why dont we construct a town in the desert and make our own socialist community of NEETs

Attached: SlabCity4.jpg (1000x683, 256K)

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Where do we get the tendies from?

It could work if we all have neet/autismbucks. And it's much smarter than a fucking deserted island.

What should we name the town?

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>trying to construct a society consisting entirely of the most useless members of our current society

literally the worst idea I've ever read

>he who works not shall not eat
well at least you wouldn't be wasting good land

well we would need someone to open up a 711

That's like going to a grave yard of people sitting in their coffins.

Who will do all the work? NEETs don't do anything, that's why its called NEET.

im not very creative when it comes to names but i do like the sound of NEET Town

>NEET town
>people working

>people equating employment with work
guess education doesn't go too far these days

obviously they will need to work but at least it would be a cool small community

sophistry won't stop you being a lazy neet

You'd be surprised. We might get along well in our own ecosystem if we share certain values that made us undesirable only within the context of normal society.

People don't suddenly change completely when put into a new situation. Real life is not a shitty "NEET transported into catgirland" light novel

Because universal basic income isn't a thing yet. Also a lack of goods and services and pretty much anything.

neet town becomes communist town
working neets dont want to feed lazy neets
capitalism takes control of the town and everyone but the inital founders who own the land have to work

We can pretty much name it anything legally in the US. there are far more wacky names than NEET Town so no problem.

haha get fucked brainlet, surprised you know what that means but not what employment is

But different people thrive in different situations. If the conditions of society are what prevent NEETs from thriving, then it's possible that when removed from society and left to their own devices they could. NEETs aren't necessarily objectively useless, only useless given the context in which they are judged to be.

go fuck yourself

thats the plan dude, we can also try and make it a tourist attraction or a TV show

user do you even know what that is?

>user do you even know what that is?
literally shut up

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dude you do know that the US is basically socialist please stop acting like a retarded nigger

we should definitely name it bunnyistan in honour of all those CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZY little bunnies M (88m88)M

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In all seriousness living around a bunch of quiet, meek nerds who play video games and masturbate all day sounds nice. They don't bother anyone.

And it should be called Neverland

>NEET Town
have you ever heard of Detroit?

but how do we reproduce?

by original anal sex

well pieces of shit already drop out of there so it's worth a shot

Recruiting from the 25+ threads. Zoomers not allowed.

Attached: mike_sippin.jpg (1416x1525, 476K)

That pic reminds me of Sandy Shores in GTA V.

Attached: Sandy_Shores.jpg (640x360, 67K)

SlabCity is filled with leftist faggots, illegal Spics and crime

hire personal secruity detail(1 or 2 guys per shift) or you'll get all your shit jacked by bums or illegals

There's enough crossover between Jow Forums and Jow Forums to have security handled.

how are you going to incentivize a bunch of neets to not roll over and show their belly the second a group of bandits come through to raid you?

I have farm experience I will monopolize the tendie indestry (btw not jewish)

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like rome

I don't want to live next to niggers

Slab city is a shit hole NEET Town would be very selective on who can become a resident we would need to make aplications to make sure that we only accept real r9k NEETs

I think OP just wants everyone to work as little as possible and receive shelter and food, so everyone would have enough to survive while the more ambitious NEETs can work harder to live better basically it would be a test for universal basic income

""""universal basic income"""" would work, panhandling works too well to not work on a grand scale. but where would NEET Town get the money for that and land and housing and everything we'd need for farming?

>in the desert
you would need to get supplies...