What's the best type of government?

what's the best type of government?
I'm getting pretty bored of democracy, I think it could be cool to live under a monarchy

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republic seem the best.

i think it's situational across times and cultures. right now i think a dictatorship is necessary to salvage the US (the west?) in the long term but i think a decentralized republic is the best system to live under if it's in an environment where it can prosper.

Theocracy. Only God is fit to rule over man.

Local democracy, mixed-economy, civic nationalist, republican fascism

Dictatorship if sexual degeneracy is forbidden

unironically monarchy is the most natural form of gov

Government is inherently evil, as it is a manifestation of collectivism. Only the individual can be pure.

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we live under a military oligarchy

I need Anarchy

>Only the individual can be pure.

Good on paper. You have to realize you're surrounded by retarded people. I'm not saying that your or me are "smarter" than everyone else.

We live in an age where intelligence isn't required to sustain life, just look at Tyrone and his 9 two digit IQ niglets.

In my ideal world, anarcho-primitivism happens and we go back to a primitive way of life. In reality, our society will crash at some point and something better will come out of the ashes.

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>We live in an age where intelligence isn't required to sustain life
*We lived
Automation is quickly doing away with the unskilled labor force. Soon anyone with an average or below average IQ will be simply unable to find paying jobs that fit their skillset.
>anarcho-primitivism happens and we go back to a primitive way of life
This is a very poor idea because all it means is we'll be back where we are now a few thousand years in the future. You cannot stop progress

>year 2018

At what cost? I'd rather go back to a basic way of life with traditional values and live a meaningful short lifespan instead of living to 100 being surrounded by special snowflakes and people idiotized by social media.

>but nothing is stopping you from going inna woods xD

You got me here, this is what I haven't figured out yet. It's not like I can go in a woods, but nothing is stopping me either.

I'm fine with having to live around a few easily-ignored idiots if it means I get to live comfortably during the greatest technological revolution in human history
If meaning is what you crack having to fight for survival won't give it to you.

Fucking phoneposting SUCKS

Unironically, a private law society. Democracy leads to socialism. A libertarian social order musy be maintained for the existence of a Nation

>live comfortably

What is living comfortably? Being attached to meaningless material things that cause a temporal feeling of well being? Videogames, substance abuse, porn, masturbation, money, relationships, social media, recreational sex, the list goes on. Our society is attached to these things not natural to human survival, and this desire causes suffering.

To me, living comfortably is living without suffering, and there's a lack of suffering when there's no desire or attachment. I believe that an ascetic way of life is a "comfortable" life and it goes in hand with anarcho-primitivism.

Now, I realize forcing my thought on others is retarded because I know it's somewhat radical. What bothers me is that I can't easily live the way of life I want, there's lots of barriers. Think of the Unabomber or why he did it.

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So like a minimalistic lifestyle? Maybe some monk kinda stuff?

Nobody wants to be beholden to an elite class.

>user, you're a street sweeper who sweeps the street the king is about to walk on

Nobody wants to be beholden to an illegitimate power like a mafia

>user, sweep these streets or your mother gets it, capishe?

I dare say nobody wants to be beholden to some crony who used Government favors or old-world advantages

>user, since my dad sold black market heroine back in 1844, I have bought every job in this town so that all that's left for you is street sweeping

So I would say that some sort of democratic republic has to be the superior answer. Anarchy is shit because you'll invariably create some sort of mafia who rises above and you're smack dab at square 1 with a ruling elite. It should probably be conservative because a liberal agenda would obstruct a productive minority from being able to provide innovative goods and services. All that you need in a democratic republic with socially liberal, financially conservative values are officials that are elected by an informed populace after intellectually rigorous debate who are leaders and servants who seek only to use tax dollars for security, environmental safety, and contract enforcement without putting too many rules over the populace. What the fuck do I know though? I'm a smelly NEET

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>an informed populace after intellectually rigorous debate
if a requirement for your system to work is that it be operated by intelligent and responsible people, its doomed to fail.

The objective would be to stall for time until you can create an AI that makes better decisions than humans and let them make civil decisions.

Iq is not a measure of someones quality as a person. You can have a higher iq but an absolute piece of shit. It is true however that higher iq people in general are more considerate and ethical people, but it's not a guarantee.

Nationalist social democrat. It should strive to be as free as possible and just do the most necessary things.

Monarchy, or a Socialism like that envisioned by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera or Oswald Mosley. For the good of the people and the country.

Holy fucking shit, is that you, Will? Shut the fuck up with this anarcho-primitivism bullshit and go live with the amish if you want it so badly.

Is le individualism the most brainlet philosophy there is? Imagine being so pathetic and retarded as to not realise that humans are defined by their environment, not vice versa?

if you live in the US you don't live in a democracy its, considered a democratic-republic (if i'm remembering correctly). But i won't lie that there are faults in every system due to implementation

>He thinks we don't live under a monarchy
You can call it democracy but it's effectively the same thing

One without kikes and nonwhites.

That's not how you spell O-L-I-G-A-R-C-H-Y.

>Humans have literally split a continent apart for convenience and live in environments artificially created just for them
>"humans are defined by their environment, not vice versa"

>Ultimate being.
>Only makes ten rules that are about ten words each.
>Mere human beings.
>Easily makes a thousand times more rules, each one several pages ling.

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I'd say it's much better to live with pride at your accomplishments, while realizing they are temporary.
Living without suffering or attachements is not much different from being dead, and we'll all have plenty of time to do that in the future.

Enjoy having your entire country be down every month because your leader had to get a software update and is now full of bugs.

A benevolent dictatorship

>hey God what should we do about [modern day societal issue]

Anarcho-capitalism. There is nothing the government provides that an unregulated free market couldn't provide more efficiently.

A system that minimizes the effects bad actors can have.
So, probably a republic that is bound by a constitution. Though, even that is still open to corruption and the effects of bad actors, but every system is.

>efficiency is the only important metric
Already failed out of the gate