About to lose my virginity tomorrow

well, this is it. i'm about to do it tomorrow. and i'm scared shitless, scared out of my mind more like. any advice for me? it'd really help me out. fuck.

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Just enjoy it, feel the pleasure

You will fail poo.

>i'm scared shitless, scared out of my mind more like
You won't get it up

i'll try bro. it's just that being intimate with anyone freaks me out. i'm a bit of a robot when it comes to people. my endgame is honestly to stay alone. relationships scare tf out of me.

Don't do anal without bitch preparing first.
If she (>implying you're white straight male that's going to fuck women) don't have experience be prepared for blowjob being horrible.

not sure what this means, but i'll try not to do that.

i'm fairly young, i'll probably be up like a rock lol

she definitely does have experience, it's a tinder type thing.

Make sure you are both very comfortable, bring an old towel that you can put down under her so sheets dont have to be washed to cover up sex stains (if thats an issue because of parents or something)
Start slow and make sure she is ready for you . Use protection for the love of god.

absolutely. thank you.

Don't get to nervous or you won't be able to get hard

The only time I was about to have sex, i couldn't even pull my pants down...

I had the opportunity to lose my virginity when I was 21. I invited a tinder girl over to my dorm room at college to have sex. If you have pathological social anxiety like me, you won't get an erection. As soon as she got naked and we started kissing, I had an anxiety attack.

this this this
Get comfy and control your breathing

LOL what did she say

just think of megu to calm down but be EXPLOSIVE in bed

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Don't wear a condom and cum inside her

She was actually very kind about it. She said one of her friends experiences anxiety attacks too. She also said that if I wanted to try again sometime, just message her. I never spoke to her again after that night lol


No one cares. Go away. Keep that shit to yourself.


based and redpilled
