Why don't you blame your parents for you ending up as a complete fuck up who browses Jow Forums all day?
>While normies were doing well in school your parents never encouraged you to do well in school and never made sure you did your homework
>While normies were hanging out after school and during the weekends your parents were okay with you being alone and addicted to video games and browsing the internet all day
>While normies were developing social skills and self confidence you were left behind because you were very frail and physically weak and you got targeted by bullies. Your parents never even thought about getting you into weight lifting or martial arts so that you could build self confidence and fight back against bullies. Your parents never even gave a shit about you being bullied.
>Your parents never gave a fuck about your health, they didn't give a shit about you eating unhealthy food and they never encouraged you to exercise.
>Your parents never gave a fuck about you being friendless.
>While normal dads taught their sons how to talk to girls and encouraged them to find a nice girlfriend your parents never even asked about your love life. You missed out on teenage love.
>Your parents never gave a fuck about your appearance so you have no idea how to dress like a normal person.
>Your parents never helped you get a job like other parents. They never even thought about how the fuck you're supposed to explain your empty CV to any potential employers.
>Your parents let you fry your brain with endless hours of video games and jacking off to internet porn. Even if you want to improve yourself and correct the aftermath of all this child neglect you simply can't because your brain's reward circuitry is permanently fucked from all the years of overstimulation.
Blaming your parents is the final redpill. The worst thing about this is that they will get mad at you if you question their parenting. With parents like this your life was fucked up from the day you were born.
Why don't you blame your parents for you ending up as a complete fuck up who browses Jow Forums all day?
Nah my parents tried but Id scream and yell and cut myself and threaten to suicide So they eventually got scared. I could blame them for not seeking help for me when I started having panic attacks at a very young age but mostly it was my own fault.
Without them Id be in a worst spot or dead.
To be fair my brothers seem normal enough. Being the middle one is kind of a raw deal because attention was probably mostly distributed around me but I didn't get nothing. Most of those points in your meme-chevron wall do apply though.
>I could blame them for not seeking help for me when I started having panic attacks at a very young age but mostly it was my own fault.
>Thinking a child is responsible for their mental health.
It seems like your parents have brainwashed you.
I blame them and even my friends do but as you said you can't talk to your parents about it since they think they did everything they can and it was right.
like my dad still keeps telling me how he almost hanged himself before I was born or how he hit me and it hurt him more than me.
They took me to therapy when I was 12 but I just lied to her
yeh basically these plus I'm an adult now and im responsible for myself so I can't complain about my parents anymore
>The other way round. I spent a lot of time studying and doing homework and had very supportive parents. Had kinda good grades and got a stipend for "success in studies" in high school.
>I could only play for one hour a day. And at the time I didn't really browse that much internet. I had my hobbies, guitar, studying, tv. Wasn't really that social though.
>Yes I was bullied, mostly mental but also a bit physical. Actually I trained martial arts and am currently still doing it, 15 years of experience. Though I don't like hurting people and I doubt I even could so I don't really bother. My parents don't know I was bullied because I was good at hiding it.
>They did. We really didn't eat fast food or sweets that much and now when I'm older I eat those things was less than when I was a kid. They "forced" me to have a physical hobby and I'm very grateful they didn't let me quit when I was an angsty teen.
>I wasn't completely friendless but never was really close with any of them.
>This is true. Though on the weekends my dad encourages me to go out and "live my life" but I'm too shy. Then they wonder what's wrong with kids these days and how they were always partying and stuff.
>Kinda true. My dad is so confident he doesn't really care how he dresses and my mom thought it was just how kids dress these days. Nowadays I dress somewhat decently.
>They were very supportive and only reason I have a job currently is because of my dad's connections. I have a good CV.
>Some truth in this. But still I think it's the other way around. I was pushed towards the internet because of my insecurity. I'm not really interested in video games and the friends I know are the ones who played all their childhoods and are still playing and have rich social life's and lots off girls/their own family
I just wish they pushed me to be social, try new things, and getting summer jobs rather than letting me stay home and do jack shit.
My parents were filthy degenerates, and it's the fault of their shitty parenting that led me to the extreme lows in my life. However, I'm an adult and it's my responsibility now to make sure I don't end up like them.
I'd never blamed my parents, but if someone blamed my parents for me being the person I am today, I'll beat the shit out of them.
do you want me to kill my parents
My situation is actually complicated
I'm dxed with autism so people are more likely to maliciously bully me /deepy/, its not banter
So uhh... I had no choice, I have real autism and no one likes that, and I got dxed with c-ptsd too, so...
I'm actually mentally broken for real, so there's nothing that can be fixed,
I've been thinking a lot about that as of late. They let me fall into the deep end and did nothing about it. They just didn't know how to raise a son, rather than a daughter.
No. The final red pill is realizing society is fit for attractive people only
You wont do shit, bitch boy.
Try me, bitch.
Idk if it will work because my sister is the biggest sucessful normie slut, and im still a khv neet
Alright, elaborating on this further.
People don't want me in society because of my autism, I know someone is gonna call bs on this [I don't wanna hear it unless you're actually autistic, ugh, I have made the same mistake of getting involved with things I had no relation to]
I know there's other autists who aren't defined by their autism, but I don't think I can or care, and it gets complicated,
Raising a girl is way different than raising a boy. Maybe your dad was a low test beta. Maybe that's why your sister is a slut and you're browsing Jow Forums.
I always did good on my homework.
I hung out with friends.
I was never bullied.
My parents tried to get me to exercise.
I had friends.
My dad gave me plenty of talks.
My parents let me dress how I wanted.
My parents tried to get me a job.
This was my choice.
I sabotaged myself. There is no excuses.
Alright; elaborating on this further;
I guess I'm a failed normie? But I didn't try or anything, I ended up dating the best friend of a youtuber, who knows if he was pitying me, he seemed to know how to handle me when I had my episodes and always re-assured me.
It was a never met LDR and we can't talk naturally anymore, we cut off contact and we don't talk anymore. We didn't meet up IRL for any reason or so,
Oh, and he and I talked about our relationship, he said it was rocky. :/
Also I'm a normie for talking to my partner about our relationship I guess, instead of Normal Joking and Such,
he sent me good morning texts every day too, but I just spaced out and stared blankly at the screen. if we met up IRL we could have worked out, but its too late and its too sad to think about.
we were already talking for a while before we dated.
Alright sorry for ~spamming~ the thread, I got fixated and wanted to explain why I'm not a Normal Person.
How the fuck do you even compete with pic related? She may be illiterate, a fucking analphabet, and she will still hold higher position than you in society, just because she was born with perfect body. How the fuck is life fair?
>While normies were doing well in school your parents never encouraged you to do well in school and never made sure you did your homework
I burned especially on this. I flew past high school without studying even for an hour, was accepted to college and then hit the wall there. Even a hour a day would help me to pass, but i can't even do that.
Also, i am really pissed they never bought me any instrument or at least sign me up for any courses.
You sound like a bitch tbqh. I think your personality prohibits you from being seen as an equal more than anything else. Regardless of how you look nobody likes a perpetual whiner and defeatist
>I'm so lazy that I can't even study for an hour
>it's my parents fault -- if they had bought me a guitar I'd be able to study!
Not him, but parents are always, at least in a very very small part, responsible
But an issue arises, as they often do, when the person afflicted with motivation issues says that their parents are responsible
1) they don't say to what degree
2) it potentially (probably?) shifts more blame away from themselves than what would otherwise be true
3) general conflict of interest - someone who is a "failure" has a vested interest in saying it's not their fault
tl;dr, it very well might be the parents' fault, when the afflicted person states that, it is unbecoming and seen as whiny
If you didn't live through the same, i don't expect you to understand.
All this and more. Normalfags with healthy upbringings will never understand though so I don't bother mentioning it. The idea that you can just will yourself after decades of this into being different is the dumbest shit ever.
>The idea that you can just will yourself after decades of this into being different is the dumbest shit ever.
>this clearly means you should be able to do it overnight
I thought we were supposed to be smarter than this what the fuck
I'm pretty depressed but even I know that's fucking bullshit
Eh, I sort of do. I blame my dad for separating and getting a divorce right before I started puberty. I didn't realize it for a long time, but when I think back about it, it becomes very clear. I was always completely normal, had lots of friends, I was also sort of the co-leader of our group of friends. I remember birthday parties in our garden with like 20 kids. I even had success with girls if you can call it that at age 10. After the separation I started to get bullied for two years and that was basically the beginning of the end. Now I don't think it was a coincidence, I just became weak and timid because of the separation and they can smell weakness. Started to lose friends, always still had some friends in my life, but they became few and I always was more of a backup friend. Never quite a complete outcast but never really developed into a normal person or had a normal adolescence. Basically don't know any of the manual labor skills that every man is supposed to know. Not even accomplished academically because I don't have a work ethic, can't keep a schedule, and easily give up instead of overcoming hardships. A grown infant, basically.
Now the science of how evil no-fault divorce is, how much divorce fucks children up and especially how bad not having a father around is for a boy, it's all very well known and has been for a long time, but I guess without the Internet it would have taken more time to find out. It's easy to fall for the feminist lies, of how they will get over it, of how your children really would prefer you to be happier as well. Very easy to believe especially if it helps you justify your decision, even though it goes completely against common sense.
So yeah, obviously there must also be something else wrong with me, because millions of people face the same challenges and come out all right. But the evidence is also clear that the chances of you developing all sorts of problems are multiplied several fold.
If you spent this much effort on improving yourself instead of replying to strangers online you'd be in a much better position and wouldn't have to broadcast your cope around the world. Your parents are obligated to keep you alive, clothe you, feed you and shelter you. Nobodies dad is teaching them how to talk to girls lmao
You're right I'm sorry bro. Tell me what it was like to grow up in a house where your parents refused to purchase you a guitar and this destroyed your future.
Grew up poor as fuck, single parent house. I didn't study and breezed through high school too. Went to uni, worked a job, moved out by myself, fucked girls AND I bought my own guitar instead of whining about it like a bitch
What are you neurotypicals even doing on this board?
>if you don't blame everyone else for your issues and play the victim all the time you're neurotypical
Are you from tumblr? What are you even doing alive if you hate your life so much and refuse to fix it
>pic related its for you
>a little bit of critique
>gets emotional
If you were genuinely improving you'd have read and considered what I said instead of dismissing it as "cope" ie blaming my parents (which I never did)
But that would require you to have improved from your shitty ways now wouldn't it
I dont blame them, they didnt know any better
>if you don't read my tl;dr posts in their entirety and thoughtfully critique them you are a shitty person
Hmm.. I wonder if this unwarranted self importance and massive ego have anything to do with why you're an unliked and insufferable cunt.
Sure but where is your solution?
Swallowing a pill and throw away any responsibility you can have?
Even if all of this is true then it's your turn to use your wisdom your parents didn't have and use it for good.
Even wild animals understand that parenting is about making your offspring as strong as possible.
>*leaves behind baby to be torn apart and eaten alive slowly by predators, destroying your shitty argument*
Nothin personnell, kid
>if you don't read my tl;dr posts in their entirety and thoughtfully critique them you are a shitty person
So we agree then. Onto the next topic.
Lmfao how old are you?
>in 4 I was only pretending to be autistic!
>I blame parents
>but parents only turned out this way because of their parents and so on
It doesn't even matter where the fault really lies. No one cares and it's not like I would suddenly stop being a failure.
This guy gets it. Next step is accepting responsibility for what you can and working on changing yourself.
>being this self-important and defensive because someone only agreed with 90% of what they said
Are you sure you've improved user? Because it doesn't really seem like it
Improved from what? You're still not making any sense. Stop projecting, take a breath and write a succinct reply
Nigger, i didn't even get a fucking flute for 5yuro so shut the fuck up, you don't what it is to be poor.
Guitars are cheap as fuck. I know exactly what it's like to be poor you stupid cunt. Being poor is more than whether or not you got a toy instrument.
Then not getting a cheap as fuck toy should give you some hint. Like i said, you have no idea what it is to grow poor, shitty second hand clothes, shitty food, no school trips, no prom or any other shit. All because money, so shut the fuck, you lower middle fuck.
> Tfw mentally ill drug and alcohol addict parents
Didn't really stand a chance desu
I don't care enough to. It's more trouble than it's worth and I'm already tired.
that pic hit me in the feels user
My dad was 60 when I was born and my mother was 37 and had schizophrenia
I was fucked from the get go
>being this wrong about everything
And why do incels have the need to turn everything into a loser contest. Me being poor doesn't steal anything from your identity you sad cunt.
Not only did they do that, they bankrupted themselves when I was 16. I have to work to support them in return for their shitty parenting. I couldn't even go to uni because my mum needs me here to pay her rent. I share a single fucking room with her, we're one bad day away from homelessness.
I don't blame my parents but my parents blame themselves. Recently my mom asked me what she's going to tell God what she did with me (apparently God let her borrow me) and how she's failed to raise me. I just shrugged and blamed the Jews for the toxic environment we live in and that it wasn't her fault.
>I just shrugged and blamed the Jews for the toxic environment we live in
I don't think God let her borrow you, I think he's punishing her.
After the age of 16 or so, you can take your own responsibility for your life.
>parents forbade me from dating
>threatened to kick me out if I ever went out with friends
>only allowed to study and play an hour of video games
>got deeply depressed, grades slipped
>punished me more
>grades didn't improve until I stopped antidepressants 10 years later
>skip to now
>age 27
>masters degree and good job
>parents upset I don't have gf or friends
>"we always encouraged you to go out more"
I hate myself and my life
Um I don't think normal dads teach sons how to talk to girls. That's something you learn by doing.
i didn't have much motivation for study since i just assumed i'd always be poor anyway, I couldn't see anyway out
How is it punishing her? I support myself. I guess she would prefer to me have my own family, be social, etc (aka a normie) but fuck that.
>"we always encouraged you to go out more"
dat gaslighting tho
I think that's what hurts me more. I tried to talk to them about that but they kept saying I'm lying. I remember when they used to threaten me to kick me out. And when they removed the door from my room so they could always watch me to make sure I was studying. I was always one step away from suicide at all times, way worse than even how I am now, and it didn't matter.
both my parents are doctors in engineering with published research, my dad even authored math books which are still used in college courses today. both developed mental illness (probably schizophrenia, no way to know) and became hoarders.
No actually they always said to me "Go out more"
Holy shit user that would enrage me, I would be tempted to vastly cut back contact with them.
This so much
Get on that munnymaking
move out
Reduce contact
holy fucking shit sounds toxic and who knows what else they're doing to him at a low level
but don't go all the way to the opposite side and be a complete jaded asshole either user. preserve your personhood and sanity
My parents always encouraged me to do well in school and do my homework. They always encouraged me to go out with my friends / party instead of being locked up in my room every day. I was never bullied. They paid ludicrous amounts of money to try to treat my crippling acne and always made sure I was in tip-top condition through regular check-ups and exams. They always asked what my friends were up to and even offered to drive me to their house, etc. My dad offered me a prostitute when I was 15 years old. They always bought me new clothes but I still used my old ones and still do to this day. They paid for my entire career in STEM.
There's just no way I can blame my parents. They did everything right.
>Getting scared into letting your own child control you
They were definitely shit. Dont blame yourself for stupid stuff you did to yourself/towards others during childhood and teenage years, its their responsibility to raise you to not do so no matter what.
It's eerie how similar this sounds to my own experience. My parents "divorced" (they were never married) just before puberty hit when I was 11. Mum did the divorcing though. By all accounts I was also a normal kid before it. Then I just slowly slipped into a introversion and depression . It's hard not to feel hard done by when looking back and seeing that my life would've been incredibly different if this one event didn't happen. What was even more damaging than the divorce itself was the effect it had on my dad. Before I remember him being quick to anger and quite disiplinary. Once all turmoil of the legal proceedings finished up his entire demeanour changed around me, he became really placating and defeatist. I literally cannot recall him ever put his foot down or getting angry or frustrated with me when I was a teenager. In fact, he almost treated me more like a high school buddy for a while than a friend. He used to smoke pot with me and my high school friends when they'd come around to drink and take drugs. I don't blame him for it, he's a broken man in all honesty, its just hard not to feel resentful over the entire ordeal, now that I can see the effect it's had on my life.
I'm in a weird situation now though. Aside from that I was treated really nicely. And I guess it didn't help that my parents have been very ill most of my life. These days I don't really feel i can leave because they've gotten a lot worse healthwise. And moving out costs more than I make at the moment, even with a good job. I've kind of just resigned to my fate.
Blame your mother for leaving
Didn't read the op yet but I just wanted to get this out while it's still fresh in my mind. I just spent the last 9 hours having a dream about my dad who I haven't seen in almost 8 years. We were acting all buddy buddy. We were drinking beers and chatting it up, getting our gear ready for a hunting/fishing trip. So weird, I would never act like that around him. Maybe he's gonna die soon, and that's why I was dreaming about him. I hope he's alright. Anyone else want to have a comfy fishing trip with their dad?
the only thing I blame my mom for is birthing me. I never asked to be born
>Why don't you blame your parents for you ending up as a complete fuck up who browses Jow Forums all day?
i do
now that's out of the way, time to post this
I was born to a mother with several mental illnesses so she never taught me anything. It wasn't that she didn't give a fuck, it's that she never knew how to do anything listed above. She would also curse out dad, break his property, and take me away from dad for months all the sudden.
I could tell Dad was trying his best to essentially raise 2 daughters and keep a mentally ill woman under his wing but he could only do so much. Never understood why he didn't drop the woman who was ruining our lives and remarry.
I blamed myself for how I was for years. Now I realized that it's mostly due to my upbringing. Gives me a little bit more energy to try again. Of course, being born to a mother with mental illnesses has passed down to me genetically. Depression is a bitch.
I do. It's just that the effect it had on my Dad also had a huge effect on me by extension, almost more than the actual divorce itself. Him 'allowing' my casual drug use just fucked up my head even further than it already was.
i already blame them for their part. they are garbage people that should have never married or had kids. all the proof i need is in how they treat and raise the dogs they've had over the years.
damn you sound like a piece of shit
I do. I'm a 27 yo child because of them.
Father was a slimy liar who didn't want to support his son. Also a beta, had a kid (me) with a woman who already had a daughter of another man. Wtf?
And then my mother. Always only knew how to criticize, never understood positive reinforcement, and thought not letting us die of hunger was enough, divorced my father when he finally moved his ass to get a job. Thought chimping out because she was angry justified destroying a child's objects in front of him, the coward.
I'm born from these two mongrels. What manner of trash that makes me?
sorry i meant to answer to
Parents are weak for letting their mental issues affect their children. My mother could get sudden outbursts of rage and would never seek help due to pride. I had the same thing but due to fear of ever becoming like her i took anger management and im now on medication, and i finally feel like a normal person
They indeed did, I'm jealous of you user.
criticizing a child too much makes them timid and they never want to take risks, you can't be successful that way. I was afraid to study certain things because I thought i would get made fun of.
Let me guess. The dogs are completely untrained and bite people who try to pet them.
That's what happened to me too. I never did anything that could be seen in public because I was too afraid of being criticized.
all they did was feed the dogs, that's it. they never taught them anything, they let them do anything they want, and then they get pissed off at the dog for not being trained and doing anything it wants. they didn't even bother to house train them. total scum, and it's comparable to how they raised their kids.
My mother's criticizing of me made me close myself to her from early age. What good does showing her my grades make, for example? So she has yet another weapon to attack me with when there is a bad score while she ignores all the good ones? And if there is no bad ones she can complain about the average ones?
Same about friends. The bitch ALWAYS criticized my friends behind their backs. I stopped introducing them because of that, and she'd call me antisocial (and still does) despite me having way healthier bonds than her and her "friends", who backstab and badmouth each other, replaced from time to time.
My social anxiety started when we moved when I was 12. Funny thing I was an extrovert before and loved spending time outside, but the new environment didn't work well for me. When I got to vocational school I got bulled hard and this fucked me the most. I feel like I never got enough support from them.
Sounds like my sister. She was always talking shit about other dog owners until she got a fucking pitbull just to show off how hip she is or some shit. Now her pitbull is completely untrained. It doesn't follow any commands, runs away constantly unless it's kept on a leash, it fucking bites other dogs and animals. It barks constantly and doesn't give a fuck if my sister tells it to shut up. I remember when I was doing pull ups and her dog doesn't like it when people do things that are out of the ordinary so it fucking bit my knee and my sister just started joking around "if it bites you just kick it in the face and it'll learn, it's your fault". I fucking warned her not to get a pitbull. I can't wait until she gets mauled.
>Hey user's mom! My kids and doing this and this. What is yours doing?
>Sitting at home....
>Why dint you blame your parents?
Because it shows immaturity
I don't WANT to be in this position
Sure it's partially their fault I'm like this but I need to take responsibility for myself
yea, she will be a terrible mother if she ever has a kid.
I see a trend on r9k
ever-single-thread complaining about something bad in your lives pushes the responsibility away from yourselves.
You are where you are 90% because of your own life choices.
No your parents are not fully responsible for you being fucked up and where you are now, neither is chad, roastie, tards or whomever
With me I'm good at school but just don't have any connections. Graduated from chem eng a few years back in Camada, but the oil price drop from 2015 really messed up the job market. Now the industry has recovered, but employers would rather just hire the new batch of graduates and I'm left in the dust. I'm doing an engineering master's that has a minimum wage stipend, but I'm panicking thinking of what I'm going to do next. My parents have progressively gotten worse, even though I tried to explain that you need connections to get a good job, and my grandfather even backstabbed me by telling an employer, one of the friends he told me to ask a job for, NOT to hire me because of his family politics with my mom. Every avenue I turn to seems like shitty and shittier and I don't know what to do. I really want to get away from my parents, as a kid I needed glasses and my dad would tell me that I was sinful for needing them. My mom would throw plates everyday because I wasn't eating everything out, but the foods had milk and I was lactose intolerant, getting sick from them wach day.
No shit. Everyone can see this except for the incels themselves.
Guarantee you'd shit yourself just touching her.