Have you ever been btfo by the opposite sex?

Have you ever been btfo by the opposite sex?

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*proceeds to become a billionnaire*
he won in the end

Nah he was a bitch loser in the end begging for her acceptance on the site he invented.

I was sick with pneumonia in Army basic training. A Drill Sergeant (female) that was an actual jerk (most put on an act, she was the real deal) told me that she felt sorry for me. She felt sorry because I'd been given everything in life to me by my parents and never had to work for anything in my life.

She was right. 100% right. I don't know if she knew that for sure or if it was intuition or something Drill Sergeants say to people but it blew my mind. I had never truly worked to earn anything. All I had done before was graduate school, and earn minimum wage at shitty jobs. If I ever had difficulty, I had my parents to back me up. They wanted me to live with them after 18 and have always coddled me.

She was an asshole and a bad person who did some illegal and morally wrong things, but she was fucking right. I appreciate that she said that to me because it opened my eyes to how I'd been raised and living my life.

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I had to turn the movie off after that scene desu.

what movie? also the quote would be realistic if she said "it'll be because you're short"

In a humiliating way yes, a literal boy beat me up, being a fully grown adult.

This is retarded because women will suck your cock even if you are the biggest asshole as long as you are Chad

Did she bang you later with a strap-on to further humiliate you only to lovingly cheer you up afterwards?

Lets just say they gave me ibuprofen 800s and I had to bitch slap my dad and I'm still better off

Shit fuck. I didn't get diddled by my dad hes just judgement and catholic. I promise I did the world a favor though, if you met the fucking dude or even spent 12 hours with him. I wish I could slap myself hard enough for it to constitute as punishment for entertaining such a pompous asshole.

nope roasties arent clever enough to say anything grating like that

maybe its cause im a big chad but ive also never witnessed a girl say anything like that to anyone

girls are really poor mentally

If you're a chad, you probably avoid girls who could btfo you to keep your ego safe

>society rejects you from a young age
>society mocks you your whole life, abuses you
>have no choice but to grow resilient towards it by hardening your core and emotions
>thus you are undeveloped socially and emotionally
>when you are old enough not to be only influenced by kids you are tossed into the world of adulthood
>all the ones who shoved you around are somewhat okay since they weren't denied simply being themselves
>they are now "mature" and understanding and give YOU advice about life
>get called an asshole for being underdeveloped, for being closed off, and for being abrasive since this is all you have known


i dont follow your logic (i dont think it exists)

random girls dont know you enough to be able to hit you where it really hurts

ive dated lots of girls and i dont act like an autist or be mean to them to cause them to be mean to me (I did when I was younger but grew up)

What movie? Orignality question

The Social Network.

fuck you moot

In your dreams she did you cuck

What's with social retards thinking girls can btfo a literal Chad. Girls are fucking stupid and Chad's aren't actually fragile. Good looking guys literally master over girls. Females will literally get abused beat and dumped to have a chance to sleep with a 9/10. Personality doesn't matter, just looks

>Chads aren't fragile
Chards suck down air like you and me user. And, I didn't say Chads getting btfo was a regular occurrence.

They do, and I bet they have real insecurities, I'm just saying women aren't smart enough or emotionally stable enough to know them

they shit test chads but chads experience shit tests so they get accustomed to them and pass them.

non-chads don't get shit test, or if they do, they fail, thus cementing their non-chadness.

fact: women usually have one pre-prepared 'line' they throw at you to shit test you, once you get past that, they have 0 to say. I've experienced it time and again and know it to be true. A part of you thinks "whoah i need a good comeback she's clever!" but she really used that one line on every guy she met who she wanted to shit test, and she always has nothing to say after she gets chadd'd.

Fixed it buds

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Not really. Because I'm a biological male and males inherently cannot be BTFO by females. The ability to BTFO is what females lack, unless its your mother. I'm fortunate enough that my mother is a traditional reasonable woman and I haven't given her a chance to BTFO me yet. Just don't do or say stupid shit and you'll be fine. The chance of someone else BTFOing youarises when you do some stupid shit.