

All my fellow IQ 130+ robots, get in here and share your feels of normals not understanding our plight. We are and always will be the most important minority of them all. We are the ones who create technology, who design the luxuries for the normies, who make sure that everything works. You are using this computer thanks to us, you are using the internet thanks to us, you are driving that Tesla thanks to us, you are flying to Thailand thanks to us.

We shouldn't have to pretend that we are not intelligent just because it makes you uncomfortable to be reminded of the fact that you are not. And we don't think we are better people for being intelligent, so calm down. Gorgeous people don't think they are better people for being gorgeous either, but everyone does acknowledge that minority for having a desirable trait that they should glow in.

Let's treat intelligent people the same.

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130 IQ is not intelligent.

>Gorgeous people don't think they are better people for being gorgeous either
oh boy user, i have some bad news.

It's like the lower bar for intelligence. Below that you don't even understand that you're not that smart.

t. 145IQ tested and confirmed.

>tfw becoming retarded from drug use

Feels good

God this is exactly why I hate intelligentsia, you're so mercilessly exclusionary to people who learn at a slower pace and paint yourselves like an endangered fucking species or something because you have exceptional pattern recognition on a limited framework test, please immolate yourself ASAP

H-hey could someone do a field diagnosis of my iq? Not going for a test, with all my other... abnormalities i doubt the result would be accurate

160 here and I don't think I'm intelligent at all or I would have managed to get my shit together. Painfully average with social autismo .

You're not smarter than me, you're just a faggot.

>IQ equals intelligence
let me know when you graduate highschool and realize you aren't special

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>you're so mercilessly exclusionary to people who learn at a slower pace

That is the exact opposite of what I was arguing. Are gorgeous people exclusionary of the non-gorgeous people just because they are self-aware and open about their gorgeousness?

Some people are more intelligent than others. Why can't we all just acknowledge that fact? Some people are more gorgeous than others too, pic very much related. Why should we pretend otherwise?

What do you mean?

Either way, to the extent that there are differences in intelligence levels between people, there will always be a top 2% of the population.

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Hey frend would you pls thank

isn't anything from 120 and up "gifted"
>tfw 117
it could have been worse..

your use of the royal we alone and taking credit for things YOU never actually accomplished reveals your true intentions, I could dismantle your little expository rant piece by piece but there's no gain in it for me
good day sir

I wouldn't say I'm intelligent but I scored full points on the one test I did in the army and have gotten like 140+ at some online test. Funny thing is I completely failed my psychological test and was still assigned a commanding position which shouldn't happen.
Still the fact that I can see how some shapes and pictures connect isn't really that good indicator of intelligence in my opinion. I have no social intelligence, I can't really tell my ideas and opinions into words, I don't want to achieve those things you talked about (create technology, etc.) I just want to live stress free life and go not where the fence has fallen down or where it is the highest but where it is relatively low.
I kinda like teaching in a sense that people say I am really good at explaining some things in a simple way. But it still way too social for me.

I think the cause of the issue is not in that we are smart, but that a lot of us fail socially. I know plenty of people who are smart and successful. I am surrounded by them. It is just that maybe you are not a conversationalist. Also I might add that some intellectuals do hold it over peoples heads if they are not as smart as they are. They may go as far as to say they should be given special privileges for it. Keep that in mind. That there are others about as smart as you fighting the wrong fight.

ok cool what have you done with that intelligence of yours? created any technology, designed anything that works?

>Ooh if your SOOOOOO smart, how come u havent built a spaceship with your phallic muscles yet ooga booga

Fuck off

Answer the question?

> We are the ones who create technology, who design the luxuries for the normies, who make sure that everything works

If you haven't done any of that then you can't put 'we'. You're obviously not in the same class of people that you describe and you can't make that claim unless you can demonstrably prove that you used your alleged intelligence to do something tangible.

I'm not asking whether you designed life-changing stuff or tech etc, I'm asking you what you did with your intelligence because people like you are basically the reason why most normies hate people that brag about their IQ, you are the embodiment of the 'To be fair, you have to have very high IQ' Rick and Morty copypasta persona and you are worse than normalfags because you actually a real advantage over them in terms of IQ but you're not doing shit with it, so why do you think you deserve anyone's respect?

>Answer the question?
Why did you ask a demand?

And oh, i'm not OP, so i'll ignore the points aimed at him. Doing something in gamemaker, don't know how that will turn out. I'll try to learn drawing. Maybe will get into making music. Nothing life changing, but it's mildly entertaining.

Also why are you so whiney about the whole thing? "If you're intelligent you would've already build me a multi-masturbation machine or you're a dum dum" geez man

if you think you're smart you're most likely not
it's not a sure thing but it's accurate on a high enough level to make it a statistically backed claim
intelligence crashes your ego unless you're actively using your intelligence to grow it bigger, that is unless you're a person who uses their intelligence to actively grow themselves above others by climbing up th corporate ladder, manipulating and scamming people or creating influence over people by establishing a political or a financial presence (starting a company and providing people with a commodity they either needed but never had or didn't know they "need" until now) you're going to have an ego death at one point or another in your life (fairly early on most likely)
it's easily summarized by the good ol' saying "i know i know nothing" in a sense that there is so much other there to know everyone is an idiot in one way or another, however in actuality it's more like you understanding that your intelligence is only a tool that allows you to pursue some paths in life easier than for others and opens some doors for you that might be closed for others, this being said intelligence is too much of a spectrum to just call someone "intelligent" in a positive manner, where's a people can poses the type of "intelligence" that simply makes them walking calculators or encyclopedias, so assuming even if you do poses the "right" type of intelligence that's not only valued but is also practical in this world as long as you don't walk the aforementioned metaphorical paths or go through the metaphorical doors you're nothing but a wasted opportunity, which in itself might as well be regarded as a sign of "stupidity"
anyway, smart or dumb if you're on Jow Forums your life is shit anyway

This is rambling nonsense

>Why did you ask a demand?

"(can you) answer the question?"

>Also why are you so whiney about the whole thing? "If you're intelligent you would've already build me a multi-masturbation machine or you're a dum dum" geez man

for one, I'm not doubting OP's IQ at all, which is what you're implying by the second half of your statement. I said this because OP made this claim > We are the ones who create technology, who design the luxuries for the normies, who make sure that everything works

and if he hasn't done anything like that then he basically made a false claim, which is annoying because he's trying to speak for a group that he doesn't belong to, and it is exactly this attitude which makes most people hate these 'we are smarter than you' type of people.

There are tons of high IQ people who do jackshit IN SPITE of their intelligence, who think they deserve the same amount of respect as people 'who create technology, who build the world' etc. just because they're born with high IQ. That is the part I take issue with.

I didn't actually read the majority of OP's post, not that i care in particular, so, uh... i have nothing of substance to add i suppose

>130 IQ is not intelligent.

It's the top 2% of the population.

Are not the top 2% of the population in terms of looks gorgeous?

>but you're not doing shit with it, so why do you think you deserve anyone's respect?

There are many gorgeous people who don't pursue a career in modeling, acting, etc., and yet still command respect for simply being gorgeous. Double standard, much?

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>There are many gorgeous people who don't pursue a career in modeling, acting, etc., and yet still command respect for simply being gorgeous. Double standard, much?

Yes, too bad then? That's the way it works, being bitter doesn't change your situation

>The way the world happens to work right now is the way it will necessarily work for all time, and trying to change things is a futile endeavor.

Please tell me again, why are we even bothering with #MeToo and #SaveAfrica?

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Speaking as someone with an IQ of 160 (actually tested, not like a shitty online test) IQ is a bullshit measure. What your IQ describes is your pattern matching and puzzle solving ability. If you haven't DONE ANYTHING with your IQ then you have no right to brag about it. You can be an autistic faggot sitting in your undies all day on Jow Forums but no one should congratulate you for being born with a high IQ.

People with much lower IQ than me have accomplished way more than I ever will. OP can fuck off with his "smart but lazy" pseudo intellectual bullshit.

What the fuck? I was expecting a comfy smart people thread and it just dumb faggot normies compensating and arguing? GET OUT!!

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>The way the world happens to work right now is the way it will necessarily work for all time, and trying to change things is a futile endeavor.

Not what I was implying.
What do you or OP propose to do about this then, besides being bitter, venting on this board which doesn't change your situation? Like, too bad then, what can I say
Maybe use your IQ to do something and contribute to society ?

>What do you or OP propose to do about this then, besides being bitter, venting on this board which doesn't change your situation?

Raising awareness of the issue is to do something about it. Everything starts with people being aware and educated about an issue.

If it came across as me venting and complaining, I apologize. That was not the intention.

>If you haven't DONE ANYTHING with your IQ then you have no right to brag about it.

See . Also, who said anything about bragging? It's interesting how someone with a supposed IQ of 160 fails to understand the core message of the OP post, which is that it is not about bragging, but about being able to be open about their connate character perks without being shamed into feeling like a cringelord for acknowledging what is plain for all to see - that they are smart.

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Im smarter than all of you dumb niggers. Let me draw a circle around you labelled pseuds and then stand outside of it smugly. We live in a society prove me wrong.

out of curiosity,what are you doing with your life at the current moment?

>I hab IQ of 160
>IQ doesnt matter tho


I only bring it up so you know I'm not a sour grapes IQ-let.

Computer programmer one year out of college, banking $60k/year in a lower income state, saving up to get my master's and working on building up several side businesses


Who's bragging and being derogatory now.


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good luck in your future endeavours user.

>tested 120 IQ in 8th grade

>only gotten dumber over time because of depression and self isolation, drugs

>Raising awareness of the issue is to do something about it. Everything starts with people being aware and educated about an issue.

So the issue is that people born with high IQ should be accorded the same respect in society as people born physically attractive even though both did fuck all to get their respective traits?

> being able to be open about their connate character perks without being shamed into feeling like a cringelord for acknowledging what is plain for all to see - that they are smart

"Hey guys, I'm naturally smart and I have really high IQ, acknowledge me"
Why should people NOT shame someone who's born with what is considered a major advantage and yet doesn't achieve anything tangible with it?
"Hey guys I'm born smart you guys should not shame me but accept that you're born dumb. Hey you should be thankful because 'we' created your technology and yall won't enjoy all this stuff without us you ungrateful people"
you realize that's exactly how the post comes across to a normie? Implied condescension, demanding entitlement and yet unable to prove what exactly you did with your intelligence, if you didn't do shit why should society care?

Intellect is effectively "useless" without a corresponding amount of persistence. A lot of extremely intelligent people I've known become extremely demoralized the second they encounter an issue that they can't just breeze through.

I only tested 115 on a bullshit online IQ test a long time ago, but that was still apparently enough to put little to no effort into schoolwork from first grade through college and graduate with B to B- averages. That said, it really fucked me in the end because not only did I not learn persistence and determination, I also didn't have any of those useful social manipulation/networking skills to compensate for my halfassedness.

>IQ equals intelligence
You could be working at a fucking food
restaurant with minimum wage and no friends
and you pompous "intelligent" fags will never realise why people exclude you so much when you only brag about your IQ level.