Friend is cheating on his gf of 6 years

he's away for the weekend while she sits at home comfy in her pajamas watching anime and playing emulators not knowing in the slightest what's going on. d-do i say anything to her? she's literally 10/10 why would he do this
i've had a crush on her for years now

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always rat on people when you can, the only justice in this world is consequence

She wont fuck you for breaking the news. Theres no material gain

very true. is there some way i can have her find out without me being involved so they break up and i can be her rebound fuck?

You losers swear you're good friends too thats the funny part, youre all snakes

people can only control their own behavior
if his friend didn't want to get busted he should have done it on the DL

is that a real life anime character or something? wtf

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>snake logic

What it means is their is no friendship, its just a bitter deceitful traitor plotting but would complain and call his girlfriend a backstabber if cheated on him

I think you're contradicting yourself but I'm not 100% sure I even know what you're saying.
The guy is betraying his woman, if he wants to skate on it he should do it discreetly.

Why are you here Tyrone? Shouldn't you be out banging white milfs as their husbands video tape you stabbing their wife's pussy over and over with your bbc?

how do i get her to fuck me though? he's been wanting to break up with her for awhile now and she's been giving me those fuck me eyes every time we're together

Don't be a nigger
She won't fuck you you stupid faggot
What has a roastie ever done for you
Think about your friendship

>Guy is betraying his woman
>Guy's "friend" is secretly waiting to betray him
>If the "friend"'s girl cheated on him he'd think shes a backstabber meanwhile he can't wait to backstab his friend


I don't know what sort of sick cuck fetish you have but I don't partake in gay shit like that

Get as close to her as you can, not particularly as friends but don't make it obvious you wanna smash
Collect proof about her bf cheating, make anonymous account and send it to her for whatever reason you can think of
If this works you'll be her support and shoulder to cry on if executed perfectly
Good luck user, don't fuck up

She's not going to fuck you because you are a traitor and she won't respect you if you're trying to fuck her this isn't a credible way to do it and no I'm not going to help you be a backstabber

>robots still think you "can get close" enough to clap checks
oh no no no

Don't do it man

You are his friend, and he trusted you enough to not hide this from you

You stand to benefit nothing from ratting out, other than being a shitty friend.

You can do some serious damage to people, including yourself, by cheating. I don't think friendship, or whatever indentured obligation you confuse with it, means you have to conceal their misdeeds for them. So it's not betrayal to hold them accountable, arguably it would be a more honest and loyal action. You can never get caught in the truth.

i know where you're coming from, nigger. he trusted me enough to tell me that in confidence and to betray that would ruin everything we have. it's still shitty he's fucking random roasties while she's homely cleaning up the apartment and watching movies.

That's a beautiful motto user but how do you know he's cheating and how do you know she's not?

What type of cognitive dissonance do you have to be under for this to make sense in your head. He's his friend not her friend, its not of his business what goes on between them, people get killed for not minding their business every day. Cheating is garbage and yet it still has nothing to do with him. His friend owes the gf loyalty and he owes his friend loyalty, snitching to the girl is a break of code between friends. Are you a woman?

Loyalty is demanded when it's constructive to society, not destructive. His friend's gf deserves loyalty to help her. His friend being given loyalty right now just reinforces his bad actions. Therefore the OP should be loyal to his friend's gf

His friend isn't going to kill him for holding him accountable for his actions. No I am not a woman. If I told my friend I just robbed a killed a man for his wallet I would be extremely naiive to believe he would show me loyalty by not telling anyone. Furthermore I would be an idiot to tell him, since now he has control over me in perpetuity and I have burdened him with associative guilt. I get that you have a hardline "friends don't rat on friends" mind set but it's not actually how life works.

what if i go down the middle and talk to him directly about it. say he breaks it off with her. would i be in the wrong with trying to fuck her?

I'm ignoring the other retarded juvenile shit I just read, if you talk to him directly and state your plans then you have free reign to do as you like and be morally in the clear

juvenile stuff... yeah not like believing in man code

>someone confides in you
>you immediately go and tell in order to manipulate sex out of them
>this is honorable


For all he knows the girl and the guy both fuck other people and know about it, or even she could've cheated 10x first, he knows nothing about the intimate details of the relationship...which is why you stay out of people's business

If you have proof, blow it up for fun. Otherwise, be quiet. If you drop hints, she might tell him and then you've lost your friend and she may still believe he's loyal which is just embarrassing for you.

Don't expect her to fuck you out of gratitude, though. There's a decent chance she will resent you for spoiling her fun.

Well, that's what happens when you marry chad
roasties gonna roast
chads gonna chad

he's already created his own problem, it's not enough to just break up with her because like yourself this side piece can now emerge at any point in his future and homewreck him. He's gotta come clean to his 10/10 gf too. Talking to him is a better idea than going behind his back in terms of integrity but be prepared to deflection and rationalization.

if someone drags you into their business then they can't be too salty about you being there.

Betraying your bro for a roastie

Men really are primates, I'm done defending them

as i see it you got a couple options
1. tell her (advise solid proof but she could think that the only reason you told her is to smash (could develop a great relationship)
2.say nothing (you may feel like absolute shit)
3. (ALL IN) you get proof and confess everything (this includes your feelings for her), tell her, you don't want to hang out with people like him and you would like to spend that time getting to know someone like her even if it doesn't blossom into a full on relationship ( you have to drop your friend 100%)
+. Also in addition to this you should scout out the situation to why he is betraying her because their is usually a reason for cheating, even very small and pathetic ones (aka question him but if he knows you like her be cautious he could try to ruin things beforehand ,also he could give her an std from cheating)

Sit back and watch what happens, secrets are bound to get out anyway

He's not holding anyone accountable you fucking donkey he's trying to fuck his "friends" girl

She's not good enough for him and he doesn't deserve her. It's a broken relationship. Just tell her and let them find partners they will enjoy spending time with

Don't tell her.
Berate your friend for being a piece of shit.

Why do you care when she's probably fucking around too

How can normies act like this without shame?