18 y/o here

18 y/o here

My normie parents and my councillor have told me it will get better in college. Is this just a meme?

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no but it can only get better if you try something new. its hard and seems impossible yes but college is a great time to try and chance yourself

Meme. It never gets better, only worse

Yep. Join a club you fucking normie.

Normie parents? Just a meme? Do you realize how fucking dumb you sound? How impressionable you are, to allow a single website to influence your life?

WHY are you asking advice from the biggest failures on Jow Forums? These people don't have your best interest at heart, they are emotionally stunted individuals who will project their disappointments with life onto other people.

Grow up. Stop eating this shit up. You're a kid. You're 18 years old. You're not a 36 year old virgin NEET. You're not a robot. Think for yourself, think deeply, think clearly, just fucking think, for fuck's sake.

>tfw you realize your parents sent you to the early admission program years ago so you would be able to go to college without being an autist

It works only if you try to find similar people. The amount of effort you do to find friends will determine if it gets better.

Better or worse only depends on you but generaly speaking people in college tend to be less assholes

In my opinion being a kid is horrible, everything after that period is better by far.

Yes. It gets better in college. Only if you throw some effort in to it though. Try to find friends with the same interests as you, but also try new things.

This is important.

Unless your parents are chill and moderately successful themselves do not listen to a word they say. Ever. Smile and nod and say thank you for the good advice and ignore them.

Find something to be passionate about, that you can apply your conscious energy towards. Identify a goal and and take steps to move towards it day by day. Small victories.

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It got better for me in college. Then again, I was homeschooled. So my situation may differ from yours.

Should I start by quitting this website? I only seem to be able to quit a few days at a time before coming back. Deep down I know coming here is really damaging.

Okay, ouch. But in all seriousness I think you're kinda right.

im quite a bit older than you and while i dont consider myself wise or above influence i think its easier for younger people to get touched by the wierd fucking views this site offers. its best to experience life for yourself and make your own opinions about how it works. that being said i would still just take a break from this site when you start college so you can spend as much time as possible working towards your new social life. are you going to be dorming?

Yes. I'm going to a state university along with like 8 other kids from my graduating class.

Get a job, hang out with your coworkers, be kind to others, don't talk about politics, get two jobs if you aren't in college, you need to occupy your time and make friends, I'd say leave this site, but it will happen eventually, once you get better.

I can't say because nobody knows what your problems are dumbass

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if your roommate is cool/normal just try to be friends with him and tag along with him. keep your door open the first few weeks/as long as you can so kids can come and just hang out. if you're close with any of the 8 kids from your hs class feel free to hang out with them but dont fall into the rhythm of just staying comfortable. freshmen are desperate for new friends so just say yes to everything you can. movie night? yes. party? yes. even if you think you might be uncomfortable if you can swing it, do it. also try to pregame with your dormmates before going to any parties, its a much more intimate experience and thats when a lot of friendships get made

everything after high school is all. up. to. you. So do your best and just keep moving. one foot in front of the other. never waste days man its not worth it when ur young. dont look back and be like damn i should have done this. damn i should have done that. gtfo off this site too man its just going slow you down and hold you back

>Okay, ouch.

I can't allow for a semblance of confusion. I had to make myself explicitly clear. I don't want anyone to be subject to what this board does to people.

You are young. Please don't give up. You have an entire life ahead of you.

i agree with this. if you listen to your parents you can only achieve their level of success or maybe just a bit higher. if they knew how to be more successful wouldnt they have done it??

It gets better but then it gets worse. College is fun but once you graduate you're expected to start a career. My advice: do well in school but also make as many connections as possible. Find an internship as soon as you can. Good grades MIGHT help you find a job but what really helps is knowing somebody who can get you in the door. Take it from somebody who only made a few friends in college and also made terrible grades. I'm 26 and living at home and my mom helped me get a job in her office because after graduation I spent an entire year unsuccessfully applying for jobs.

A total meme. University destroyed me mentally.

I should add, the first year and a half was fantastic. Going out drinking every night, doing drugs, meeting people. But once the novelty of that wore off I became a cynical, reclusive cunt.

Contrary to what others here have said, I have gone from a 1-friend loser to being fairly popular. I have a crapton of friends now, I joined a frat, academics are hard but oh well, you know?

I'm going to give you a little slice of what's to come.
>4 years ago, age 19, entering college for the first time
>look for a jam club or music club to join since I play three instruments
>college has no such thing
>go to mental health and substance abuse club instead since I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic
>it's literally "I failed me assignment and now I'm sad" "Becky was fucking Brad and I sad now" "I'm too shy and anxious with my 100 friends" "I smoke too much weed and I think it's a problem" "Boohoo wah wah woe is me and my minor inconveniences"
>open up after attending five meetings about my schizophrenia, lack of social connection, loss of identity, feeling without purpose, and spiral into opioid usage, visits to the psych ward and rehab
>it's a support group club about destigmatizing so they will understand
>get weird looks, dead silence after I'm done speaking and then about five minutes worth of advice before they move on
>stop attending, hear people call me schizo several times over the next years either to my face as a "joke" or behind my back
>first roommate was a normalfag
>in an attempt to find someone to jam with and be a friend, ask him if he wants to learn how to play an instrument
>I can teach and provide the gear
>says okay, bring my older bass guitar and small amp from home as a gift to him
>each time we're supposed to jam and I'm gonna teach him he either bails to be with his girlfriend or he spends the entire time on his phone showing me memes and posts from social media every five minutes
>give up with him, eventually get my gear back even though I've got better stuff
>try to help people in class with their work if I notice them struggling or falling behind, it never leads to anything like friendship most times and a couple times I get told to go away

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>try playing DOTA 2 with some nerds, get relentlessly mocked for everything from my laptop, name, clothing, DOTA playing, voice
>figure it's just breaking the new guy in
>doesn't stop after a month, tell them to fuck off when one of them seems to purposefully spill soda on my laptop and then never talk to them again
>flirt with a girl, go on a date with her
>think it's going well, try to kiss her at the end when we walk to her dorm
>pushes me away, says she didn't think this was a "date date" even though I explicitly made it clear I was asking her out before
>her friend approaches me the next day, says she won't be talking to me anymore
I could go on and on, but the first year solidified what I would be. Here's the facts that I live with and understand OP. People can argue about the 80/20 shit because personally I don't even believe in it or care about what women do, but this is the truth that I know. Humans are animals, and as mammalian animals they form a social hierarchy. Within this hierarchy there are people at the top and bottom. Normalfags will argue against this because they don't want to admit we're not all equal
I'm not going to tell you if you're at the top, middle, or bottom. The fact is that your place was chosen for you already. You'll find out soon enough whether or not you're lucky. I hope for your sake you don't end up like me.
Sometimes I think I'm actually the only sane man on Earth, despite the psychiatrists telling me I'm essentially human garbage.