Come and post about about being high anons. Currently coming up on 354mg of dxm.
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I don't know if I'm coming off my high or I'm in the middle of it but it feels good
What are you on friend?
Just an edible nothing much
Dude just fucking do meth. Happy robo tripping tho
Did some mdma 6 hours ago for no reason in particular now im dosing some poppy seed tea for the comedown.
Wasnt worth it, i really hope this makes me feel better, if not i can knock myself out with some valuim
Oh nice, edibles are cool. Get me real fucked up.
Honestly want to kinda try meth just to try but my dad is addicted to it so I dont talk talk to him anymore. And that just turns me away from it. I do take adderall though. Very dependent on it.
Best of luck to you user, I wish I could be rolling right now.
I am fuckin high boys. Im gonna try to astral project with dxm again. I think im close.
Don't fucking touch meth. If you dad is addicted to it you probably share the same addiction genes and you will be addicted to it too.
Takes 2 or 3 for me just taking one feels like I'm floaty. Need to conserve it tho for later usage
pretty blitzed from a few frosty bowls, loading another bowl and chainsmoking some newports. pretty comfy
Trying pcp I got in the mail tonight wish me luck
I've never, ever, seen someone personally that "tries" meth. Everyone I've ever seen that "tries" meth winds up addicted and a fucking degenerate.
Jeez man okay I wont.
Currently listening to Echoes from Pink Floyd, shits great. What are you guys jammin out to?
I'm currently on a microdose of LSD. I'll use it to study accounting.
have fun op
Oh fuck man I love Boards of Canada. Pretty much my go to trip music.
Oh fuck yeah man. I fuck with mbv hard. Thanks for this.
Meant to reply to u
I want my happy drugs
Tried MDMA once and it was the single most happy experience of my life
Mdma is pretty great. I was by myself when I took it though. But I hella enjoyed it though.
I literally felt loved
I cried I was so happy
I love amphetamine. Masturbating for 12+ hours is great. Too bad I can't get any more until Tuesday when my doc gives me more.
My favorite is taking a bunch, then going out and smoking a bunch of weed and then coming home, getting naked and mastirbating while listening to REALLY REALLY HIGH BPM music like nightcore or dubstep remixes of pop songs. I have 2 tvs and like 3 monitors hooked up to my pc so I like to arrange lewd bikini facebook pics of girls I know IRL (from highschool mostly even though that was 5+ years ago) all over all the screens so that I have hundreds and hundreds of lewd pics open at the same time. It's like constructing an altar. I think I could spend the rest of my life doing this and be content.
I always feel like shit after i finish a hours long fap sesh on meth, i have to avoid porn at all costs if i want to get anything else done
Gonna do some 2cb later tonight, not really a big fan of it, I think it's kinda "meh." but it's a pretty mild psychedelic and I don't want to take anything strong atm
Same. I tried MDMA for the first time in my life this week, alone in my room. It was like heaven on earth, I felt such bliss and happiness. I kept silently whipsering to myself "I am so happy right now.. I am SOOO happy right now!!!" It was beyond words, it was total bliss. Simply the act of breathing in and out was like an orgasm. I never ever have felt this happy before in my life. I felt such a need to talk with people, I apologized to my mom via text for always being such a piece of shit, I felt this amazing empathy and love for all the people in my life. Didn't have any kind of crash either, I actually could recall the feeling of happiness the next day and the day after that and still be moved to an overly joyous smile on my face when I recalled the memory.
I still got plenty of ecstasy pills at home and can't wait to try this stuff again, probably gonna wait 2 months just to be safe though.
Oh yeah if I want to use my meds to do anything reasonable I have to choose to not start masturbating because I will NOT stop. I think a lot of the feeling like shit just has to do with coming down. I have severe ADHD so my natural state is basically what a stim crash is. Because of that I always feel like I've wasted my time and that I should have been doing something better no matter what I do. It's just something your brain thinks when it doesn't have any dopamine going on. I think the important thing is to enjoy what you're doing in the moment and afterwards try to reinforce that the decisions you made are okay and that there will always be more time to have more fun later. It's just hard to accept that after the high highs there's gonna be some low lows.