Ex texted me:
>"Did you curse my life or something? Nothing is going right..."
I responded:
>"I don't even think about you"
Was this alpha or what?
Ex texted me:
>"Did you curse my life or something? Nothing is going right..."
I responded:
>"I don't even think about you"
Was this alpha or what?
Ye, gj.
If you think trying to get a meaningless dig in when you could have practiced what you preached and just actually not thought about them and just ignored them ... then yeah, super alpha champ ...
Nah you fucked it. It would've worked if she had said that she was thinking about you
A real chad wouldn't have replied
A real chad would have asked if she was an archaeologist
Well yeah, if I were a real chad I wouldn't have made this thread to gain validation from you losers in the first place. I'm only asking if my reply, specifically, was alpha.
Depends on if you wanted to fuck her again.
If not, then totally alpha
You lost
what did she respond back with?
seems pretty alpha thus far
>Octavia redemption story
Maaan, real men cheer(ed) for Harper.
Not bad. But I think it would be even better to ignore her. If she responds, ghost her.
Nigger she sent the message, its kinda implicit she was thinking of him.
This. One last smash
It sopped being alpha the second you decided to share this on a Vietnamese donkey riding board
This guy fucks. Listen to him.
she just wants sex
I would take my ex back
I miss her
I am so lonely
I want to cuddle someone at night
tfw no gf
Apparently, she thinks I "cursed" her life and wants me to forgive her, lol.
>being a cunt just to get internet points from autists
Alpha would have been a more adult reply:
>please don’t text me, I have nothing to say to you
>nots responding just "Who the fuck are you ?"
"who dis?"
Now she's like "Do you forgive me or not???"
What's an alpha way to respond?
I'm thinking to just say "I don't have time for this. Bye"
Stay strong user. I broke up with my ex three years ago, found a much better woman to fall in love with instead and now I’m much happier.
Still think about her every day though, it’s just your brain being a twat.
Cool no one cares
I think saying what this user said "please don’t text me, I have nothing to say to you" is the best response to her now.
This will drive her mad worse than any response you could give.
Just don't respond
She will go crazy so you get your satisfaction, but it's also ultimately what's best for her. It's a win win. It's what chad would do
The messages are on whatsapp which has read receipts. Do I open the message so she knows I've read it, even though I can see what it says from the notification bar?
Speak for yourself. I do care.
Yes open it but only after a few hours so you don't look too eager, and don't respond
Not related to fitness
>>Jow Forums
>never reply to me again
Me and my wife’s son, buddy
Nah, don’t even open it. Just let it fester there.
Yes but you also should have just left her on read
>please don't respond
Everyone in this thread is wrong. You should have shown her sympathy. Nothing lets her know you are over her like being able to say you feel sorry for her in sincere way
Also, she *was* open to getting back together depending on how you responded. Not sure what you want
Jokes on you, I don't.
Women are fundamentally evil beings so they deserve to be put down at any opportunity. "Don't text me or my wife's son ever again" is better than being nice to her, but it's still more than she deserves.
Beta alert
I care faggot, go away, nobody likes chads here.
You sound like a tryhard piece of shit, and she'll show your text to her friends and they will laugh at how salty and still seething you really are. Obviously you think about her enough to want to offend her, and you still have her number and knew it was her who texted.
Alpha would have been to not reply at all or just said "No."
Loool the projection. Did you get bullied all through high school kiddo? Did your "nudes" get shared around school so everyone laughed at you?
Jesus fuck you're a sad cunt.
Correct answer would have been:
> hAyY bE nIcE
> you could get back together
fuckin' 'nice guys'
This or don't respond at all.
Mad salty seething boi, hey stop thinking about her lmao
Lol u mad
I would have replied with “owned” and then never replied again
tr00 br0therh00d
ghosting is actually kinda beta bruh
What did she do to you that needs forgiving?
i have a whole gallery of chat screenshots where she acted like a total bitch, going through them every time i feel weak
you just want some girl right now, not in particularly your ex, stay strong user
>replying to texts other than work shit
If you want to talk to me you better make sure to call.
You're on a fucking image board you pretentious loser.
Good job user. See this as a test for yourself. You stood her up, meaning you really DON'T give a shit. Good job, good fucking job. Now get your ass to the fucking gym.
Not just responding with
>Who dis?
Did everything you wanted to, but so much more elegantly. Unless it was some messaging app and not actually text, in which case it's probably even more alpha.
A real chad just would have played it politely and asked whats wrong just to humor her while making sure she realized it is over and not trying to put her down or lift themselves up in any sort of way.
By doing either one of those you show your insecurities which negates your so called chadness.
wait atleast one day before answering her, so she feels like you are doing other things, if she is the casual bitch she might even get crazy that you are with some other girl right now
then give her the most careless answer like "move on with your life already"
also what does she want forgiveness for?
dude please don't ghost her, only butthurt bois do this in my experience, answer her but not immediately, so she feels like you're busy banging bitches
I agree.
The mere fact that you're trying to look like a chad, makes your actions and words not chad.
A chad just do what he wants with total security, and he doesn't care about hurting people. He just moves on and keeps improving his life.
>saying "please" to a femoid
>alpha, let alone masculine in any way what so ever
yer not gonna make it
>and he doesn't care about hurting people
no, that part is socio/psychopath level, that is very unchadly
the alpha of any pack cares about those in the pack and only hurts those who pose a threat to the pack. The pack in this case is society as a whole... Im not saying to become an overly caring save the world type, just so there is no twisting of my words.. as interesting as this could be I gtg.
You shouldn't reply at all, but if you do don't use some famous edgy line from a TV show that hardly even fits the context
>I'm better than ever. Thanks.
>These texts are just embarrassing.
Or something like that.
That sounds retarded. You don't have time to text yes or no but you have time to type that? What that really says is "no, but I'm too pussy to tell you no." Yes, no or no response (no) is the best move here. If you respond she'll probably try to continue the conversation, at which point you can cut her off "I don't have time for this and I really don't want to give you anymore thought." or "If you're texting me because you're lonely, I'm not interested. I don't want to give this anymore thought either, I'm busy."