What is the most beautiful way to die?

What is the most beautiful way to die?

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In battle

Getting gunned down by the cops after finally snapping and retaliating against the normies who tormentwd you.

Drowned in pussy.

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This. But gunfights are pretty lame...what a shame.

Committing suicide after renouncing everything you've seen, done and been in life

This. Or suicide by cop.

I want my crush to force me to kill myself for her against my will, like I want her to slowly talk me into doing it for her own amusement.
That might be a normie thing around here, but it's not a lewd thing for me.. just something like a planotic death wish.

Managing to steal a commercial Dash 8 from an international airport, then taking it on a final sightseeing tour, successfully executing a barrel roll, using up the last of its fuel, and crashing it fatally on a small island- all while fighter jets are scrambled and ATC attempts to talk you down.

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fucking this.


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Rest in piece, Skyking

Also, my Great Great Grandpa died in the most peaceful way possible, so this is up there on the beautiful scale. It was a Sunday, he had just gotten home from his favourite resturaunt where he had his favourite dinner, sat in the backyard in his favourite chair, and died with a drink enjoying the nice summer weather

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Retaliating againsed the corporate, normie world that made you suffer and ultimately killing yourself after successfully making some sort of statement.

Sounds great other than the massive painful heart attack he probably had. Bet he didn't have the strength to even call for help.

This was well before I was even born. Heres your (you)

I'm glad you didn't have to see that user. Someone near me died and the poop was incredible. Bowel purging does not discriminate.

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Does everybody actually poop when they die? Or is that just a south park meme?


Everybody poops. It's kind of like doing anal after you eat. Super risky. Its not always like massive diarrhea, but it might be a nugget or some loose stool. Your body is basically purging itself because of the lack of muscle control.


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Hmm.. so if I ever decide kms I should not eat for like a week, then people wouldn't find me with poopy pants.

Again, it's like anal. Take a shit before you do it. This is why wealso have bathtubs. Or dont, honestly if you're going to kill yourself who cares? At that point your brains splattered againsed the ceiling would be more traumatic.

I mean.. I wouldn't cobain myself. I'd probably bleed it out, and even though there would be a lot of blood the thought of people finding me with poopy pants is gross.

Poop and blood. Plus, from the pain you might piss yourself.

Fine, I'll stop eating like two weeks before I kms then.. maybe I won't drink for like two days before it too.
That way there has to be only blood there when they find me.

Don't kill yourself user it's not worth it. Honestly, the trauma that you'll put into someone else might set in motion another suicide.

Learn to enjoy yourself. You only get one and I'm sure you're young. For all you know, you could help other people not kill themselves.

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I really don't think anyone would kill themselves if I suddenly kms'ed.

This has been something I've thought about for years. I feel I'm almost fated to die by fire. I want to set myself on fire and have that kill me one day.

A lot of monks perform self immolation. You could look into it, even as a religious curiosity.

You never know. Plus, you still have things to do here. You found this board and have made impacts on a lot of us. Dont give up.

I don't think you understand that for me it is a good thing that I won't get to live a full life, I don't think I was meant to.
I won't do it right now tho, in case you're worried. Please don't be bothered by this, the last thing I want is to bother anyone.

I'm pretty fond of stabbing yourself. Killing yourself via drugs or hanging feels unnatural and slightly inhuman, whereas being stabbed is a bit more like a self murder than a pathetic suicide

Pity it's hopelessly unreliable, although that in itself gives it an edge over boring ultra-reliable methods like shooting

That's beautiful.



We come into the world alone, only with help
We live life alone
And when we die, it should be no different

I'd say go by the water, watch the sunset and colors casted by it, pick one last song, and pull the trigger.
Assuming it's suicide, then you should do it this way, or some variant of being by yourself in nature.

If you are just dying in general, then die alone with nature instead of away from it

going out like K did

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nigga we come into life in a room full of hospital staff


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You can't throw meaningless platitudes at suicidal people and expect them to suddenly lose the urge to kill themselves. That's not how any of that works, you basically did nothing. In fact, do you know how many times I have read your exact responses on this board alone today?

this is my suicide plan
>go out somewhere were i can see the stars
>lie down and listen to don't feel the repeater
>shoot myself when the song ends

What song are you going to play and please can you take me with you

>steal a passenger aircraft
>have military jets chasing you
>do a loop de loop and barrel roll in the twilight
>btfo the ATC, tell him to "whisper sweet nothings in your ears"
>crash the airplane into an uninhabited island
Only casualty is (You)

See you Cowboy Beebo.

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Old, loved and while asleep.

I'm planning on going to a beautiful european lanscape and stabbing myself in my heart with a luxurious knife.

to take alot of LSD and kill oneself while tripping

wake up with the sunrise. eat your last meal. leave village airbnb/hostel and start your slow ascent up the side of a mountain. Bring only water, phone, swiss army knife, pen and paper with you. Once you reach the top, carve "user was here" with swiss army knife onto the side of a tree / rock. use pen to write down your final words and thoughts, roll it into a scroll and tie it to the branch of said tree / place into crevice underneath said rock. use the remainder of the paper to write down your story. Fold the story into a paper airplane, throw it off the cliff and watch watch it fly with the wind. Listen to some fitting music on your phone as you wait for the sunset. Take final sip of water. Use swiss army knife to stab through the phone screen. Throw it down cliffside and listen for the echo. Take one last breath and gulp. Say goodbye.


All these death's are so meaningless, and pathetic. For all the depressed minds here, you would think there would be a bit more of creativity.

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slowly, in dusk rain

how quickly i forget
shame on me

Kill itself in space

Like a hero. And a real human bean.

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Swat team empties their magazines on you.

why is your pic a nigger jap

>jumping into a river
>cutting up your arteries in a bathtub
in this order

Hijacking a plane and crashing into the mouth of a volcano

There is no beautiful way to die, death is ugly and unappealing. I've seen a few dead people on here and other boards, they all look disgusting, not in the "ew blood" way, in a general appearance way.
Humans aren't very pleasant to look at when alive either, if you focus on specific points of the body you can see how ugly humans are.
The only way for a death to be beautiful is for it to destroy the entire human body extremely fast, thereby there is nothing ugly left to look at, but I doubt that could be considered beauty.

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Drifting off peacefully to sleep from Nembutal

Feeling your heart and body slow. And finally expiring.

Only for your eyes to open once more and awake in a world of your own choosing. Free to be anyone and do anything.

Lol don't listen to this guy do it fag

Nearly any death that doesn't involve struggling