Pedos are the biggest robots

>cant help the way they feel and feel bad for it
>everyone wants to kill them and is a pedophobe even on R9K
>has to be content with knowing they cant have sex with who they are attracted to as it may hurt the people they love most---kids
>cant even get help in a lot of cases as they get put on a list

Pedos dont feel bad, you are not bad people.
A good sign of a normal fag is moral fagging non offending pedos.
>pedo doesnt mean child abuser

people who hate pedos for liking kids are hating people for thought crimes and it is unironically the current year and we should all get over the fact some guys like little girls

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Can someone explain what a pedo is?
I thought it was exclusively being turned on by prepubescent kids but somehow loli makes you pedo when you also fap to milfs and various degenerate shit

you're a pedo.

Do lolicons counts as pedos in this instance?
Cause I really don't feel bad for anything.

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We hate niggers for being niggers and they can't seem to help it either, but they don't get a pass. Fuck pedophiles, even the ones who don't act on their impulses should be euthanized.

This hate alienates us. We need your help. We want to be normal but we can't be so we have to do something we don't like and we can never do something we like. Even a peek is a crime. Help us. Don't hate us

lolicons arent pedos.
you can like actual kids and adults it just means you are non exclusive pedo.

no they dont
welp I have been caught, meh.
im not a pedo I dont think as I dont fap to anything 3DPD but if I was it wouldnt matter :)

user you seem to be on the wrong board, please go back to >even the ones who don't act on their impulses should be euthanized.
this is retarded man, why are you virtue signalling so hard.

Based pedo.
Pedos have to put up with so much shit from retards like that pol poster.
he wants people dead for having THOUGHTs they cant control.

Have you tried taking the 2D pill? eventually you dont feel any attraction to 3DPD OR just prefer 2D so much you wouldnt bother fapping to stuff that can get you in trouble like kids.
Thanks for being a nice poster pedoanon

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Non-exclusive pedophiles are a thing

By the common definition, a pedo is any human that possesses a penis.

Normies are so emotional and dont follow logic. If youre gay you can't help it, you were born that way. If you find children sexually attractive Youre disgusting and should die. Where's the logic in that? I know right from wrong and would never do something as complex and emotionally intense as sex to an impressionable child but conceptually I still find certain underage kids to be physically attractive. But normies don't care because they have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to hate.

Yup. Males are attracted to neoteny. A lot more men feel something for little girls than are willing to admit it. And basically every guy can be turned on by ~14 year olds.

everyguy finds 12+ attractive if they show signs of maturation.
its obvious simple truth
normies cant think for themselves...
what age do you like most? im a hebe I dont really find before puberty attractive but they can have cute faces uwu

Thank you, OP.

I'm a hebe too. I think once they start puberty and are showing is the most attractive to me so I guess "preteens" generally are my favorite

Thank you for this picture, user. This is a good thread.

heres a rem cat girl user.
yeah man, woman after like 20 start to look like shit if they are white but young teens are ripe :)

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I love how normies define being a pedo means you want to fuck babies. I could find a developed 15yo attractive but because of that the normie mind thinks I must want to kidnap and rape a baby as well.

If you want to fuck a baby though, that would make you pedo, right?

if you find any girl developed or developing attractive you arent a pedo.
A loli a day keeps the normies away.
anyone who has a problem with people liking sxc kids is a retard.
pedo doesnt mean child abuser

A new pasttime of time is going into reddit, finding the legal teens board, finding posts about 18 year olds and saying "I wonder if she was more or less attractive when she was 17".

Every single time I get a gazillion downvotes and people get upset. It doesn't even make sense. 17 isn't even illegal where I live. Like if the thing you find attractive is a girl being 18 then why stop there? Why would the line for attractiveness be drawn EXACTLY where the legal limit is? Why would the legal limit be the same for every girl when everyone matures mentally and physically at slightly different ages? Fucking reddit normies just have the most shallow thought processes

>"I wonder if she was more or less attractive when she was 17".
Normies who cant think for themselves believe taht woman magically become ok to lewd at 18 and not a second sooner.

> Fucking reddit normies just have the most shallow thought processes
Yeah man,.....
pic related is 20+ btw, obviously more goes into attraction then age and its how developed a girl is, some 18yos look younger than some 13yos ect

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Pedophiles deserve pity only if they seek help and try to fix their problems. Stop trying to excuse their disgusting behavior by saying they can't help themselves. The children they raped and abused didn't have a choice, but they did.
Pedophiles are the worst offenders of excuses. They try to grasp straws to justify their sick lust for children. You're abnormal and will always be, accept that. Being gay is just a sexuality inherently neutral. Being a pedophile is a sexuality that has high potential to bring harm and is inherently evil. You can be a murderer or a rapist or whatever whether you're gay or straight, but you can only be a child molester if you're a pedophile.

>inb4 humans are inherently evil.
They aren't, they're neutral.
>inb4 everyone has the potential to do evil.
Yes, but some are more compelled to act than others.
>imb4 n-n-not all pedophiles are child molesters!
But all child molesters are pedophiles. Get over it.
>inb4 btfo to reddit stupid moralfag!!!
Wowie, you got me.

In a group of outcasts and losers, even pedophiles will be abnormal.

Lol okay. Very shallow emotional unoriginal perspective. Sounds like reddit to me!

Somehow you think finding children sexually attractive makes me a child rapist. I didn't even have to come into contact with any kids to become a rapist. Just thinking about them puts me on the same level as a rapist to you. I enjoy watching gore from time to time too, does that make me a murderer?

>. The children they raped and abused didn't have a choice, but they did.
your talking about child abusers not pedos.
im not talking about pedophiles that hurt kids.

>But all child molesters are pedophiles. Get over it.
some men rape woman so all men are rapists???
>In a group of outcasts and losers, even pedophiles will be abnormal.
yeah, so why hate on them if they do nothing wrong.
how does someone merely liking kids mean they should be hated?
>Just thinking about them puts me on the same level as a rapist to you. I enjoy watching gore from time to time too, does that make me a murderer?
the guy you replied to probably thinks fapping to 2D loli is bad as well despite the fact he probably plays violent video games.

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Not only are pedos disgusting, they lack reading comprehension. You aren't a child molester if you are a pedophile, but you have the high potential to be. That's the problem with you freaks. You don't try to seek help but rather try to justify it. Pedophilia is an extremity.
>your talking about child abusers not pedos.
im not talking about pedophiles that hurt kids.
Read above.
>some men rape woman so all men are rapists???
What the fuck are you talking about? Women and men rape, not just exclusively one gender. There's no absolute reason, unlike pedophilia. Like I said, all child molesters are pedos even if all pedos are not child molesters. There are some common factors that make a rapist, but you can become one for any reason. However, there's an absolute reason for a child toucher: they're a pedo and they're sick.
>yeah, so why hate on them if they do nothing wrong. how does someone merely liking kids mean they should be hated?
The reason why (rightfully so) they are so hated because of how likely they can bring harm. Like I said, pedophilia is inherently evil. They do deserve hatred if they don't try to seek help.
And to remind you retards,
>inb4 everyone has the potential to do evil.
Yes, but some are more compelled to act than others.

>. That's the problem with you freaks. You don't try to seek help
bit hard to get help when many country's they put you on a list when you try get help.
>im not talking about pedophiles that hurt kids.
you jsut attacked everyone who likes kids regardless, read above.
>However, there's an absolute reason for a child toucher: they're a pedo and they're sick.
its almost as if not all pedos touch kids and the ones that do needed help before they did but due to society and its hate, they may not have been able to get it.
>pedophilia is inherently evil.
wrong, touching a child sexually is but just liking kids isnt.

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Lol you don't see the jump in logic there? Oh you like kids so you have a HIGH probability of doing a thing you KNOW would harm them. Says who my dude? You sound like a Tumblr feminist who says "oh men like women sexually so they have a HIGH probility of commuting rape. Why? You just sound le triggered XD

I really like ganging up this pedo-hating normie with you!

I wonder if those normies would think you're a pedo still if they knew the AoC in your country is 16? I guess in their mind they think that their AoC laws are the be all and end all and anyone who is different is a pedo

This thread is on autosage?

checking if it is as I know tehres a dick mod who HATES even lolicons and he came on shift 1.5 hours ago ill check

well its basic emotion vs logic.

thats hebe and yeah fucking 16yos is legal in my country.

guys the mod is being sneaky as he has been getting called out for being a faggot mod.
he has set this thread to auto sage.

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