How important is it to get a GF before you're 25?
How important is it to get a GF before you're 25?
Pretty much 100%. Dating after 25 is a nightmare despite what every balding fag here likes to pretend they age like wine. All the women will be crazy and the younger hot girls will be rightfully weary of you.
>Balding at 25
Wtf is wrong with you freaks that you bald at 25.
Second of all.
Dating anything at under 21 will end up as broken relationship most of the time.
It's fine to date at 25, unless you're a loser who doesn't have a hobby.
Or doesn't exercise.
Just don't be a degenerate human being.
It's not hard
It's not that uncommon to start experiencing MPB to some degree before the age of 30, at least in Caucasians. Might just not be noticeable at first. Just genetics unfortunately.
I agree that there's not sudden cut off point at 25 though wtf lol
>reddit spacing
Everyone knows you're into dicks
>tfw 24
I'm fucked, aren't I
But what about having your first GF at 25?
If I can even get one
I got my first girlfriend in my early 30s (I am still in my early 30s, she is in her early 20s) but I know I am an outlier. I imagine for most people it is pretty important to get one much earlier simply because of how hard it is to meet new people after a certain age if you aren't social (I am not). The way I did it was definitely a fluke, I wasn't counting on it ever happening.
>already balding
Probably just fine.
Might sound cliche but there's a first time for everything.
Age doesn't dictate that.
I wouldn't say it's crucial but it is educational. OP when u finally find that special someone just be very patient with them and listen to them and you'll learn everything about a relationship you need to know
But how is she not gonna freak out?
That's gotta be a red flag
And I probably can't hide it
Probably 94% of the population has had experience in this area by my age
My parents had already married ffs
I extremely doubt that
It's no red flag.
Wtf are you afraid for.
Some people just had a shitty situation and didn't want to date.
Some didn't have self esteem to date during their studying years.
You probably have a reason why you didn't date right?
Most of the time it doesn't matter.
It might be weird initially, but if you had a reason you had a reason.
(Unless you actually have something that is red flag worthy like serving in jail)
user you're fucking fine.
Relax and just have a go at life, it's not like you have anything to lose anyway.
Just start taking finasteride or dutasteride my man.
>You probably have a reason why you didn't date right?
Mainly a lack of a consenting partner
Hell man
Best case scenario I've already wasted my opportunity to fuck up
I've got not practice time
>having girlfriends
unironically this
what would I even do with a gf
>Lack of consenting partner.
You mean it never got past the initial date?
That's fine.
You're more mature now.
People will react differently if you go for the same age.
Dating up to 21 is a meme, 9/10 times people have unrealistic views.
Or go for shallow features.
Also blowing your chances is a good thing.
Means you know what to improve for the next round.
Just keep going man.
Eventually someone will like you.
It also helps if you start looking for a hobby.
Or an activity other than browsing the web.
(I assume you don't have one)
try not having mate for a girl before you're 25. and if you're college educated. it must suck for themmm
I've never gotten to the initial date
I haven't even had a conversation with a girl in like 4 years
Apparently you can't cuddle 24/7
What the hell then?
You work user?
Have any female colleagues, they're just normal humans.
(Don't date colleagues btw)
Just don't spout any memes from this site, or degenerate crap you wouldn't say in public and you're fine.
Normal topics will get you far.
Also just use a dating app already.
Any match, and follow up to coffee is a fucking date.
It's literally not hard.
If they don't like you, fine on to the next one.
It rarely is a hit right of the bet, so don't expect that either.
It's all trial and error.
Even for the opposite side.
Remember just ask normie shit.
What is your hobby, any interesting stories, favorite animal.
That kind of stupid shit.
When you hit it off you'll have a follow up date.
And his goes on until you're at a closer level to each other.
And you'll be yourself.
Nothing is close or comfortable the first 3 months.
>You work user?
Yes but all the females there are like 50 and already have grandchildren
>Also just use a dating app already.
I've only gotten two matches to respond and each time I've been ghosted
I found a virgin gf as a 24 y/o khhv. Shit was pretty cash but then she broke up with me because she was hella insecure and thought I was cheating.
Ghosting is part of it user.
Happens all the time in dating app's
Just keep trying.
I'm gonna bounce so I can't give you more advice.
But just keep trying (no harm in that)
Chances of hitting it off are low, so don't get discouraged when you get shot down or ghosted a lot.
Just part of the process.
Also buy some fancy clothes.
Shirts are always good, and roll up the sleeves to look somewhat young.
A nice make perfume gets you far.
And a decent pair of leather shoes gives good impressions.
Also go to the gym, and try to get a nice body.
Looking good is half the battle for some. (Although I find those people to be shallow so I usually don't aim for it)
But yeah if you're desperate just hit the gym for 6 months to a year and you're set. (Unless you are obese, its harder then. But you should definitely go if you're obese)
That's all I can think about.
Just keep going user.
That's the most important thing.
Good luck, and God speed.
not at all important desu and this is coming from a 26 y/o
It's Jow Forums so anyone under 25 is immature and the relationship is doomed to fail and anyone over 25 is an old creepy undesirable freak