What are the benefits vs staying up late? Presuming the same amount of sleep
Red pill me on getting up early
6:30 AM grocery shopping is kino as fuck
its healthier, you can get more done when theres light out
theres been studies that show night shift workers are worse off than day shift workers.
seems that getting up with the sun, and going to bed in the dark is the healthiest thing for humans and it makes sense
That does sound pretty comfy.
I never thought of this. I want to do this now.
>night shifts are bad
I'll attest to that. It fucks you up mentally, physically, socially, spritually, fucking every-ally. I'll die homeless before I ever work a night shift again.
Getting up at dawn feels "I-got-my-shit-together" as fuark
used to get up at 5:30 this summer for a job. it felt rather like "god I want to fucking kill myself"
100% agreed. I worked as a graveyard shift baker for 8 months and I would often cry on my way to work. I really loved my job other than the shift time. It's hard to explain how it breaks you down, but I know people aren't meant to do it.
It gives me a sense of being in complete control of my life, and that's a good thought to start my day with
Yeah that's way too early, 10:30 sleep to 6:30 wake (Give or take) is peak ideal time
Some days I have to get up at 5am to start work at 7am. I think it's only bad because you're forced to do it - I hate getting up for work at that time, but when I wake up at that time naturally on my days off, then it's great. I feel so much more productive on those days.
For me, I wake up early because my diet requires me to do so, and because when I sleep early and rise early I feel with much more energy
There is honestly no better feeling in the world than watching the sunrise with a hot mug of coffee.
So much this.
This. My god, put on some nice chill music like Tycho and you're in heaven
I usually go to sleep at 11-12 and get up at 6:30-7am
I'm quite content with that desu
What if you have zero social life and don't go the the gym and just work and sleep all day
I get up at 4:30 during the week and 7 during the weekend. I feel like I can get my reading, practice, whatever all in before the day even starts.
Dont do it. the best memes are posted at night
Feel bad for you son, working from 1900 to 6 or 7 was the best for me, I'm trying to get back into it. I wasn't exposed to much artificial light though; I suspect that has something to do with it.
it's how our ancestors lived for thousands and millions of years. it's the healthiest way and nobody can argue with that
but the productivity aspect is a meme and I hate it so much. yeah you get stuff done in the morning when other people are sleeping, but you're tired and heading to bed at 10pm when someone else is working effectively. it doesn't matter when you work as long as you work, mind = fucking blown
>tfw I have to get up at 4:30 every weekday so I can go to the gym before classes
I go to bed at 9 and it still fucking sucks someone kill me
I don’t think there are many physical benefits of being a morning person as long as you would have a healthy lifestyle as a night person as well. There are studies saying night owls are less healthy, but I think that’s most likely just a correlation since most night owls are probably less disciplined and drink or do drugs when they stay up late. However, the mental benefits of waking up when the sun hasn’t risen yet, brewing some black coffee, getting your lifting in, and eating breakfast as you watch the sun rise are huge. It feels way comfier than sitting on your computer until 3 am and you will feel good all day since you’ve already earned yourself some endorphins lifting weights.
Also this
as always, wagecucking is the real problem
This is hands down the best argument in this thread
something something circadian cycle
humans can adapt to an extent but we're meant to do things a certain way
Where do you live that shops are open that early?
>it's how our ancestors lived for thousands and millions of years.
This isn't necessarily true. The 8 hours of straight sleep is a new thing. It wasn't uncommon 200 years ago for people to wake up and read for a few hours.
>I don’t think there are many physical benefits of being a morning person as long as you would have a healthy lifestyle as a night person as well. There are studies saying night owls are less healthy, but I think that’s most likely just a correlation since most night owls are probably less disciplined and drink or do drugs when they stay up late. However, the mental benefits of waking up when the sun hasn’t risen yet, brewing some black coffee, getting your lifting in, and eating breakfast as you watch the sun rise are huge. It feels way comfier than sitting on your computer until 3 am and you will feel good all day since you’ve already earned yourself some endorphins lifting weights.
yeah, you probably make other healthy living plans, like cutting caffeine around 4 to 5 pm, and not eating sweets with dinner.
If you're going to get up to watch the sun come up, you're probably having to make healthy eating habits. It is unlikely that you can kill that box of oreos at 7 pm, then get a good sleep in.
>It is unlikely that you can kill that box of oreos at 7 pm, then get a good sleep in.
Why is that? I've noticed it, but why? Recovering fat fuck here.
Two sets of 4 hours starting just after sunset. Still got 8 hours still early birds.
im gonna start working at the airport, had some shit going on with my back so i cant do construction or oddjobs anymore until ive fixed it. theres ofc gonna be nightshifts and shit and im anxious its gonna fuck me up since ive been building a nice routine to get shit done in the day, eat right, exercise and all that shit which was my method of getting out of a real low point.
at least i know it wont be permanent but still anxious.
I'd think it's because you'd be wired from all the sugar, combined with the fact that you're less physically active in the evening.
There's actually a whole load of reasons.
First of all, dietary induced thermogenesis is highest in the morning and declines throughout the day. This essentially means it takes longer to digest things and you use less of the energy just maintaining body temperature etc. It's pretty complex stuff so I've oversimplified here. Ever heard the saying "eat like a king at breakfast, a nobleman at lunch and a pauper at dinner"? If you eat the bulk of your food in the morning, less of the energy will be put into storage etc. I have a few papers with supporting evidence stating if you eat like this on a diet you'll lose weight faster.
The high glucose from sugary foods especially will very quickly replenish your glycogen stores in the evening. Glycogen stores are a low-effort, quick and easy to access store of energy that releases quickly at all times. If you replenish your energy stores like that in the evening in a major way (from loads of easily digested sugar) you'll be pretty energetic for quite a while. On top of that, I'm sure Oreos, like chocolate, have a fair amount of caffeine in them. Unless you're pretty resistant to the effects of caffeine, that'll lower the quality of your sleep. The half-life of caffeine in the body is around about ~12 hours, give or take.
t. Biochemist
there are 24/7 tescos in the UK.
I wake up early just to be able to say GOOOOD FUCKING MOOORNING
>get out of work at 10pm earliest
>Home by 11-11:30
>Exhausted but have to stay up and eat up to 2000calories just to prevent weight loss
>Finally fall asleep around 1230
>Try to maximize sleep for recovery, even though I inevitably remain sore
>Wake up at 9, shower, go to work for 9:30
If I sleep less I'll fall apart
This is not entirely correct. It's more about overall exhaustion and hunger as well as mostly individualized eating patterns. Someone who is used to eating right before bed can eat their entire daily caloric intake and fall asleep the next hour, and someone who worked all day without eating can similarly gorge themselves and fall asleep, especially at a caloric defecit.
Different micronutrients have different effects on drowsiness as well, such as tryptophan containing foods at Thanksgiving leaving people napping after lunch, but can be as simple as carbohydrates being broken down rapidly and quickly absorbed through the upper GI tract--stomach to provide immediate energy
Sugar has been debunked as being attributable to "sugar rush" at a chemical level
Glycogen stores in the morning would be more rapidly replenished due to the fact that your body spend the entire night consuming them to stay alive (cells do not shut off when you go to sleep and they must eat)
Glycogen that athletes wish to restore (muscle glycogen) lacks a key enzyme that allows it to be released for FULL BODY energy, while the liver glycogen stores do not. In other words, glucose travels to muscles, gets trapped there, and used or built into glycogen, but it cannot be broken down and RELEASED back to the bloodstream. In contrast, the liver is DIRECTLY responsible for maintining blood sugar through a whole complex cascade of metabolic reactions.
>Muscle glycogen is used for activity, must be replenished by glucose that comes from either liver stores broken down during low blood sugar or directly from diet
>Storage of glucose as glycogen is directly affected by energy balance and metabolic state, not by what time of the day you eat
T. BA of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
Really good sleep documentary for those interested in the topic:
>Individualized sleeping patterns
That's right, I should have clarified. Hormonal cycles vary in individuals according to variations in circadian cycles. Just last year the nobel prize was given to three individuals, and their work highlighted the potential for circadian cycles to answer a lot of unanswered questions in physiology and biochemistry. Regarding micronutrients- again there's a lot of variation based on the food, but the advice I've read is to avoid eating large meals in the evening in general.
>Glycogen stores rapidly replenished
This is much of the basis for dietary induced thermogenesis.
>Sugar rush
Again I should have clarified this. However, for those lacking in glycogen stores the glucose from a meal like this will readily replenish that.
>Muscle glycogen
Not only the liver is responsible. For a simple example- look to Insulin, which is directly responsible for controlling glucose uptake into almost every cell via GLUT4 receptors. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, the activity of which is controlled at least in part by circadian variation, which ties into falling dietary induced thermogenesis.
I'm not contradicting anything you're saying. I find it really difficult myself to talk about this subject without over-simplifying everying.
Right with you famalam
I understand. Didn't mention insulin at all because that tends to be a sinkhole into biochemical jargon that we STILL don't fully understand
I mean, we understand how the cascade functions very well. What we don't understand is insulin resistance and how that functions. Seems strange that we can have such intricate knowledge of all these biochemical intermediates and still not understand insulin resistance.
I also haven't actually studied most of this since I graduated, so one or two things may be a little out of date.
What are you doing for work? I graduated but dont want to work in the nutrition field anymore, thinking about doing something more science-focused such as microbio or biochem
>tfw the closer you get to bedtime the more threads you reply to and start waiting for (you)s
I'm doing a PhD at the moment- an endocytosed receptor called FRP2 is heavily involved in sepsis, so I'm characterising it and finding ways to inhibit it.
If you want to re-specialise, look into doing a taught masters or research masters with a taught component. Research masters are worth more if you're aiming to do PhD->research. Without further education you're doomed to be a lab rat unless you want to go outside your field a little bit.
Unironically this. But don’t.
Go to sleep you fuck
it's literally reasonable to move to a different time zone or change your job just so you get to view the best memes when they're fresh
How do I decide what science to do? I feel like all science to me is "woah that's cool" but how do I pick a master's/PhD that won't ultimately get boring?
AM Sunshine has more UVA and IR light which act to stimulate healing/repair and production of neurotransmitters like melatonin and dopamine... this build your solar callus so you don't burn when UVB is strongest for D.
it is optimal for all your biology to be synced with the earth's day Night cycles.. do not eat at night wake up with the sunrise and get out barefoot in the AM sun
I just went with what interested me most in my undergrad, so that's receptor signalling. You need something with plenty of scope, but it's always going to be a bit boring day to day. As long as the material is interesting and you're prepared for that, you'll probably be okay.
Alternatively you could find another way to use your degree- I have a friend who did biochem undergrad, microbiology masters and now works at a microbrewery.
Know it feels more like: "Why the fuck am I up so god damn early, I feel like death."
I prefer going at night when it's empty. Same with gym.
>I feel like I can get my reading, practice, whatever all in before the day even starts.
I rarely wake up early but you're right this is exactly how it feels.
I’ve worked graveyard shifts and I can tell you that following a natural schedule (sun=awake moon=asleep) is the best thing for your body.
Know that feel brahs
Try living in the north of Scotland. The sun comes up at 9:30am and it's dark by 3pm in the winter. There's a reason Scandinavian countries have free Vitamin D courtesy of the government.
>There's a reason Scandinavian countries have free Vitamin D courtesy of the government
I live in Scandinavia and this is the first I've heard of this. I have to order my Vitamin D in "illegal doses" from the UK because our government only sells it in complete babby servings.
>I have to order my Vitamin D in "illegal doses" from the UK
Holy fuck that's so retarded. Why the fuck would anyone support goverment like this.
Which country? I'm only aware of Iceland and Norway doing it, but I might be mistaken in that.
Norway. I'm looking it up now and it's one month free (30 tablets), and they're really dancing around the subject that you have to pay for more months, it's barely in writing. And it's 400 UI tablets, total babby dosage as I said. Up until recently you could only get 800 here, but there's one that is 3200 now. It's pretty new from what I can tell, so I guess someone's finally noticing that we're living in darkness half the year and we might need more of this shit.
I buy 10000 IU from the UK, 360 tablets for way cheaper.
There's a reason that dosage is 'illegal'- Vitamin D isn't water soluble so toxic in high dosages. Whilst there's a lot of literature right now speculating that our required dose is higher than previously though, I'd be very cautious of exceeding it too much. I wasn't aware they gave you so little- maybe it's better in Iceland?
>tfw working oil and gas as an NDT
>tfw 3rd month of 24-4
>tfw been on nights for 19 days now