>ugh... I wish Nazis won WW2... then we wouldn't have any niggers and SJWs and I would get a gf
Ugh... I wish Nazis won WW2... then we wouldn't have any niggers and SJWs and I would get a gf
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Why are discord users such fucking idiots?
the absolute state of the alt right
Might've been the other way around really.
Nazis win WW2 -> Continue doing the shit they do -> Leftist revolution at some point -> Even more degenerate and twisted society than nowadays.
>hates on roman salute
>prefers solidarity fist
fuck off
damn, calm down Jow Forums
However nationalism would ensure that the culture that our fathers and their fathers fought to keep wouldn't be lost to sandniggers and regular niggers.
The left is trying to push what "should" be the case as what is the case to a lot of children, they're telling women they can study stem and boys that they can be makeup artists, when in reality, men and women go into their stereotypical roles because that's what they biologically prefer.
The left is also doing this with multiculturalism, you ask anyone "what's good about multiculturalism" and they'll likely say "different types of food", but have not much more to contribute. They'll ignore the increase in social tensions, they'll ignore the fact that men from these countries are far more primitive and less respectful of women, they'll ignore that these people are rapists, pedophiles, incestuous, etc... because they have it in their head that, if they force their ideal society, then that's how it'll happen. I find it funny that it's the niggers that are coming to US. We aren't going to their shitty countries, because their shitty culture makes it far less desirable than living in a country that was molded and built by our white culture. Yes I'm racist, and frankly, I don't see what's wrong with that. If you can't explain why I'm wrong without just throwing around the "racist" buzzword, then you are unable to form a valid argument. It's time people stood up and stopped letting the more emotional ideologies of women dictate our lives, and turned back to letting logic and reason dictate how we should respond to various threats.
>Leftist revolution
Any such thing would be decapitated in its infancy. German education would root out any outliers in their childhood and fix them.
the world would have been better off if Germany won WW2 if you don't agree you are probably a brainlet
if you cared about valid arguments you wouldn't make broad generalizations. can you base an argument on that?
Crooked arm, crooked face, crooked mind. Sad!
>meanwhile in Nazi Germany
it wouldn't have been. there would be no world. the commies would make sure of that
Thats not how the world works. except in north korea.
Depends where you think I made a broad generalisation. We're importing Pakistanis, who are known for first cousin marriages, we're importing people from Somalia, which has one of the highest crime rates, we're importing from middle eastern countries that kill faggots for being gay, that spit on women and treat them as lesser (the quran states in several passages that the opinion/testimony/value of a woman is worth half that of a man). Lots of them are coming into our country, degrading the quality of this land, and why? So a small minority of "good ones" can live a somewhat better life? We would never, EVER consider moving to live in a shithole like theirs, and yet by importing them in and being "multicultural", all we're doing is diluting our own culture and replacing it with one that we see as inherently inferior.
No i wouldn't
Maybe you would not even be born beucause of the butterfily effect or you still would be born if there is a convergence point just for you to be born
fix on the generalizations first bucko, before its too late.
>Thats not how the world works
I don't think generalizations are inherently bad, if they say something about the average quality of the people we're bringing in.
It doesn't really matter that some of these people are good natured people, because we're importing considerable more that aren't. Children are being raped in Sweden, and the perpetrators are getting away with it on account of them being muslim. By importing people from impoverished countries, and not assimilating them, we're importing their shitty lifestyle, and the shitty customs that makes their countries the undesirable shitholes they are today.
This. Most nat-soc people never think of that. If Nazis won the whole timeline would be disrupted and probably anyone living now would not be here.
i need more anti white/alt right memes my guy
cringe underage memes
that's not an anti altright, it's self deprecating meme that most alt right twitters users post themselves
nothing cringe about being prideful in your race.
That is all.
Post the video of Sigismund jacking off
shake my baka
Lol no you'd be without a spouse in pretty much any alternate timeline friendo.
You're fucking retarded lol, Nazism had some extremely 'degenerate' aspects including literal state sponsored adultery and single mothers
>including literal state sponsored adultery and single mothers
[[[citation needed]]]
First time posting in 5 years to tell you I actually cringed from your underage instagram memes.
>literal state sponsored adultery and single mothers
I have no clue where you heard that. The Third Reich was adamant in its stance on having proper, stable families.
Besides, single mothers and adultery are not strictly communist things, so I see no reason why that would cause a leftist revolution.
haven't posted on Jow Forums in about two years, literally wanted to join this fellow in solidarity so that he couldn't feel as if he broke something of value because holy fuck t-posing is the dumbest fucking meme ever and I want you faggots off this website. You guys can have facebook and your weird, x memes for x teens.
Tried to mess with the Albanian with the big iron on his hip
think i'll be switching to left deus, least then I get to bully people and get away with it oh and get rewarded for it to
You guys know alot of these pictures are faked right?
haven't posted on r9k since the Jurassic period, am breaking my vow of silence to stand by this user's sentiments
it doesn't matter. the right deserves the karma
>common sense is Jow Forums
it's a meme from Jow Forums though
>being unironically anti white
>then we wouldn't have any niggers
> and SJWs
> and I would get a gf
>Failing to understand ironic posting
These are self deprecating memes made by Jow Forums
its funny the one time i bought drugs was from a nazi kid in highschool
Is this what you are looking for comrade?
> W E W
just go back underage