I'm a trans man

i'm a trans man
(born female, now male)

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what do i ask you

Is your butt and tummy fuzzy now?

uh anything, i dunno. I'm just chilling until my roll wears off

meant to reply to yeah a bit. my butt isn't as hairy as most cis guys i don't think. I have pretty good belly hair though.

Do you want the retarded frankenstein dick or the 3-inch clit?

How tall are you?

did you always have penis envy?

very nice! :3

Are you going to stitch a meat sausage to your cunt and call it a penis

You are just a female and you are larping as a man. Why do you do this?

as a cis-dude, approximately how gay is it to be attracted to and date trans-dudes?

neither sounds all that great... hoping for working penis transplants within my lifetime
i'm 5'9, which is pretty good for a afab person
yes desu
pretty freaking gay. probably gayer than dating cis femboys desu.

So about 200% gay? I'll have to factor this into my future equations. ;3

what's it like being degenerate filth? do you even have any plans living past 30?

do you like womyn or are you a yaoi fag

do you want a gf or bf?

do you actually even like pussy or are you "gay"

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i like women. i've been with men a few times, enough to know it's definitely not for me.

>hoping for working penis transplants within my lifetime
we are investing research in other things, this is sci fi

cringe and disgusting

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ohhh be nice ;p

Please give my eulogy in 3 years.

I want to rape you to put you in your place
You'll never be a man

How many men have you slept with? How many time did you get dicked before you knew you hated it?

I will make you eat the remains of freddie mercurys liver

for the aids or to gain his warrior spirit?

if you get both, I'll wait for you in valhalla

2 guys, 6 times in total, all before transitioning.
once i slept with a woman as a man for the first time everything was way better and more intuitive instead of feeling awkward and wrong.

were they particularly masc? Have you considered femme dudes?

One of your kind made me sad and angry for over 2 years, bitch

are you completely sure you haven't just realized the game is rigged and men are fucking horrible? you don't want to mess up your wiring because of a few bad flings

LARPing as a man wont make you happy. You are no different than people who think they are angels or who think their hand is possessed and want it cut off. Gender disforia is a mental illness, and not treating it means you will never be happy.
Truth hurts.

>Have you considered femme dudes?
what is the advantage of this over lesbians, if you dont mind my asking?

Everyonea first few times is bad retard

your bait game is garbage

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Get a load of chad thundercock over here

Hmmm, I don't really think that there is any outstanding advantage, not do I think there's any inherite disadvantage.
Then again I'm a degenerate, so I would think that.

they were typical guys. i'm not really interested in femme dudes either though, i like women
sorry that happened to you senpai
nah i've wanted to be male pretty much as long as i can remember. it isn't a result of a bad dating life or anything like that.
i'm happier now than i was before transition so...

>not do I think there's any inherite disadvantage.
What brought you to this conclusion, knowing in many girls' formative years they are given fake babies to pretend to take care of before they can multiply?

I'm not a feminist. Dolls just bother me.

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it's not like it was bad because i was inexperienced or whatever, it just felt wrong. my fantasies all involved me being male since i was probably 14.

>they were typical guys
>it isn't a result of a bad dating life or anything like that

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>not OP here. Just the degenerate you replied to.

I've dated cis-dude/dudettes and trans-dudes/dudettes. I usually found that the blurry the distinction between either gender yielded an increased attraction to the individual. Thus I have to presume that femboys and lesbians are reciprocal. Desu.

Are trans men less shallow than regular men or are you all the same?
t. fembot

Do you have penis envy?
Are a lot of trans men secretly super insecure and afraid that they're going to have their girl stolen or that their girl is more attracted to biological men with dicks and (possibly) more masculine features?

I dunno. I mean I like a hot body as much as the next guy, but I've only ever been with girls who I had some level of emotional intimacy with. A lot of that probably has to do with me being insecure about my own body, so I don't know if I'm less shallow or just more self conscious. I'm not into casual sex at all though, too stressful telling the person, so I guess that could be a plus?

You confuse me. You don't happen to be Ryan Reynolds?

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No, I am not Ryan Reynolds, just a filthy degenerate with an open mind and an even wider pair of legs.

most of you motherfuckers look like stonehenge

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>Do you have penis envy?
Yeah, I wish I had a penis.
As for the second part I don't know about others, but I definitely have insecure moments. When I got my first gf, who I'd known for almost 3 years at this point, I told her that I liked her and she was surprised because she thought I didn't and she asked me why I didn't tell her sooner and I said "Because I never thought I had a chance" and she said "Why did you think that?" I didn't answer her but of course it was because i didn't think she would date a tranny.

no youre just a girl who has nothing "unique" about them not even a hobby.
So you made up a bunch of bullshit to sound cool and get oppression attention whore points while you show off your cleavage and cry MUH DYSPHORIA
I see through your fucking lies whore.

naked hairy breasts with timestamp or fuck off

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op and everybody else please watch if you haven't already

You aren't from Kentucky, are you? My ex was a FTM trans boy

If you "pass" then why are you spending your existence trying to trick straight men into being gay?

>Inb4 "traps aren't gay"

Yes they are faggots.

tucute or truscum?
I sit somewhere in between myself. I think the experiences and goals/issues for someone with dysphoria is quite distinct from someone without. That said, I think gender is constructed and so I see no reason why someone would need dysphoria to be trans.
They are both valid but should not directly be compared in any sense other than having a gender that is separate from birth sex
Also early transition feels bad man

Did you even read the OP?
OP is a trans man aka FTM, dummy

>*muh roasties

What is gay about fucking a woman desu

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>tucute or truscum
why encourage the idea that being cute alleviates you of being scum

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Fuck off.

aids nigger.

I just wanted to know if you think someone can be a tranner without dysphoria.
I encourage cuteness in all form, scum or otherwise

men all want gyno tiddies, look at baphomet

>tranner without dysphoria
this makes 0 sense to me but I am not an academic in this field
>I encourage cuteness in all form, scum or otherwise
those is fighting words

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Do you have rape fantasies?

Still love you user
I'm proud of you, being trans is one of the "Not normal" things I can accept since you're really only changing yourself
[I'm not explaining my logic because I will deliver it awkwardly lol]

Praise be, wish I could motorboat them fuzzy tots.

>this makes 0 sense to me but I am not an academic in this field
For sure, I can't relate. For me the experience of disconnected between my body and my 'self' is inherently part of being trans. Again though, I agree that gender is constructed and that would lend itself to the idea that someone could experience gender incogurance without it being specifically about body issues. I can't into it, but I understand it enough to think it's probably a thing.
>those is fighting words
no bulli please your T gives you an unfair advantage

Do you feel like being male? Do you objectively behave like a man, or are you imitating?

Who molested you. Don't lie. All transmen were molested by somebody which sparked their transman-ness

>your T
I don't even need this much i'm not a man, its demon fuel, I don't want to be a man

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I'm a cis homo, just wanted to say nice, also go bara or bust.

Not OP, but was does 'feeling male' even mean? Do you feel male, or do you just feel yourself? How do you know your 'feeling male' is the same as someone elses? Furthermore, what does it mean to 'behave like a man' when no two men have the same behaviors?
It's constructed. There is no imitating because there is no innate quality to being man or a woman.

Wait, I thought you were a post transition trans man? Does that not involve T?

Did you do it because you felt like being a man would give you more power in life because you fell for that meme? Because thats not true, only the smart have power and the most powerful people are smart women.

Bullshit. If that's what op believes, then she will never be a man but rather a chimera with feminine mentality.

Why the fuck are people ITT unironically using terms like "cis" and "trans"? You faggots needs to go back to tumblr.

and OP is a mentally ill cat lady whore who will end up killing herself, good riddance

What's bullshit about it?
If you think I'm wrong, please explain the inherent quality that is 'man'
> but rather a chimera with feminine mentality.
What does it even mean to have a masculine personality when no two men are the same? No one is manly by this metric because no one is identical.

What words would you use instead? They are accurate descriptions and there's not really another word to use.
What happened to free speech? Why do you think you can police what other people say?

the only good boards left are /f/ and /s4s/

There are four billion dicks, yet none are the same. Therefore, dicks (and vaginas) are constructed.

Human brain and organs are wired in a way to make you either male or female. That's where social feminity and masculinity are derived from. Even if they are constructed, they still do not pop out of nowhere.

Free speech is the ability to tell someone they are retarded. You're being hypocritical buddy

I'm not OP, I just am not very girly

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I found my prison wife.

No, my first introduction to vagina will not be one washed with toilet water, its time to find the lead pill