How is mine? Does it cover every muscle?
AxBxAxx / BxAxBxx
Workout A
Bench Press: 4x8
Pull-Ups: 4x8
Squats: 3x5
Barbell Curls: 5x15
Week B
Over-Head Press: 4x8
Bent-Over Rows: 4x8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 5x15
Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 5x15
How is mine? Does it cover every muscle?
AxBxAxx / BxAxBxx
Workout A
Bench Press: 4x8
Pull-Ups: 4x8
Squats: 3x5
Barbell Curls: 5x15
Week B
Over-Head Press: 4x8
Bent-Over Rows: 4x8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 5x15
Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 5x15
Other urls found in this thread:
Why no diddlys?
The fuck is a diddly?
Bench 1x2, 1x5 (90%), 1x8 (80%)
Squat 3x5 (Monday’s 1x8 weight)
Deadlift 1x2, 1x5 (90%), 1x8 (80%)
Dip 3x5-8
Chin-up 3x8 (unweighted)
Press 1x2, 1x5 (90%), 1x8 (80%)
Squat 3x5 (Monday’s 1x5 weight)
Power snatch 3x2
Chin-up 3x3-5
Back extension 3x8
Incline bench 1x2, 1x5 (90%), 1x8 (80%)
Squat 1x2, 1x5 (90%), 1x8 (80%)
Power clean 3x2
Dip 3x5-8
Chin-up 3x8 (unweighted)
>Deadlifts. Your routine is too much focused on upper body
Deadlifts with bent-over rows puts too much pressure on my lower back.
What am I missing muscle wise then?
Core, quads, glutes
Only doing squat will give you a weak lower body
Ok best exercise for those three?
Damn Deadlifts do that much huh, What can I do to prevent the lower back problem? move squats to B and put deadlifts in A? is deadlift 1x5 good?
Put squat on one day and DL on the other
Focus on form and you won't have lower back problems
>Deadlift 5x5
>Squat 5x5
>OHP 5x5
>Pull ups 5xF with added weight
>Dips 3x12 + added weight
>Squat 5x5
>Bench press 5x5
>Incline db press 3x8-12
>Tricep extension 3xF
>Db lateral raises 3x8-12
>Pull ups, pyramid downwards from 10
AxBxAxx / BxAxBxx
New lifter here so tips and critique are appreciated.
If I swapped bent-over rows for deadlifts, will I lose anything from not doing bent-over rows?
Wanna switch to 3 day FWB, any good app tips with progress and calculator shit involved?
No. Rows are shit.
- A - B - A - / - B - A - B -
Weighted decline sit-ups 5x20
Bench 5 x 10
Bicep curls/forearm curls/dumbbell row supersets 5 x 15/5 x 20/5 x 15
OHP 5 x 10
Weighed decline sit-ups 5 x 20
Squat 5 x 10
Deadlift/calf raises supersets 5x1/5x15
I think I'm doing too much volume without proper recovery time and A days take too long. I was considering trying out adding a day C where I move the BB rows and OHP from A. It would also give 7 days rest between specific exercises which might make 5 x 10 doable long-term.
can someone rate?
>deadlift 5x5
>bench press 5x10
>flies 4x10-12
>cable seated rows 4x10
>OHP 4x8
>tricep on cables 4x12
>bicep curls 4x12
>reverse curls 3x10
>squats 5x5
>cable flies 5x10
>incline bench press 4x10
>lat pull 4x10
>lat raises 4x6-10
>tricep on cables 4x12
>hammer curls 4x12
>reverse curls 3x10
I just started doing stronglifts with dips added on the A day and pull ups added on B. Anyone have any thoughts on stronglifts in general? Is it actually good or is it just a meme?
Stretch your hamstrings. That helped me when I was having lower back problems with Da Diddylift.
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Looks complicated, really isn't. Making great strength gains. Only downside is it doesn't have much pec work besides bench press (shit at building a big chest), so I incorporate cable crossovers after I do bench. I also add Neck curls after shrugs for the neck gains - amazing.
interesting program, making strength gains?
Dont deadlift and squat heavy on the same day. Shit might fuck you up, especially if you're a newb, and will completely drain your energy.
Also, you absolutely need rows. I've lifted for 2 years without rows and my shoulders were fucked. Posture sucked, joints ached. Took some time to fix.
Looks good other than that. The volume may be too much for you but thats it.
But doing rows and deadlift or rows and squats on the same day does the same thing, what can I do?
Nah I'm cutting, but I haven't really lost much strength so there's that.
Yes, rows are far better back builders than diddlies. Try finding a way to do both.
No thats good. I am currently on SL doing dips and pullups. SL doesnt have arm work so do some bicep curls as well
Is Deadlift: 1x5 good? Or should it be 3x5 like squats?
Just do 1x5+ with warmup sets.
> trips of Summer
your core is weak. deload a lot, still do those exercises and do lots of core for a month. you will see huge diff. also PERFECT form on deadlifts or else.
literally change A Deadlift + Squat to Alternating and personally i would change B squat to alternating front / back squats.
are u going to exhaustion? are you looking fo hypertrophy ?
is this some kind of ottermode type routine? move you deadlift to A and your vanity stuff to B
A: Chest and tris
Barbell bench 3x5
Barbell incline 3x5
Incline cable chest fly 5x5
Straight cable chest fly 5x5
Decline cable chest fly 5x5
Tricep pushdown 5x5
B: Back and bis
Pullups 3xF
Lat pulldown 3x5
Seated cable row 3x5
Facepulls 3x5
Seated dumbbell curls 3x5
Seated dumbbell hammer curls 3x5
Standing dumbbell curls 3x12
C: Shoulders and abs
OHP 3x5
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x5
One arm lateral raise 3x5
Ab rollout 3xF
ABCABC forever no rest. Each day has low volume but I do each day very frequently
Yeah that sounds good, how will I know when to switch to a new weight? When I reach 10 teps - 15 reps?
I guess that is a good idea, I can lift these quite easily but the lower back gets tired easily is that a sign of a weak core then?
how’s this for abs and grip?
>weighted crunch 12,10,8
>hanging leg raise 3x8
>ab roller X AMRAP until form breaks down
>farmers walks
>dead hangs
>reverse curls
Thanks for the advice, will add some extra arm work. I didn't mention this in my original post but I do different accessories each workout that focus on a specific part that SL kinda neglects like calfs, upper/lower chest, rear/front delts, etc.
It's easy to not need rest when you're missing half your body: the legs.
Oh yeah farmer walks, what is the recommended lengths for that? 4 lengths?
4x5 program - 3xweek (mon - wed - fri) - warm-up for every exercise at slow - high reps (8) with just a few weights to get the blood pumping
Bench press
Squats (i do these twice a week, i skip at wednesday)
One-armed Barbell rows
I'm a beginner kinda, but did upper-lower splits some years back. Feel pretty good about the setup right now. Planning on doing chin-ups as well.
Should i add more sets? I already went from 3 to 4, not sure if 5x5 really is worth it, but maybe you guys know.
Fatty looking to lose weight. Is doing 6x10 the optimal thing to do ? I see a lot of people here "only" do 5x5 series.
I just do laps of the car park of my gym. I know you’re meming but it is hard to judge progression for farmers walks
>Bench Press 3x10
>Machine Pec Deck 3x12
>Dumbbell Flyers 2x10
>Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3x15
>Dumbbell Tricep Extension 3x15
>Tricep Push down 3x12
>Deadlift 10x3
>Front Lat Pulldown 3x12
>Standing Cable Row 3x8
>One Arm Dumbbell Row 3x15
>Incline Dumbbell Curl 3x12
>Incline Hammer Curl 3x12
> 30 Minute Jog
> Core Exercises (Plank, v-ups, etc.)
Need to add some lower body movements, could anyone give me some recommendations on where to fit these in?
About to start a PHUL routine. Based off of this one:
Upper Power
>Bench 3x5
>Row 3x5
>Lat Pulldown 3x7
>OHP 3x3
>Preacher Curl 2x10
>Skullcrusher 2x10
>Crunch 2x10
Lower Power
>Squat 3x5
>Barbell Calf Raise 2x8
>Deadlift 3x3
>Cable Oblique Twist 2x10
>Leg Curl 3x7
Upper Hypertrophy
>Incline Bench 3x8
>Cable Crossover 4x10
>Cable Row 3x8
>One-arm DB Row 4x10
>Lat Raise 3x8
>DB Supinating Curl 4x8
>Rope Pushdown 4x8
Lower Hypertrophy
>Trap Bar Deadlift 3x8
>DB Lunge 3x10
>Cable Oblique Twist 3x12
>Hanging Leg Raise 3x12
>Leg Extension 3x12
>Leg Curl 3x12
>DB Calf Raise 3x15
>Crunch 3x10
If 5 reps is your base for an AMRAP set, then getting past ten on a set is a solid number for moving up. Though if you're only doing that one AMRAP set as your working set, then maybe move up sooner, at 7 or 8 reps. Your lower back getting tired easily is usually from a weak core or bad form, usually both. Deloading and then focusing on form as you work back up will help with both.
What makes that an ottermode routine?
Push: Side Lateral Raises, Tricep Push Down
Pull: Preacher Curls, Lat Pull Down
Legs: Romanian Deadlift, Weighted Reverse Lunges
Push: Shoulder Press, Body Weight Dips
Pull: Wide Grip Assisted Pull Up, Seated Cable Row
Legs: Bulgarian Split Squats, Barbel Hip Thrust
rate this instathot routine pls. i want to add hyperextensions somewhere but idk
Stole off here
- bench
- tricep extension (cable)
- incline DB press
- sitting shoulder DB press
- Weighted Dips
- Lateral raises
- lat pulldown
- single cable pull down
- seated cable row
- preacher curl
- reverse flys
- some type of back machine
- more curls of any type
- deadlifts
- abs
- squat
- Leg Extension
- Leg Curl
- Calves sitting
- RDL w/DB
- hack squat
- calves standing
- leg press or lunges
- abs
I try to rotate PPLPP to PPLPL repeat
I think i should Add pull ups to leg day and chin ups to Pull day.
6x10 will leave you exhausted and might get you injured.
5x5 is usually for strength training. If you wanna build muscles, you need volume. So you can do 3x10 or 12 depending on your exercise.
the what?
Not neccessarily. Honestly, dont go heavy on rows. Do a 3x8 or 5x8. Also regular rows are overrated. There are so many row variations that put way smaller strain on your lower back while being less awkward to do properly, dumbbell row being a good example.
If you really want to row heavy in low rep ranges, do pendlay rows.
see pic attached. it's probably my best routine created thus far. its sometihng i have tested over a few years. diet is also included. hope you guys enjoy and i encourage you guys to try it. it will make you aesthetic as fuck
Work Schedule
Lift every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday so my lifts are on days I do not work or not work the next day.
Squat 4x10,
Bench 4x10
Barbell Row 4x10
Triceps Pushups or Dips 4x10
Situps 3xF
Deadlift 3x8
Bench 4x10
Military Press 4x10
Barbell Row 4x10
Situps 3xF
Progress 5LBS everytime I can successfully do the 4x10 or 3x8.
Current 1RM
Deadlift: 315
Squat: 315
Weight 190
Anyone got any ideas on splitting for only lifting on days off? Also thinking of getting a roman chair, worth it?