Please tell me that not all zoomers are degenerate fucking normie scum. pleeeeease for the love of fucking god.
Please tell me that not all zoomers are degenerate fucking normie scum. pleeeeease for the love of fucking god
All zoomers are normies.
No exceptions.
I was born in the year 2000. Generational categorizations are meaningless. The Baby Boom actually has a historical context and application, and every category afterwards just seems like trying to keep the tradition alive.
I hate the word zoomer so much. It's so lazy, and it's made by the same type of people who think boomer threads are funny.
It's still too early to tell who we are, or who we'll grow up to be.
I can't take anyone who uses this word seriously.
I'm training my little brother to not be a normie. There it's hope yet, OP.
Go back to Fortnite, son
The adults are talking
>I can't take anyone who uses this word seriously.
Only a fucking normie would say that.
So god damn edgy, just like a zoomer. Also, only an eighteen year old would believe their life is still ahead of them at eighteen, when you get older you'll realise your life had already been over for a while then.
>on Jow Forums
Good one.
Normie is literally a normalfag friendly normalfag. It's used on twitter, it's used on reddit, it's used on iFunny, it's used on instagram. I've heard it in real life before. It's a bastardization by the same people who fit the profile.
Name ONE edgy thing I did that post. Go ahead old man.
This "Le boomerzz and le zoomerzz xddd" meme is fucking retarded, and generalising people based on what year they were born is even more retarded. There are many, many idiots born into every generation, it's just more obvious these days due to social media.
normie is ironically a normalfag term
>only a fucking normie would say that.
please leave
are you actually a 19 year old talking down to an 18 year old based on their age?
I just crawl out from my schizoid rock, who the fuck are zoomers user?
Nigger 19 is 1999 aka gen z
Forced meme for Gen z. Gen z is the one after millennials so 1998-2005 or something
>Normie is literally a normalfag friendly normalfag. It's used on twitter, it's used on reddit, it's used on iFunny, it's used on instagram.
you have no fucking idea what you're talking about boy. don't tell us what our memes are. it may be more palatable to normies but it sure as fuck doesn't come from them
I was posting here when you were literally six
>im old so im right
i bet you think only edgy 4chinners know about the troll face too right? people say normie all the time get over it
>I hate the word zoomer so much
Good, it's working as intended, zoomer.
Make your peace, and let it go.
people say it. that doesn't make it theirs. we don't simply abandon things because normies touched them. do you think we're hipsters or something? dumb zoomlet
>just because normies says something doesn't mean normies say it
Kind of sort of? There are objective differences, but the idiocy is the same if you're thinking in quantities, which is kind of scary, because it takes away the efficacy of wanting to impact anything to know that, but there's still useful information to be gained by drawing qualitative differences. This is probably the highest level of fragmented Jow Forums posting, where nothing gets done because everybody is kind of sort of right, but then there's someone who's kind of sort of the most right: the pinnacle of substitution for an actual friend, to withhold a political opinion that sounds stupid at a face-to-face conversation. You're ready to graduate, my friend.
>I was posting here when you were literally six
I was posting on here when I was literally 10. Being on Jow Forums this long isn't a sign of maturity even moot outgrew this place lol.
your brain hasn't even fully developed. you can't grasp that a normie could just come here and lay his hands on everything. that doesn't mean he took a thing from us. in fact, who are you? just a little normlet who has spent the blink of an eye in what we cultivated, and you think it belongs to you. don't speak about what you don't understand
>I can't take anyone who uses this word seriously.
Says the 18 year old. Fuck off kiddo
alright which Jow Forums memes did you invent then?
absolutely disgusting. you apparently spent your entire childhood fucking things up for us and you still type like a normlet
>1998- 2005
that's only 8 years retard
generations last about 20,
more like 1997~2020 will be zoomers
so you were posting here at age 18 too?
I could tell you but you won't have heard of them. nor would you appreciate them, you'd just reject them because you disagree with me. of course I didn't come up with pepe or wojack or anything you'd know. especially since I was most active
>spent your entire childhood fucking things up for us
At the time and currently I don't get called out often actually.
>type like a normlet
Sorry I don't communicate in every sentence using le memes
and at that time, nobody had been posting as an adult for a decade longer than me. the culture was different then. I wouldn't like my 18 year old self, because he would be a faggot. not as much as you though
>Sorry I don't communicate in every sentence using le memes
you don't even understand what you did wrong
Normie isn't a Jow Forums word anymore. Admit it.
If it gets my point across it's good enough for me. I'm curious about what you're nitpicking though. Is it the lol at the end?
>At the time and currently I don't get called out often actually
I don't bother calling people out because the zoomers are obvious and everywhere. you think you get away with it? because someone who sees your kind every day doesn't dedicate his every post to point it out? although, you can get false positives from brainlets who present as zoomlets
poor thought leads to poor posts. it's obvious.
It never was you pleb'd up cuck
look, you got the obvious answer after prompting. do you know why?
its laughable that you feel any ownership over Jow Forums's culture as well as thinking you actually contributed to it at all
>I don't bother calling people out because the zoomers are obvious and everywhere
They were in 2012 when I stopped lurking and posted? Seems pretty unlikely.
I know for a fact I did since people still repost my stuff. but it's a massive collective. I contributed. you couldn't because you were fucking two.
What the fuck are you talking about? Yes it was.
It is 95
How many times to we have to go over this?
If they clean their rooms and ride the Lobster they're fine, even based.
It was normalfags saying it here on Jow Forums too
no, and your twelve year old eyes couldn't distinguish that. stop imposing your zoomlet retcon
look at this dumbass who thinks that people who aren't even born yet will grow up in an environment that is even remotely similar to the one that people who are 21 years old today grew up in.
millennials are 1978-about 1998 or some shit so fuck off faggot
generations are around 20 years long.
Can someone make a gif of the OP image dancing? I'd kek
i'm a zoomer (2000 was 18 years ago,) you'd be hardpressed to call a loser who spends 15 hours a day on Jow Forums, and reading about guns a normie
guns is a normie hobbie now.. so is gaming.
Generations used to be a lot longer too. Do you think the generation in 1720 was mich different from the ine in 1740? Hell, it was centuries back in the middle ages. But things change faster and faster as time goes on, and the notion of a 20 year generation will only get more antiquated as it utterly fails to keep up with the changing times, just like you right now.
If you're going by the idea that you don't really remember much before 5, and use important events to mark the goalposts, then it'd look something like this.
Millennials: 1982-1996 (remembers 9/11, but not the Challenger Explosion)
Zoomers: 1997-2011 (remembers Trump's election but not 9/11)
Gen Alpha: 2012-present (doesn't remember Trump's election)
Note that these generations are primarily American.
I'm born in 1999.
I have socialised in years, the only people I talk to are my family and some on Discord.
I do not despise normies, but I don't like them, I think they're tiresome.
Socialising is boring for me too, that's why I haven't done it in so long.
I've also been diagnosed with depression and an anxiety Disorder.
Currently going through a process checking if I have autism, so that might tell u smth, I dunno.
I was born in 1995 and I can't remember Trump's election
1999 is actually cool unlike 2000 which is a fucking gay year
>this thread
but i take it to an autistic level
i feel you should include something between turmps election and 9/11 they are two fair appart
Idk if '96 makes me a zoomer but ive got the haircut. I also work 40-50 hours a week as a supervisor at UPS busting my ass and making an honest living. We're not all shitheads.
Great for you user, i feel happy for you. Keep doing what your doing as long as it makes you happy.
They're both 5 years after the end of a generation. They seem too far apart because 2016 was so recent, but you can't have a new generation every five years because the term would very quickly cease to mean anything
Depending on where you lived 1720-1740 could be a significant change
I was born in 1984 and 9/11 still feels like a present event, like it just happened. Fall of USSR is just within my memory but feels very remote. I remember the rivalry between Gorbachev and Yeltsin as Gorby's power waned and Yeltsin grew in prominence, and I remember thinking as a kid that I wanted Gorbachev to win because he was round like Winnie the Pooh.
In the present environment wasting your life indoors on the internet is a very normie thing to do.
>edgy anime avatar
followed by
>groundbreaking opinion
If only you could see your favorite Jow Forums post after the fact, months later.
Idiot it's like you don't even remember The Enlightenment.
>trivial oversimplification presented as a keen insight
Yep, it's a zoomer.
Now "boomer"... that was a REAL generation label.
Little faggots who listen to Troye Sivan.
normie = normalfaggot term.
I'm 16 with no friends
This is supposed to be the best life gets right?
I'm a likable guy, I do plenty of normie shit, but I'm always reaching out to people, never the other way around.
I'm not autistic, I can start and hold a conversation, make some jokes, some banter
but once our conversation is done it's like they forget about me
Maybe I'm just an edgy teen fag but I feel like I've been cursed to be a NEET loser
Not as significant as the changes between the late 1800s and early 20th century, or between the late 20th century and early 21st. 1890 and 1920 were way more different than 1590 and 1620.
Whose side were you on as kids boomers?
>my age is better than your age
you guys are fucking pathetic. Who honestly gives a shit when you were born? 1970, 95, 2000, you're still the same piece of shit.
>fag who wasnt even alive in the 90s thinks his opinion matter
lmao fuck off cunt
22 year old zoomer here.
never played fortnite or do this things u associate with zoomer, besides smoking weed.
>shitting on people because you happened to be born before them
you're here, you're just as much of loser as i am fuck you cunt
You're a Millennial. 1996 is the last Millennial year according to Pew Research.
>defining your generation by video games
impressively pathetic
Now the 90s... I'm talking the EARLY 90s... kids back then were REAL pieces of shit.
I am zoomer born in 1999 and I would say I am not a normalfag.
Hush now, the grownups are speaking. :)
Fuck off, don't include 95 to zoomers you faggot, 95ers and 96ers are the last members of the gen Y
>2000 newborns can now legally post here
fuck dude. imagine you can legally FUCK 2000 zoom qt.
95 is too fucking early because those born in 95 hated Hannah Montana and post-2005 kid culture and remember 9/11. Those are more Millennial traits.
i think it might just be true, so i really do feel alone.
Lol, mate you're barely old enough to post here.
>It's still too early to tell who we are, or who we'll grow up to be.
Everyone here already knows you're a sperm chugging faggot.
What if I remember 9/11 but was born in 1998. I only remember it because it was the day after my birthday, I had gotten Linkin' Logs, and nobody would play with me 'cause they were watching the news.
I remember I had built a tower out of Linkin Logs and said "I can do it too!" and smashed it.
that is a story for the ages mate
im a zoomer and i remember playing on my ps1
fix your chart
You played it because you were poor
Of course not all zoomers are degenerate normie scum.
Zoomer but I feel no need to argue because I'm not insecure about 'belonging'
I can barely hold conversation with my own family and the faggots at school are 10x worse :^)
at least i'm not the only one. i can relate, user.
>That feel when you realize that generation names are retarded over-generalizations that play into over-empathizing the negatives of a given age-range thereby paradoxically causing butthurt unique to each generation.
>That feel when "millennials" are called that by boomers who make retarded jokes about us being entitled. So we respond similarly with our obnoxious obliviousness.
>We repeat the process and invent another retarded word and call gen z "zoomers" as a way to highlight their underage, hyper-connected, idiot-drivel life-styles.
>Fast forward to them acting like drooling, underage retards.
>Kek, kekkidy kek kek friends, and a merry fuck you to all boomers
Tfw gen z in reality but core gen y on this chart