This is getting goddamn ridiculous

This is getting goddamn ridiculous.

Attached: 8241147B-8136-42B1-9EF8-0072099EACD6.jpg (616x321, 97K)

I'm gonna get past that still

Thanks for showing me your filters it'll make it much easier to shill for Reiko now. R9k is a trap board don't like it, gtfo then normie faggot.

I've got 600 words filtered and a 60 or so md5s, you're not getting past my wall.

Penetrate this one out, (((faggot)))

Attached: this is epic.png (1090x620, 68K)

>not shilling Reiko and Aero ideals

That's somehow sounds like a joke. I wonder why, gee.

I know that feel all too well. I have atleast 20 threads filtered at a time.

Attached: filter9k.png (412x421, 99K)

hmm... I can try
Also I'm not a faggot just think it's funy

>just think it's funy
>penetrating things are funny
While you try to penetrate my decoy, I'll pound your jew ass.

full arsenal (most of it)
>asian|black|conservative|japanese|mixed|muslim|traditional|white girl*
>jungle|yellow fever

Attached: choke.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

48 shitpost shill threads that will never pollute my eyes

how many threads do you actually see?
I'm no jew I'm a spic thank you

/regex/ thread?


/(vol|in)cel|\b2d\b|tribute|cock|vap(e|ing)|bpd|\bb.c\b|fem(bot|user)|\bitt\b|\bf\b|hell|lesbian|gay|fuck|sex|porn|sperg|autis|depress|(red|black|blue|take.*) ?pill|anxi|willy|mental(ly)? ill|\broast|robot|fap|dick|suicid|kelly|muffy|pussy|fetish|sunny|hate|apu|pepe|wojak|rose|fresco|minecraft|\bfrens?\b|tinder|roblox|game|kafi|kathy|\bkat\b|\bboi\b|tfw|misaki|phile|league|shit|lo+ser|virgin|schizo|(e|i)(s|n)(t|f)(p|j)|letter|men (think|are|do)|(think|are|do) (wo)?men|neet|\bfag(got)?s?\b|discord|\blads?\b|waifu|cuck|fart|ideal|\!{5}|\({3}|\d\"/i




Attached: Leekspin.gif (352x239, 199K)

still over 100

brazilians are total fags they love this shit

But I would not risk getting a std tho.
Seen some cute dead BR traps, almost too cute to pound.

Just these ones.

Attached: cunty.jpg (329x67, 11K)

piss off retard

>piss off
Don't be angery lmao.
I would not fuck your unbleached ass anyway.

>retarded self obsessed gays thinking everything is about them
I was more amazed by the amount of threads directed toward "fembots", not the faggot shit you retards post.

>traps act exactly like fembots by being self-centered and attention whores
>but they're not girls they're just men and are faggots

So they act like girls, are annoying cock obsessed sluts like girls, but aren't girls?

blocking those keywords would only keep you from having the full r9k experience

Being a self centered asshole isn't a female exclusive trait. Men can be the same way, especially when they're mentally ill, thus attention whoring homosexuals.

>being this assblasted over a bunch of faggots invading your board on Jow Forums
Get a load of this mentally ill retard. I bet Jow Forums is the only thing he has in his life that makes him happy or gives him escapism.

You just said you were a spic, do you look like Louis CK?
traps aren't gay but they're allowed to do all the things girls can't

Kill yourself. Experience that.

Yeah, it is. That's why I don't want validation chasers, whether they be gays or retards who want female attention, shitting up my board.

You know the right check box is the one that puts it at the top. You seemed to have clicked the wrong one

can someone explain why some threads containing the word "fembot" are able to pass through my filters?

>Being so perma-triggered that you need to use filters.

Attached: 1529471695733.jpg (400x400, 92K)

That's not even the point, these people are supposed to be driven to suicide or they'll just make everyone miserable around them. Or bullet therapy.

Attached: this asshole.png (927x508, 916K)

Your threads still get enough posts from brainwashed subhuman trash people so what's the issue? There's still a couple of people who call you on your shit? Seeing the same stupid mind sewage every day is taxing, some of us don't have the time or patience for it.

you constantly try to bypass them, what does that say about you?

Still having that problem?

Were you using 4chanX?

Only when you post shit like this thread

I really hope one of the new janitors is a robot. Really.

I just post to this board because I want to become cute.

You are merely starting mate.

Attached: asdfsdf.png (220x34, 8K)

I filtered the filter count too just because I don't want to be reminded.

My eyes are all of misery.

Attached: file.png (278x539, 22K)