Is K /ourguy/?

Is K /ourguy/?

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No he is Jow Forumss guy. Dumbass.

>What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
>Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Interlinked.

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Terrible pun, dad.
But he's a Jow Forums guy because that's how you survive.

Pretty much the entire flim is like the life we live so yes and it's been debated that it was this since the flim came out i think the flick was a masterpiece personally

>gives up life with his AI waifu to save a roastie-in-a-bubble
No. No, he's not.

I pretty am K IRL. Lonely, fit, some what handsome and I work as a plain clothed police officer in a large city with a high crime rate. I live alone in a studio apartment, fuck hookers and drink alone when Im not out catching drug dealers. The only reason they havent fire dme is because Ive always had top tier appraisals from bosses, limited complaints, always get my paper work done quickly and without any mistakes and I close alot of jobs. Also pulled a kid out of a burning car when I was a rookie so yeah. But yeah have no friends and my co workers resent me due to my avoidant personality but high skill.

closest thing to a Jow Forums: the movie

Greentext the story about the kid user. Did he make it out alright?

damn nigga u livin the dream

>House fire
>been on job 6 months
>Pull up before the fire fighters
>Mother running around hsterical, husband is all fucked up, I think the roof fell on him or some shit
>My son MY SON!
>Ask where in the house where he would be
>She kept screaming but explained he layout of the house
>Training officer says to wait for the fireies
>Fuck that
>Run through the front door against the guys orders
>Send a quick sit rep from inside house telling fire fighters to expedite their arrival
>Fire and shit everywhere but at this stage flash over hand toccured however I could see the smoke building up above me
>Get through to the kids bedroom, turn on flast light
>See leg sticking out from under bed
>Grab him, pull him out, hes out, cant tell if breathing
>Shits getting hot, air was like breathing in an oven
>Duck walk/run out of house, hear everything collpasing around, hear the fire truck outside, theyre already spraying water through the house
>Bolt out the door right before the flash over happened and whole house went up

His right calf muscle got burned and he had to have skin grafts. He also suffered smoke inhalation, he was unconscious when I pulled him out and was revived on the scene by myself and paramedics. I only got some minor burns, plus a fuck tonne of handshakes, well dones, cases of beer and a commendation. Plus a life long guarantee of security because the department cant be seen to sack a 'hero'. Also got to pick my assignments after probation, I went plain clothes because I could work alone and follow my own leads.

Being autist and some what sociopathic I really only did it to secure my career and not so much to save the kid but it did feel good save another young human life.

my man, u the real deal. did the father die?

Nah he was just knocked out or something.

>tfw no AI holografic gf to spend the time with

this is hell

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Gosling was better in Drive. Without a doubt.

A holographic gf would've just made me feel worse.

Yes, I could relate a lot.
This convinced me even more that "robot" is an appropriate term to describe us.

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He was happy tho. Especially when the hooker came over and the holograph took her body. He was devastated when her USB thing got crushed by the real Stacy

He wasn't happy in the slightest. It was clear throughout the movie that he was torn up inside about not being a real human. Half of the movie is about him trying to find himself and the possibility that he might have a soul.

Does being a robot make it hard to become a cop? How much of their screening process is mental? I like the idea as a career path but probably couldn't make it because I have a history of mental health problems, I don't think they like giving guns to people who compulsively ponder suicide..

>not keeping the child in the fumes to watch it die in your hands and witness a lifecycle coming to a close with little to no repercussion afterwards

What kind of man are you..

Drive sucked

Not aslong as you are fit and high functioning.

No because hes actually portrayed by a well known chad also he has girls in the movie that want his dick, Unlike an incel.

Now if you really want /ourguy/ then it has to be Travis Bickle.

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