Positive feels

ITT, we conclude the week by sharing what we accomplished today or in the last 7 days and talk about some positive feels.

>be me today
>fix my bike
>go for a 3km run
>have a cold shower afterwards
>read for about an hour
>manage to resist the sugar Jew
>feel good

Your turn, user

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Other urls found in this thread:


>be weakling lanklet
>never exercised ever before
>did first proper pull up today after three weeks of training.

little steps.

>rejected by a girl
>possibly failing my classes at uni
>made a horrible mistake at work which could get me fired
>ate way too much
>haven't even lift this week

>nobody want to match on tinder
>work twice as hard at the gym
>stretching after doing squats
>random cute girl come talk to me and say that i seem to be very moltivated and it's cool
>discuss for a few minutes about the gym and our works
>ask her if she wants to go drink something tonight
>we both go home and then we meet again later at the bar
>pretty good date, feels good to no fuck up for once
>i see her again tomorow at the gym

there is hope for everybody

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>going to gym regularly because vacation
>got to know a lot more people i haven‘t seen at my gym
>everyone mires me and respects me because of how intensely i train
>start asking for tips
>one guy unironically calls me chad now
>tfw i‘m popular now and able to help people with their training
>tfw feel the autism and emptiness slowly fading

only thing i need to to do now is to start talking to that on qt at the gym that looks at me all the time

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>finally went to the gym again after a monthslong hiatus
>day 4 today and feeling pretty good
>goals are to look buff, be able to pick my gf up more easily, and eventually be athletic enough for boxing

Proud of you user, keep it up.

Don't worry too much, there's always next week. We're all gonna make it, brah

Very happy for you lot, hope you'll all continue

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You get athletic for boxing by doing boxing. Not doing classes because "hurr I'm not ready yet" is procrastination unless you're obese

>unless you're obese

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>our football team reallt really sucks
>but I got laid after both games


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>girls are attracted to me
>I met them while on holiday
>might or might not see them ever again

A bittersweet feel, but why isn't there a mutual attraction with girls where I live?

Locals can tell the difference between a local and tourist.

being from far away makes you mysterious even if you are actually boring


I grew up in zimbabwe and I have a really strong zimbo accent(yes, it's different than a british south african or afrikaner accent), and no one can ever really pinpoint where it's from. Apparently girls really like the foreign/exotic idea of growing up in the heart of africa for some reason.

if you're curious it sounds like this, not quite british, not quite australian if that makes sense:

>Accepted the fact that I'll drop out of college again
>Accepted the fact that I'll have to work now
>Comforted by the fact that my parents are rich and are weak and exploitable and I'll end up with their money anyway

are you white

>ate too much junk food today
>looked at porn
>didn't go gym
>shit sleep
Pretty good brehs

>Manlet but attractive face
>Start meditating every day for months
>Come to terms with height, start living in the present instead of in my insecure thoughts
>Become Chadlet
Feels fucking good, man.

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I'm on vacation with an old college friend and it's good, mainly because we had started drifting apart but this trip has brought us closer together again

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>Thot who I deleted from my contacts texts asking to hang out
>Text back "who dis?"
>She takes offense and deletes me from Snapchat
>Convince her to hang out anyway
>Prolly gonna delete her again soon

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yes obviously lmfao

otherwise my accent would be totally different

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>life is hard
>but I'm not in it alone

>be me 16 yrs old beta
>Pretty big birthday party, many girls I don't know
> Spend the whole evening with a 9/10 talking about life and shit
>Fall in Love
> and talk with her daily
>3 yrs later
>Still talk to her daily
> She gets a bf
>I am free and my fellings about her are gone

No they are not, the fact that you still remember it to this day

My goal right here. Did you manage to handle anxiety as well?

I lost all feelings about her, I am 19 now seh got her Bf like 3 days ago

I'm so sorry bro, how you holding up. Are you still a turbovirgin?

>be skeleton
>gain muscle
>walk down stairs
>pecs bounce

>trying to get a productive hobby besides lifitng
>pick up drawing so I can draw funny comics for games that people enjoy
>pretty shit at first
>meet girl in my class and go on a date
>she is actualy like an amazing anime style artist. Legit mangaka level.
>tutors me on what to do
>now I can draw pretty okay heads and faces

its kind of a small improvement but I'm really happy that I'm making progress. I think she likes me too but its hard because I'm busy so we can't hang out very often.

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Yes. I would highly recommend you look into meditation, as well as the practice of mindfulness. Such practices along with a healthy diet and physical activity will do wonders for your happiness. I wish you the best on your path, user.

got tinder 2 months after a long term breakup, matched with about 20 people the last few days, flirted with a few and still chatting to a few, one is coming to mine tomorrow to fuck, another wants something a bit more serious

>mfw lifting 4 years and it's finally paying off

Well I now have a girlfriend and I am really fucking happy, she says she really likes my forearms so the work payed off thanks Jow Forums I'm actually really happy with a girl

She sounds really shallow if all she cares about is your physical appearance. Dump her asap bro

Is she 5'2?


I ate a live cicada bug
I was holding it looking it in the eye.
My knee was shaking and i brought it close to my mouth.
My fingers got cold and clammy
It was pulsating its wings
I told myself quivering,
No guts no glory and placed it between my top and bottom molars and pressed down.
It made a loud POP then pssssst pffft
The goo splipped down my gums.
The wing texture resembled dry seaweed as the meat tasted like onions with a slight crunch
Never felt more alive
Were gonna make it
We have made it

Based and redpilled

>you will never fight commie niggers while wearing short shorts and being the last bastion of civilization in africa

why bother living anymore?

Friends said I looked jacked for the first time ever
We're all gonna make it brehs

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>was pretty fit 2 years ago
>Lost track, was pissed, some problems in live, gained weight
>a few weeks ago
>Said fuck it
>Started working out again
>Stuff that was easy as fuck 2 years ago is difficult as hell now
>But it feels amazing being back

Yesterday was a nice day for social gains OP
>woke up and went to the gym, chatted with a friend there
>for once my campus wasn’t completely empty on the weekend so I was able to get beckfast with some friends
>go out on the town with nerd friends, get some nice Chinese food and I found a sweet Goku figurine
>go see some family and friends at a baseball game, all the food is free and seats right next to the dugout, our team wins
>head over to my cousins campus afterwards, meet up with him and my twin
>proceed to go to a hous party and a club and get fucked up
Another day in the life bros

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Lucky. My SA accent just intimidates everyone. Maybe I should smile more.

>Maybe I should smile more.
that's the key user. In the US it's really exotic and girls fucking love SA/ZM accents. They're really rare and when you hear it they usually ask "oh are you british" and then I have to explain the whole story of rhodesia to justify the fact I'm not black or a missionary's kid

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kek, this. Shoulda made a move but just learn from it buddeh

>girl I was dating left me for her clearly worse ex
>this was after I got over my fear of being hurt again

It really sucks being a rebound guys, especially when you think things will last. What do I do now?

Socializing this much sounds exhausting desu

Tbh I know this sounds shallow but sleeping with a girl has always helped me forget about stuff after a breakup

The bad:
>Failed an exam and didn't even go to another, while I'm really in a hurry to finish my degree and this might set me back half a year.
The good:
> Started working out again, did a good kettlebell and bodyweight workout to get acclimated, tomorrow I lift
> Diet is on point and I'm slowly seeing my abs for the first time (never obese but always hovering around 18-25%bf)
> Things with gf are going great
> Reading a lot of non-fiction books
> I'm really good at my job
> Stopped succumbing to peer pressure to drink, my friends all get drunk regularly and I used to as well, but now for the first time I can say no and be assertive about it.
> Conquered my anxiety (not social anxiety like autists here, but rather having too many responsibilities on my back) and now I think I can thrive under pressure instead of breaking.

Life is generally good.

You're not hurt.
Don't get attached to people like this - there probably were warning signs.
Move on and learn from this.
It doesn't matter. You have a lot in front of you.

Very nice get the daily routine going
Dont forget to eat good
than go lift asap, mate
i´m glad for you. just play it cool and please get of tinder.
Thats REALLY making it, user. good job
that´s nice can you draw me a happy barbell row wojack?
Don´t let yourself become weak now. Sort your life out, so you wont be stopped from making it.
Its really good to make social contacts but dont build them around partying, because they will not last long. Build them on Hobbies or shared beliefs. Also don´t drink in general.
That are fucking great news, man.
Keep it up.

Why do you do this

based nice bloat

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Hope everything is going good with you user. Thanks for taking the time to respond to people.

>cant lift for 2 months
>only girl i talked to turned me down and stopped talking to me
at least im not getting fatter haha

Follow up:
A girl I met on tinder who goes to the college that I partied just asked me if I’m dtf. BUT I’M ALREADY ON THE TRAIN HOME NOOOOOOO WHY IS MY TIMING SO HORRIBLE AAAAAAAAA
I’ll take that into consideration bro

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I went on a 7am run yesterday, planning on running tomorrow before work.

I am finally getting to know the trading market better.

I can make it bros, the road is still so long, but it looks managable

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>in college after working and brief neethood
>finally starting to see my life come together
>a liveable future actually seems within possibility
>no childhood or youth memories
>no friends
>have enough money from working since 14 to pay for 2 year program without loans
>life is still shit, but a better tomorrow is possible

It's a strange feel. Good, but strange

>working on losing weight
>been overweight and depressed for years
>wake up today and weigh myself
>put into bmi

my grandmother would be proud of me. i did this for her. she died seeing me a mess and i don't want to let her spirit continue to see me that way.

very cool user, ask her to workout together

cancel your plans tomorrow user, one night stands are for betas. Go for a long term and start making babies

I'll try user. haven't practiced much anatomy yet

three weeks into gym ad starting to get noticeable newbie gains after a 5 year hiatus.

Why don't you have a pupper fit?

>loves you
>wants to be around you
>misses you when you're gone
>won't lie
>won't steal
>loves to go for runs
>girls like puppers
>doesn't care if you don't have 1/2/3/4
>easily trainable to do whatever you want

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>Pull up PR (+25kg x3)
>Got a job in a chill AF shoe shop
>Return to college in my first choice course tomorrow
Feels good man

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Nice pup fellow phoneposter

Pic related is my pride and joy

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10/10 pupper

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Sorry for the late answer, but thank you.

>Fell off the wagon about 2 years ago because of depression
>Finally got my shit in order and have been easing back into the Jow Forums lifestyle
>Completed my first session in 2 years yesterday
>Feeling good and am gonna do my best to not miss the next session

Baby steps, but we're getting somewhere, lads.

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>shot .308 for the first time
>don’t care about getting laid anymore, just want to “own” the girl’s mind
Mixed kinda feel, that second one

>I’m an absolute noodle boi
>Been doing push ups at home whenever I’m bored the last week
>Already visible improvement

Lifting 2 months starting to see those juicy noob gains and my lifts and strength are rising steadily. Feels good man.

>i have exams and i'm in a great hurry to get my degree, i kinda fucked up my studies so i might end up failing a lot of classes and will set myself back even more
>i have to move back to the shitty small town my uni is in order to retake classes, being forced to leave everything behind
>financialy unstable, no job, saved enough money to get me through a year though.
>not sure if it's worth it but it's my only choice and i want to test myself

The good
>depression is gone or at least greatly improved and i'm becoming productive again
>quit all bad habits (alcohol, weed etc) and replaced then with good ones, thus i'm productive again
>back to the gym, my body can perform once again, i lost a lot of weight, gained strength and in a month or two i believe i will be back to my former glorious state.

Life just seems mundane and grey right now. 23 years old and i feel dried out, i dont if its because i grew up but i need to find what i'm doing wrong to make me feel this way, become less cynical, more positive and set clearer goals.
I'm kinda drifting without a plan so i figured i'd at least try to finish uni, i should be able to do it if i put my mind to it and things may really change for the best.
I keep feeling like every single day i realize anew that i was not special after all. I gotta change this negative shit

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>be 20YO
>falling for a 14YO
wtf I'm disgusted with myself

>hit new PRs on my new program

rip my niggah. Ask if she's free tomorrow

>no idea if girl is interested in me or not, afraid of showing too much interest and getting led on
>female relatives keep grabbing my legs which are the only part of my body that look vaguely fit
>keep seeing qt short haired girls everywhere which makes me very depressed because i know i'll never have the balls to talk to them
>japanese qt said i'm good at sounding like a native
>learned some Joseph combos in the arcade jojo fighting game
i think i'm doing decent

>Work out today
>Weigh self
>I'm under 200 lbs
>Realise that I met and surpassed my original lifting goals
>Realise that I don't know where I want to end up, but that I've made it this far already and that's not too bad

>started lifting this february after getting tired of being skinny fat for my entire life
>have to move to another city for a job beginning of september
>ask my parents to drive two hours down to help me with the move (my dad has a truck and i only have a car so i cant fit everything)
>they come down and get to see my mom again for the first time in about 16 months
>the first thing she does is grab my arm and asks "what the hell have you been eating?"
>my first mire ever is my mom
>its an abstract kind of feel

im currently sick and i hate myself for it

I started doing chinups and going for walks again
Feels weird being able to do only 4 chinups after reaching 7 max, cant remenber why i stoped at all

...Maybe its paranoia, but i swear my forearms have gotten slimmer.

Thanks for the kek user

Simple pleasures, user

She likes me back bros

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Decided on an Accounting/MIS double major. (School)

Been doing canditos LP, 4x a week, hypertrophy/strength. Feeling mental health gains from consistent workouts. (Gym)

Got money saved up. Probably gonna just wave the flag though and go back to working retail. (Work)

The Big 3 I find are the keys to prosperity. School, Work, Gym.

I have decided to just cut my teeth and grind. Motivation isnt real as one user said, only dedication.

Outside of this I'm really fucking bored. What else can I do?

>signed up for gym 2 weeks ago
> too anxious and nervous to go
>worked up the courage and finally went last night

I hope you get a parasite like that idiot that ate a slug.

>Outside of this I'm really fucking bored

Iktf user - you don't have the want or time to invest into another hobby on top of all your shit going on now. If my friends/family are busy or whatever I'll watch documentaries, comedy specials, and shitpost. People shit on TV and Netflix and shit as wasted time but learning can be really entertaining and easy - especially when it's handed to you on an easily-digestible 2-hour long show. Comedy specials can teach you how to be a funnier person if you're autistic enough and shitposting is just fun in general.

Nah, she thinks she likes you but her emotions will change soon enough, don't get too attached my friend

>started swimming after years away from it
>get back into my groove really quickly
>little girl comes up to me and asks me to find a toy of hers that sank to the bottom of the deep end
>dive down and get it
>feel like a goddamn hero

it's a start

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haha good one user. I'll use it.

Had a great day at the church picnic, and feel closer with God. Thanks and praise be to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Met girl at a party the other day. Texted her yesterday and she was still keen. Just wanted to share with someone anons.

I've started a new program this week, hit 45lb weighted chin-ups, and been killing it with women lately. I need to focus on reading more but other than that I am very happy with my progress with self-improvement. We're all gonna make it bruhs

I don’t have a lot of free time, and that’s really not fair for the dog

I want to get replies to my posts in such threads, so i reply to others.
Pretty much the golden rule

>did my first run without stopping to walk
>15 min per mile but it's a start

How many mph should I go for good times? 6 MPH?

>did a big grocery trip and got a lot of quality foods, on my way to eating a lot healthier
>deadlift PR
>hung out with some new people

Good for you fren

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>chick said my dick is big


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