What do you think happens to a girl's psychology after she gets fucked by Chad...

What do you think happens to a girl's psychology after she gets fucked by Chad? Is there any way she could ever get satisfaction from you? I mean every time you two have sex she will be remembering her time with Chad, because that's the only way she will be able to get off. How do you cope?

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not every girl gets to fuck chad. the problem with people on this board is that they want stacy or even becky.

understand where you stand in the hierarchy of breeding, and find girls that are on your level.

> I jerked myself today...
> To see if my cock still feel.
> I focus on the gainz...
> The only thing that's real.

Attached: thousand_yard_stare_chad.png (299x795, 417K)

That is why we must become chad.

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>find girls that are on your level.
doesn't mean much when your looksmatch are getting fucked by Chad too, 80/20 and all that.

I wish I didn't exist but I don't want to deal with the pain of suicide and I don't want to make my mom sad.

textbook proof that height is more important than face. guy on the right looks like hes on the verge to cry.

Girls in the same level can get easily pumped and dumped by more attractive guys.
Are you really not aware of the fact that guys have lower standards for casual sex than relationships?

I think that once a girl inevitably fucks Chad, her thoughts/behaviors/outlook on life is validated that she is "perfect" and therefore does not need to change as her biological purpose is fulfilled. She realizes that she can fuck men the top 20% of men and therefore does not need to be nice to the bottom 80%.

> being in uni talking with some professors
> chad appears
> "wow that dude's hot af but he's probably a dumbass"
> being a 3/10 so there is also no way to get his attention
> eventually he talks to me
> start seeing him a lot in uni
> he always talks to me
> he turns out to be one of the smartest students in class
> he's also studying physics
> one day he asks me to have a lunch with him
> he's in the whole lunch flirting with me and trying to touch my hand and that kind of things
> being virgin af
> whatthefuckdoidonow.jpg
> we have to go back to classes
> "hey user, we should have to go to this bar I told u this weekend"
> "U-uh, hm, s-sure"
> then tell him that I'm feeling sick some hours before the meeting and I don't go there

I have a very low self-esteem to date a chad, I prefer to still being a kissless virgin.
Sometimes he still texting me, I don't know what he has seen in me desu

>hey guys I'm a fembot
>Chad wants to fuck me what do I do?


why do girls act like they understand what real loneliness and insecurity feels like

Save your virginity or you're a slut.

take the mog pill

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Not really, I'm definitely not asking for an advice. I still kind of like him desu but because he's based af he's really intelligent and also we have a lot of shit in common. But idk I feel like a fuckin piece of shit when I'm with him so I just prefer to be alone.

Stfu faggot

Even if her only sexual experience with a Chad is a two minute blowjob in a dirty bathroom stall, once she has experienced, it's over for any lower status males. She will for ever compare any mate with the Chad she snatched for a moment, and no low-status male can compete.

It's worse if she has actually fucked a bunch of Chads. In her memory, she will pick up the best trait of each one to create a Uberchad in her mind which she will compare any mate with. She will never be satisfied again.

>based af
>reddit spacing
buy a rope and learn how to tie a knot

>based af
>really intelligent
>have a lot of shit in common

Yeah he's a fucking retard and you only are interested in him because he is a Chad. Just fucking kill yourself.

Leave here with your awful greentext story that nobody cares about. You don't fit in here, this is a place for legitimate losers, not larpers, or girls with daddy issues

just kys faggot

He likes the same music that I like, we both play piano since we are kids and most importantly he's also studying physics. He's really good at math, and we went together to a lot of speeches /sci/ related. You can't study physics if u aren't intelligent dumbass.

> implying
damn bro don't cut yourself with that edge

Look at this roastie whore trying to fit in and laugh. Holy shit you people dont know when to stop dont you

You didn't even use any of that right. You're a walking caricature of everything currently wrong with this website. So many newfags invading this place, without even taking the time to learn about the culture of the board that you're trying to reside. Kill yourself.

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Relax. Most sexually active girls have stories of hot guys turning out to be rubbish lays.

My gf had a breast reduction at 19 (before I even met her so I don't care), but from how she describes having 34H boobs on a small frame was the Chad bait you'd imagine it to be. She was mostly too busy with school but she did tell me about hooking up with a literal male model. He even had a big dick. Oh god, I must be so jealous.

Not so much. She says he spent 10 minutes incompetently "jabbing" her insides (her words) until she faked orgasm hoping he'd finish. Instead he moved from her pussy to her tits and tried to fuck them like an "alpha", ie not letting her be involved at all. He just wanted her to lay there on her back holding her boobs together as he dripped sweat on her humping the sacks of fat on her chest. It wasn't just bad sex, it was humiliating.

He also stole one of her bras, lel.

Honestly, there is no point in living life if you don't look like the right on the left. This is all a sick joke. Some guys get to be literal gods and others have to be nasty little goblin men. Sounds great! Glad I have to live my life as a fucking freak while Chad enjoys every second of being himself. I never even get one moment of happiness being myself. Not one. I just want to feel good when I see myself. I just want to want to live.

>right on the left
I meant Chad on the left

She is one hundred percent lying to you and still fantasizes about the male model. Women are just dishonest, horrible people in general and they lie to please whatever guy they're "with" at that particular time. They just turn around and say the exact same shit about you to the next guy. You'll be the "jabbing" guy next.
>I'm a cuck, lel
Get it together.

Shut up you tedious mentally ill faggot tranny larper. The world would be better off without you.

>chad got what he wanted from my gf (she had bigger tits back then too lol like I care blah blah blah cope cope cope) but she told me I'm better so it must be true

But guy on left has superior height and face. You don't really think guy on right looks better do you?

Literally this. Sadly, I was that user not too long ago. Cope, cope, cope. It's not so bad, blah blah heh heh.

Listen here faggot I've known chads and they will fuck literally everything
They just don't brag about the ugly ones

Literally nobody cares larping tranny nigger

What you and robots call ugly is literally a 6/10 average Becky. You dont what an actual ugly woman looks like.

>Women are just dishonest, horrible people in general and they lie to please whatever guy they're "with" at that particular time.
This shit's completely non-falsifiable so arguing with guys like you is pretty much like arguing with a religious fundamentalist. Women are always terrible, if someone claims an exception either they or the woman are lying.

I don't actually care whether you change your behavior or not, I just wish you could see how fucking stupid and illogical you are for buying into this mindset. The screeching hysterical emotion-driven child that you think women are? That's you mate.

This is catastrophizing. While each of the steps in the sequence of events you're worried about are not to unreasonable one after the other, getting from A to B is a massive jump. For example;
>if a girl has sex with someone before me, maybe I won't be the best she's ever had
is reasonable, but
>if a girl has sex with someone before me, I'm guaranteed to die alone and sad because no girl will ever love me like she loves chad
is making a mountain out of a molehill

>How do you cope?
By never entering into a relationship.
I could never make a girl happy.

I don't very much care, really.

My ex cheated on me with a few chads during our 5 year relationship, then I dumped her.

That was over 3 years ago, and yesterday I fucked her from behind after which she made me sushi.

She's moving across the country in a couple of weeks, so I don't even have to see her anymore :D

Nope, we're talking women that a man would be ashamed to talk about fucking
disgusting whales and women you pretty much have to screw from behind

Chad doesnt resort to fucking landwhales lets be honest here

I don't even know what to say to you. Pearls before swine. Believe what you will, oh wise one.

Pic related is you right now user.
>reddit spacing
Go back.

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This should be a new fucking pasta. Jesus Christ. WAKE UP.

>he fucked his ex
Biggest beta move that betas think is somehow alpha.
It's only alpha if you were never actually in a relationship, otherwise this is lower than eating nigger cum-filled pussy.