Jow Forums, im still a fucking manlet that no woman will ever want

Based Deltora Quest, loved that shit as a kid
Keep going breh, I was horribly depressed since 15 or so, and have been slowly improving it over the years. 21 right now, next step is to beat the anxiety.


>oneitis got my number after 4 years of no contact with each other
>she asks for a "closure"
>I go crazy because she also hasn't moved on
>we talked about so much stuff that morning, but only one thing stuck
>"wow you've gained weight"
She's moved on, at least I have huge pecs and a 6 pack, right guys?

>ghosted after 2 months relationship
>final text had the cringiest shit like "I need to find my inner peace. And I need to be alone for that"

Anyway, back on topic. Family doctor said "you're officially obese now user. You need to lose 3 kg by next year". I lost 30 kg in 5 months. By the time the next check up came along she was impressed af, but said I needed to join the gym to get some muscle mass back. It's been 4 years since that happened and my life is so much better now. Finally lost my khv at 24, and even after that crazy thot ghosted me I still feel good because I'm improving everyday. If I could get her, I can get another one who's even better.

>Be lifting shitty 10kg dumbells at home and occasionally go to gym with friends
>Be skelly
>Farmer uncle comes into room
>"Are those real weights or inflateable?"
>"Oh i didn't think you would be able to pick them up"

That really stang, especially considering I had a 50kg bench 1RM at the time

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Fuck I thought it was just me

Bottom line said "obese".

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As an American i can say that this is not true

Shit dude sorry

Lol user skipped heart day

In small European countries, definitely. In America and everywhere else on earth, not even close. It's cool to be tall, you don't have to pretend everyone else is short

If I go from skinny DYEL to buff will people perceive me as taller? Asking for a friend

>Are you sure you want a lap dance feel like I may crush you.

Said to me by a small skinny stripper, I was like 120lbs at the time and knew I had to bulk up after that.

"you're not much bigger than me" -qt3.14 I had chrush on

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It means you're ugly. Like your fat female friend whos pretty cook, but shes fat and ugly so you'd never be a thing

What the fuck does this sentence mean? And how tall are you?

For me it was waking up one day and checking the IG story of my girl on a date with another guy
I'm hispanic and live in north america, being around here has passified me severely.
Never forget anons, don't give her equal footing in the relationship, don't feed her ego, make her understand she exists to serve you and degrade her when possible, because if you don't put her into place she goes around with other guys thinking she's free to do so.
Women are gains goblins and you've never made it if you stop lifting because you feel safe and comfortable, you've made it when you come home and she's waiting for you with a hot dinner and fearful of you.
Muslims were right all along.

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I have no competition when it comes to height. I am short enough that I only attract women who have a fetish for short guys.

Fuck off spic

You sound like the kind of guy I steal girls from at parties

>I still feel good because I'm improving everyday. If I could get her, I can get another one who's even better.

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Wanting your own gf/wife to fear you.....Jesus I wish all non whites died.

I’m trying to use it as a motivator to get everything else in order. Physically fit, dress nice, finances in order, well read, interesting hobbies. That being said, being bald at 23 sucks major arse


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>the only way to not be a literal cuck is to be shitty to women
I mean, I guess never getting laid and never having a relationship does technically prevent you from getting cucked.

Friends kept calling me fat. And I went for a walk with a girl at the beach and was sweating a lot. Also a 3 at the start of your weight really makes you wanna die.

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If they don't fear you (the nonwhite man) they go get BLEACHED and/or BLACKED behind your back--that's their reality

so what is your progress now salad dodger?

>Oneitis says "You look good just the way you are!"
I know I was fat. Equivalent of being told you're a nice guy.

A girl told me she felt like we were the same height. She was 5'2 and I'm 5'9/5'10. I think she was trying to humiliate me so I stopped being romantically attracted to her, but it still rankles me

Did you check if you were both the same length down under?

>sorry, no.

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>thank you for trying!

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Yeah, turned out she had a bigger dick. That could have been what she meant

>we about to start workingout u in bruh ?

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>"Hey man, you're cool and all but we're gonna have to drop your bid. But bulk up and we're all for having you in next year's pledge class"

Was 340 about a year ago and im 265 as of 2 days ago. Might do a cheat week soon.

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>Youve got a good frame, youd look real good if you started working out