This woman is a 5.3/10 in Japan

This woman is a 5.3/10 in Japan

Attached: average japanese girl.jpg (600x800, 66K)

teeth ain't showing.
Alot of the gross ones have bad teeth

youre thinking about english girls

Probably ugly under all that makeup.

No man, there's a lot of asians with really crooked fucked up looking teeth.

nah hiroshima teeth are real. a lot of japanese people have fucked teeth

>implying you can put a number on that much makeup
unknown/10 until she takes a shower.

I don't know why more robots haven't just gone to Japan to find a gf. Pic related is my 3/10 Japanese wife. She's not very good looking but she's nice to me.

Attached: 235252.jpg (869x1280, 335K)

Lame thread, mate.

Yeah I hear most models are 5.3/10 these days.

Fangs are cute and orthodontics is a jewish scam

your bait got me physically angry

japanese people have notoriously bad teeth. theyre on the same level as the english. they look alright until they open their mouths. its disgusting.

some japanese girls literally have brown/green teeth, those niggas don't brush their teeth

Brushing your teeth has nothing to do with the colour of them, you gullible retard. Teeth are naturally yellow. It's more to do with the staining food and drinks they consume.

are you telling me that dentistry is jewish?

That`s a meme. The English do care for their teeth now. Have done since the 1980s when I was there, anyway.
It`s like India. Poo-in-loo became a meme and now the Indians are fixing that part of their `culture`.

She's a 3/10 in Canada.

Attached: Screenshot_20180818-013123_Gallery.jpg (1080x785, 464K)

sumipe is great pump and dump material
her voice is also meh but better than other meme or shilled seiyuu

Please don't breed. Its bad for the world.

well that wasn't very nice of you



You obviously have never watched a JAV in your life