Motivation thread

Hey Jow Forums, I broke my phone and I can't back up the photos cause I'm too poor to afford a new iPhone, help a fellow Jow Forumsizen rebuild his motivational folder on his phone

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>This greasy fat past the wall toastie is 'motivation'

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How do you feel anything other than disgust when looking at this?

Maybe without the pizza it would be okay, but jesus

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>muh motivation

Why don’t you just join a competitive sport of some kind

Even self defense is valid

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Can you not start another thread with this greasy pig in the OP? I can smell her unwashed vag through her thumbnail in the catalogue.

If you find this bitch motivational you are an incel and a loser

This story I find motivational, albeit a bit sad

This Tbh

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And then all the gym-goers clapped

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>I wish I looked good but I refuse to go to the gym (or as I like to call it, the douchehouse)

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>he needs women for motivation
Absolutely never going to make it

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kino feet

>remember why you're doing this
I remember

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>Lifting for women

is this a meme? shes repulsive and i dont think i would be able to get hard

my gf looks exactly like this and eats exactly like this. I'm getting ready to break up with her over these violations. talk me into it.

I lift for her, frens

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Based & redpilled

Man, i really hope that one is real, every time i read it i get dem feelz

>video games/topless waif

yeah no.

spot the virgin

I just take my shirt off and look in the mirror for all the motivation I need.

>not hatefucking her every night with the rage of a thousand suns

Yeah, is this a subtle troll or what?

Chad basedboy moggs bugmanlets

Is it you?


Every day without her is another day for you to improve yourself unhindered or to meet the perfect woman.

She's not going to get better user.

Neet *takes mental snapshot*

Use lower and higher self motivation.
Lift for revenge. Lift for pride. Lift because of anger.
But also lift for higher ideals.

based >her poster

dunno if this is real, but damn, it was deep

Low test

You are a fucking faggot.

sorry user, your gay

Based and redpilled. She's a nasty one


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you know, once upon a time, this site's users were at least intelligent enough to discern works of fiction without the text needing to be put in quotation marks to indicate it was from another source

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Some (((burgers))) probably can't get hard if her fat rolls aren't spilling out with great (((fast food))) in shot. So sadly it isn't.
Kys if this whale does it for you we don't need more brainlets

someone has the one with deadlift bro?

hey, fuck you for posting this

yes i like sucking dick, so what?

Kill yourself faggot

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Damn it user, I didn't come for these feels..