>learned the truth about circumcision at 15 from the internet
>spent months obsessively researching it
>learned about the different methods
>learned about the anatomy destroyed by it
>became extremely depressed, even suicidal
>have severe body image issue about my penis ever since
>never had sex
>do not want to have sex with a mutilated penis
>30+ incel/volcel
>yet still have very strong sex drive
>cling to hope of stem cell tech fixing me someday
Is anyone else here an incel because of circumcision?
Other urls found in this thread:
I also developed gender dysphoria form it.
If I'd only been born female, my genitals never would have been mutilated, and genital mutilation of women is treated is a major crime.
Women are valued so much more in our society. And yet they still complain, and they do it constantly!
>People think your banjo string is your gspot
This board never ceases to amaze me
Not everyone wants stuff shoved up their ass.
im circumcised and happy with it
i dont care about "muh nerve endings" because fuck phimosis and fuck whatever that horrifying stretched thing in the left pic is
I ripped that part of my dick while jacking off when i was like 10
>the cope
Its okay.
You literally know fuck all lad
i can cum from rubbing the frenulum alone
>i dont care about "muh nerve endings"
It's not just "muh nerve endings". Your penis is a scarred, dried-out, mutilated shadow of what it was supposed to be. It doesn't, and can't, function the way an unmutilated penis does. You will never be able to have natural, healthy sexual intimacy with a woman.
I don't much care about the sensitivity, but it has made my penis quite unaesthetic.
Did you even read the article you linked to, phonefag?
>The frenulum and the associated tissue delta on the underside of the penis below the corona has been described in sexuality textbooks as "very reactive" and "particularly responsive to touch that is light and soft". The "underside of the shaft of the penis, meaning the body below the corona" is a "source of distinct pleasure"
Thanks for summarising that's it not what op mentioned
>incel because of circumcision
lol right
Without Jow Forums I wouldn't think about circumcision at all. I didn't know what it was until I was in my 20s. I just fapped away. You guys revel in making me more miserable.
>>incel because of circumcision
>lol right
I hate my penis. Understand?
But I still have a strong sex drive. I use porn as a cope, and I prefer the guy be uncut, but when I see the woman lovingly play with the foreskin (like in mycherrycrush vids), that can be extremely depressing.
>You guys revel in making me more miserable.
No, it's just the truth. Life is extremely harsh and unfair, at least for men. Jow Forums (r9k especially) is one of the few places where men can complain and mourn without being censored by beta cuck whiteknights.
Literally who the fuck cares, freaking out about it won't change anything. If the tech comes out eventually then great, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.
Jesus Christ dude. Yeah, I agree that circumcision shouldn't be performed on infant males, but the negative effects have been greatly exaggerating by MRAs. You've been brainwashed by MRAs online, that circumcision completely fucks up your dick. There isn't a difference in pleasure. Just read non-biased studies on circumcision of adults or personal stories. The concept of having an "ugly" dick is retarded. It's like saying you have an ugly finger.
This. I do feel concerned about the human rights violation and think people who circumcise are fucking brainwashed idiots but obsessing over it day and night is only going to make matters worse
>I-I'll just bury my head in the sand and let the abusers get away with it, that's the best thing to do
>The concept of having an "ugly" dick is retarded
fuck off retard
The Italians destroyed the Jews once, and they will destroy them again.
I've followed Foregen since 2013. Even if it's not a scam, it's progressing so slowly that by the time it bears fruit, I'll probably be in a nursing home getting abused and stolen from by Hatian nurses.
If i say HAIL TITUS will i really be un-kiked?
you're glowing very brightly, rabbi.
>im circumcised and happy with it
> Watching porn have sex drive
> porn created by jews
Porn is just some fantasy shit and its the same like u will watch a marvel movie.
>fuck whatever that horrifying stretched thing in the left pic is
>fuck whatever that completely natural, highly sensitive part of the penis is, even though I was born with it and it was cut off in a horrific ritual
Titus fucked the kikes so hard that they are still crying about it almost 2000 years later.
Muzzies also like to mutilate dicks
Oy vey remember the 1.1 million. It would be a great tragedy if anyone forgot about the 1.5 million. I propose that anyone who denies those poor 2 million be locked away in prison. When are you goys going to pay reparations for the 3 million?
At least they don't do it when age is recorded by days.
>Muzzies also like to mutilate dicks
One more reason to hate this barbaric practise
>Father was uncut
>Told my mother to get me cut because cleaning under foreskin was annoying
> jews want to get paid for some millions dead long noses
When will these kikes pay reparation to us for giving us the "horrific reasons" to burn and ban them out from every civilization.
Reminder these threads follow the pattern of a psyop. They went up significantly in the last few weeks/months and are always populated by at least a couple regular posters, one of them particularly noticeable by his use of the same exact argueing points, sources and even same words used. There are also falseflag posts of people baiting/pretending to be pro circumcision which seems to be a new thing that only started happening when these threads started being regularly spammed on here. This particular style of thread, pretending to be cut and then larping about how depressed you are about it seems to be a relatively new tactic.
Basically though it appears to be some kind of discord group or some other semi organized effort to shill this stuff. Most of them seem like homosexuals as well which makes sense considering their semblance to a discord group and the shilling on imageboards. Makes further sense when you consider they're all uncut themselves which basically means they're organizing to talk about other mens dicks.
Just a heads up to people.
Nice dubs, good post too my man.
>Nice dubs, good post too my man.
Thank you friend
The only psy-op is the one being run by homosexual circumfetishists like Jake Waskett:
Wow yeah
Can't believe anyone would be this obsessed with dick's
Jesus christ what the fuck
Well I have been saying some words against it in several threads with the same words too. I do it alone on my part but I guess others have too some opinions about it.
Still circumcision for boys shouldn't be practiced in my opinion. It's not similar to women's circumcision, it's the same. I just wan't for people to stop hurting each other
>literally one insane retard
Talk about cherry picking
wow its almost as if there is a fetish about every single thing you can think of.
Or have you forgotten how homosexual spammers on r9k constantly talk about "big uncut cock" making sure to emphasise on the uncut part? There is definitely a strong correlation.
>incel because of circumcision
shifting the blame i see
also what is "the truth"
woah buddy cool it with the antisemitic canards. next you'll start talking about serving the blood of gentile children in matza during passover or the bolshevik revolutions and the gulag system. you don't want to be like hitler do you?
I'm sure that fags love this topic but a lot of people are genuinely bothered by a part of their dick being chopped off.
What bothers me about cutfags is that their responses are, I surmise, rooted almost completely in the fact that they can't change what's been done to them. "cope," in otherwords
Or post choice rationalization. Not that they had a choice in the matter
All that nonsense about slight STD resistance, being cleaner, being more aesthetic. blah blah the usual bullshit
Alright then, what should I do? Obsess over it day and night and not get on with my life?
Italian are jews and vice versa
Not him but changing 2 or more people's minds would be doing something about it
Goyim dont you know, the male gspot is in the anus
Most of my friends think it's wrong already and my parents just tune out whenever I bring it up because they think I'm overreacting so I've given up on convincing them. I don't know who else I could talk to about it.
Fair enough user.
>your parents
yeesh. I hope i never become this closed off from people.
but also not so open minded that my brain falls out
Eliezer Yudkowsky views on circumcision
I had hypospadia circumcision was literally my parents only choice.
I wouldnt call it mutilation since the doctor restored full functionality to my shaft and im greatful for it.
Yeah its kinda fucked. I've honestly approached the topic in a pretty relaxed and non-confrontational manner with them before and they immediately get insecure and think I hate them. The fact that I can't even get them to understand why it upsets me without them getting defensive and panicking just makes me feel like they live in a fucking bubble their whole lives
Parents have their own set of cards they can play to shut down criticism
Usually its the oft heard "i can raise my kid how i want" response
So they really do live in a bubble of sorts. Even if they don't shout that at someone in response, they internally disregard advice/criticism with that as their reasoning
>dogmatic religion
you know what to do, fren.
Wtf I'm circumcised but still have that thing under my dick. I think I'm only partially circumcised which is good. A decent about of foreskin left too I think
Not OP but I think i have seen cocks that are circumcised but still have banjo string
>Decent amount of foreskin left too
Aren't there foreskin restoration products / stretches you can do? If your'e interested in that anyway. Thought I remember that you can basically stretch out your foreskin again over time. If you have something to work with you'll get better results than people who have absolutely nothing. The one anecdote I read was that a guy managed to stretch it out to a point where it covered most of the head of the dick again when flaccid (but not completely, in that ant eater sort of visual that is usually associated with uncut dicks)
This. I don't fully understand why they do this though. Like its fine to defend your decisions but instead they just go to lengths to completely shut down conversations and as you say disregard any criticism. I think deep down they're just very fearful people. My mother especially panicked last time we discussed circumcision because she couldn't give me a straight reason for why she had it done outside of that it was happening to a friend's son I shit you not.
The exact same thing happened to me. I eventually got over gender dysphoria after MANY years (you're not even "allowed" to talk about gender dysphoria going away, because certain activists will set upon you like rabid dogs; it's against their "religion", the idea that gender dysphoria could go away, which is why they have to spam "transition or die, you WILL kill yourself if you don't!" over and over). But I know for certain that having been genitally mutilated was part of why. If I had been a girl, they wouldn't have cut part of my genitals off.
Whether the frenulum is destroyed or not varies from one circumcision to the next. It virtually always gets damaged, but sometimes they carve the whole thing out.
/thread you unoriginal bitch
Waskett is nowhere near the only circumcision "enthusiast" who has pushed for circumcising infants under the guise of medicine. Look into the Gilgal Society and just how many people are affiliated with it.
Not having doctors go snip snaping on you within the first days of you being outside of your mother might've played a big role in that.
Yeah, a lot of guys can. Many find it feels good even before the orgasm.
If everyone had their ears cut off at birth, a lot of people would think ears were "weird".
I was circumcised and I still got my banjo, it does nothing
The directly sensitive part is the bottom part of the mushroom between head and shaft and the balls
I have my doubts about foregen. They seem like they'll siphon money until they can't anymore and go bankrupt.