How the FUCK have some of you 20 or above year olds NEVER had a fucking job? This is ridiculous...

How the FUCK have some of you 20 or above year olds NEVER had a fucking job? This is ridiculous. How do your parents allow you to even sit on your ass in front of a computer screen everyday? If im jobless for more than two weeks my ass gets chewed out for not helping out with bills. It's not that fucking hard. Im 21 and have already had over 10 jobs. (Never got fired. I just get bored with a lot of jobs and quit and find a new one literally within a week. No biggie)

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1. Where?
2. What jobs?
3. Im proud of u btw

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Because after divorce I alone mostly clean and care about this stinking house and have no better opportunities at this moment for living, at least don't have to worry about bills yet.
And I've been never taught of real discipline, and I don't want to "waste" my worthless time if I can learn and get night technical college degree first and then get into decent industry job.

Yea, 10 shitty jobs in life, how many of them were warehouses/fast food/some shit talk at phone?
I'm lazy and broken with a chance of repair a bit later than expected, but you're just over dynamical faggot who thinks is better.
Kill yourself and your familly in sleep, bitch.

Because I keep telling myself I would rather find a nice remote job than wagecucking but keep self sabotaging my training

Ive worked at an airport cleaning aircrafts, i sold carriage tickets outside (i live in charleston, sc and carriage rides throughout the city are a huge tourist thing), been a pizza delivery driver, had a ton of restarurant jobs, worked at publix as a cashier for awhile. Tried selling vacations at bluegreen but i completely sucked at that so i quit that one. The list goes on. It's easy to land a job, user. Just lie on your resume. That's all you need to do

I can honestly say ive never worked in a warehouse or fast food joint.

>he doesnt go to tech and have a part time job at the same time

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Good on you for quiting more jobs than I ever had?

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Don't have a job, never had a job. Live by myself in complete neet glory. I'm pretty unhappy, but I don't think I could be happier than I'm now so I'm kewl.

27 here. I'm too ugly and too awkward for a job. And I don't want to support the system. I want to be self-employed but I don't know how.

Silly user, you need a marketable skill to be self-employed.

20, have had two jobs and I start my third in a couple weeks. Thigns are looking up for me.

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yeah I know, I have to figure that part out

Very easily? Most people don't finish university until 22 and a considerable percentage do not work during that period

Thats understandable. But most posts on this board are "im a 29 year old NEET whos never been to college or had a job and never kissed a girl" and blah blah more pathetic shit like that. You know who this post was directed towards, user. Stop trying so hard.

I have zero charisma, so employers are flat out turned off when I get an interview. It's just a flaw in my humanity.

Charleston is a great place user. I think that the south in general sucks when it comes to wagecuck jobs.

I once took one of those carriage rides, it was really comfy. I'm actually in SC right now on vacation. I miss Charleston

I'm a 21 y.o. high school dropout who has had two awful jobs. Currently not working but will be getting a job at some point soon. I'm not 100% pathetic I guess. But I definitely think something is wrong with me mentally, so I might go on neetbux some day

Well then you might want to adjust your post to 25+ lol

there is probably an equal split between wagies and neets on this board

im 27 and i've never had a job. and i have a bachelor of arts degree


feels good

how do you live?


because i'm not a poorfag

still have 2 more years of college before i have to actually get one

>finish college
>land interview
>manager reads your resume
>"user is there a page missing or do I not see any job experience?"
>"y-you too"
>"we'll call you back, here's the door"

Enjoy it

i get money from my mom and grandma and food and healthcare from the state for being mentally disabled

working on getting social security disability but it takes a few years

eh, economy'll probably collapse in a few years anyway

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>Look, it's future wagecuck-kun
>give us a lesson
>oh shit, you just healed cancer!
>my soul is purified now, cus you showed me the path to the Holy grail

I sell crack sometimes. I'm a proud black user

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>OP is only being harsh on other people for not working because he was subjected to it by his own parents

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You don't understand the goal of the NEET life. We hate society and want to escape it at any cost. I think of it like being a modern hermit.

We don't have stupid poorfag parents. I didn't get a job until I graduated college, my parents didn't take any money from me for years and now they only ask for 180 GBP/month. I'm saving money like crazy and I'll have a great future because my parents love and empower me instead of treating me like a slave.

Lmao, this. He's a huge cuck.

>How the FUCK have some of you 20 or above year olds NEVER had a fucking job?

No one has ever responded to one of my applications or resumes
The only ones who ever did ended up being a pyramid scheme and I NOPE'd the fuck out of there
I have a 4 year degree from a top 30 school and have been looking for a job for 2 years

My goal isn't to be a part of society. It's to drop out if it.

>completely missing the point of shitty student jobs

Another zoomer who thinks he knows everything. People could have been sick (like me), mentally fucked up, caring for a relative, focused on school. And you can't say, "well those people are exceptions", because only exceptions have never worked. As for myself, after 10 years of illness, I did get a job, but got fired after 2 co-workers spread rumours about me. Life is hard and unfair for a lot of people. You have no idea how fortunate you are to have a normal life.

There's no good "point". They're not necessary to develop social skills or punctuality or anything like that, that's what school and college are for. They just distract you from your studies with extra stress. Poorfags like them either because they were forced into them by poor parents or because they see themselves becoming the poor parents that can't provide for their kids.

>There's no good "point".
Yes there is. Unless you're one of those lucky NEETs who got some kind of jackpot that'll support their lifestyle indefinitely or has a very high demand degree/trade good fucking luck finding a decent job after 20 with no work experience.

because im studying to get a job that doesn't involve holding a mop or delivering pizza.

>or has a very high demand degree/trade
It's not hard to go into STEM.

Do you think it's a good idea for people to do shitty minimum wage jobs in their youth just so they have the necessary experience to keep getting shitty minimum wage jobs for the rest of their life? Stay poor.

>keep getting shitty minimum wage jobs for the rest of their life
I never said that. It's about building a work ethic, which is a lot more valuable than you might think.

Do you understand the goal of the NEET life is not being bound by society and getting away from it at any cost?

Yes but a bunch of them are actually not gonna be able to keep it up indefinitely and are gonna end up being walmart greeters in their forties.

The goal of NEETdom is to not integrate with the sick society. It's rejecting it.

Work ethic = Conscientiousness = Genetics and upbringing

It's not something you build, it's something you're given. By your teen years there's little you can do to change it. I've ALWAYS had a great "work ethic" and I didn't need any bullshit summer jobs to develop it.

Many don't expect to have a future either way. Life is based on how well you fit in. If you don't then society decides to try to make your life miserable. Plus there is always government programs so the escape can last longer.


I have a great work ethic, but that doesn't mean shit if nobody will hire me.

I have to admit it's a good way of putting it, but on a resume prior work experience serves as relative proof of that, if there isn't any it's not gonna do you any favors with the HR people.