How have your political views changed, robots?

How have your political views changed, robots?
>was a commie at like age 12 because I thought the Soviet Union was cool when I read about it in history class
>decided communism was bad later and became vaguely left wing
>at age 15 I became a hardcore union hating social conservative and I haven't changed in 7 years

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Pure red blooded commie ever since 2010 lad

I'm assuming you're British?

the family bathroom has become the walmart glory hole station

he's probably a Champaign Socialist
when i understood literally nothing about politics, i was a Utopianist
even if you asked me as a kid, i would say that people should be left to succeed or fail by their own merits
perhaps not so exactly, but that's what i'd mean
aka don't touch my toys and let me get away from all these brainlets, you fucks
i either get Center-Left, Center-Right, or full on Fascism when i take political tests, these days
depends on the test

>autismo nazi Jow Forums phase at 12
>still hold some similar views but its such a shit board now that can't keep itself where it belongs

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>being a commie for the shittiest reason

>Bland Democrat supporter in early age due to blue family in a blue state (MA)
>as a early/mid teen I became rather socialist, identified with Social Democrats and Scandinavia
>2016 rolls around
>full Berniebro retard
>won't vote for Clinton
>end up voting third party
>around election time though I begin to go from memeing Ancapism to actually starting to sorta identify with it
>within the same month I become an Ancap
>Been Ancap ever since
>Plan to move up to NH for a live of liberty and freedom as soon as I stop bring a neet

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>sticking your dick in a walmart gloryhole

>pretty much lolbertarian from age 12, muh free market, you can do whatever the fuck you want (including gay mariage and other degeneracy) as long as you're slightly patriotic
>typical cuckservative (like Jeb/Tories-tier cuckservatism: "blacks are fine as long as they're christians", pro-Israel, Desert Storm good, EU good) from 16 to 18
>gradually became more and more radical. Now 20 and a full-blown racist, antisemitic, elitist, prole-hating, antiparliamentary reactionnary.

Soviet Union was cool in the beginning, but with Lenin's death it turned into shit real fast

left-transhumanism when I was teenager
I am 26 now and am a right-transhumanist.

I take race realism one step further than most and find all current races unsatisifactory and only useful to getting us to the point where human genetic engineering is possible.

I'm lowkey a transhumanist as well as being an ancap, I think transhumanism will come about as a result of ancapism

>pro israel

>lived in Venezuela for 18 years

Once the right fucks me as much i wi consider changing views

>Now [...] antisemitic

used to be a lolbertarian until i first went to work when i was 18 years old, after i realized how shitty my working conditions were and how i was being exploited i became an anarcho-syndicalist and have been ever since

like nigga just quit the job if it's so shit retard

only normies and brainlets have to absolutely stick to a job

>just quit the job
and do what, lie down and starve to death? not everyone is a coddled middle class child whose parents will provide for him

pol made you who you are

apolitical until the age of 13, just found nazi/edgy stuff to be funny, made a few jokes.

At age 14 I stumbled across revleft and read deeply into and became an out and out communist, lied about my age to join the socialist workers party. used to watch videos of stalinist russia/military parade on youtube a lot of the time. really loved any country that called itself communist even if it wasn't really. I was like this until around age 17, when A-level economic classes started to sink in and the vast amount of economic theory I was reading pushed me deeper into being a "social democrat", then a centrist, then eventually into the Conservative/UKIP site at around age 18. Since then I bounce around the right-wing, sometimes going natsoc when I read some poorly-made jpg images or just being generally right wing.

My parents are reletively poor by US standards. I'm on a 2012 laptop.

You don't have to do anything for anyone. You're not forced to work a shit job. Odds are, most normies wouldn't even mind doing your job. The key for picky people like us is to simply wait until we find the right job.

>You don't have to do anything for anyone. You're not forced to work a shit job.
yes you are, if you don't have anyone helping you and you don't want to starve then you're forced to take the first job available and then maybe you can look for a better one

>full blown retard commie until 13
>started realizing what communism was all about switched to socialism
>age 15 starts getting interested in the sjws
>practically sjw by the age of 17
>friend shows Jow Forums
>memes a lot but doesn't really agree
>starts investigating more of the right wing viewpoints and not calling them just fascists
>agrees with a lot of things
>libertarian now against all my family

Family dinners are very awkward because they are all either socialists, communists or sjws or a mix. I need to keep my mouth shut otherwise it turns into a shitshow and they don't need another reason to hate me.

I watched that one episode of recess and started playing MMOs and became an ardent capitalist

You really don't though, there are plenty of homeless people who eat and don't want to work at all

You're an uber brainlet if you think you're being forced to work by anyone

Man. That episode is awesome

>just be homeless and eat trash lol
really sound advice dude, got anymore of that high school wisdom for me?

I wasn't telling you to, but really no one is forceing you to do anything

Just find a better job, quit, or ask your employer for better compensation

ask me how i know you've never worked a day in your life

here it is

>Don't care much about politics either way
>tfw the entire Internet these days is completely obsessed with politics now, with people on both sides making the Internet into their political warzone

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My friends have jobs, they don't seem to think that they were coerced or forced into them

You're just dense

>a highschooler wants to teach people about jobs, despite never having held one in his life

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When I realized liberals were literally the party of roasties and normies. All demanding their gibs, their cock carousels, their convenient equality, their license to be sexual degenerates at the cost of millions of lives.
You cannot be a robot if you vote left.

I'm not a Highschooler, I graduated 2 years ago

when I thought a job I could have got seemed like an ill fit, I didn't take it, and the search continues

though really I'm also considering leeching off of autismbux, better to steal from the gov than have the gov steal from you

Stage 1 (13-17yo):
>pro EU, United States of Europe tier
>nordic model economics
>roughly in the middle when it came to personal freedoms
>non-racist , but somewhat sexist

At that point I go into guns and later some unfortunate political stuff happened in my country.

Stage 2 (18-23)
>realised EU is anti-european, (I still want to European federation to happen - Swiss style, but EU is unsalvageable at this point)
>economics: similar to before but with less taxes and smaller safety net
>very strongly for personal freedom
>decentralized government
>somewhat pro-lgbt (lgb is ok as long it's not public degeneracy, t get their pronouns but they are not true women/men)

>a person who's been provided for by their parents well into adult life and has never had a job tells people to just quit their jobs and look for better ones

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just because your parents were shit doesn't mean that anyone else should suffer as a result

t. even if they take care of me they were real shit at raising me

just go back to whatever website you came from, angsty middle class kids are not welcome here

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>being an ancap
>being a neet

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Since i were a kiddie diddy i was into free capitalism because i read a shitton of scrooge mcduck comics.
Now i dont think any system would be good and just want to go to have a farm in a village or whatevs

>think USSR aesthetics are fucking rad around 13 but don't give a shit about politics
>still think USSR aesthetics are fucking rad to this day
>believe in social democracy around age 15
>gradually become more of a fascist around 18
>become ironically Jow Forums but still actually believe in fascism beneath the irony
>get a job at 20, calm down and become disillusioned with fascism
>go full /lit/ for the next three years
>struggle to come to terms with being raised on the Republic meme for a few years
>struggle to form a cohesive political identity
>still unsure if it's wise to buy into the ideology meme instead of following political pragmatism
>struggle to come to terms with the implications of political pragmatism within the framework of my own code of ethics
>struggle to form an internally consistent code of ethics
>struggle to process everything I read and take it into account while forming my opinion on matters
>still have a nagging sense in the back of my head that none of this matters
>still a depressed 23-year old loser with no future prospects who reads dumb shit that will be of no use to anyone ever because I will never put any of this to use
I don't even know what to consider myself politically anymore. The ramifications of everything has me frozen in this vague state of anxiety. Maybe with a couple more years of study, and about twice the sum to digest everything and think it over, I'll know for sure what to call myself.

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>was always pretty libertarian, teachers in school kept me pretty pro-social intervention
>Uni came, noticed the immigrants more and more, started leaning conservative. Read some books about the idea of nations.
>Pretty much somewhere between ethno-nationalist and civic-nationalist now. (a bit too much exposure to Jow Forumsmde probably helped too)

What ive grown to believe is that every system is in theory good, nobody thought of a system to maximize misery. All, from democracy to monarchy and from fash to commies are made with the best intentions in mind. So you dont really have to bother with imaginary conversations about which is the right one.
The execution ruins it because of the human element. Humans are greedy and exploitive.
>USSR aesthetics are fucking rad
Mah nibba

>lgb is ok as long it's not public degeneracy
considered anti-lgbt nowadays. That minority needs to be kept in check or they will want to overthrow every standard your culture ever had. At least, the radicals.

Nice view on the EU btw. -Mountain Jew

Lolbertarians all become nationalist after some time. I'll see forward to meeting you on the same side.

this is CIA honeypot thread do not reply with your serious political beliefs

It's not like I don't let my politics out on other sites already.

I was never really political to begin with, but I lean more towards conservatives because I just really hate SJWs

how do you even survive on day to day basis?

It depends on what drives one - Some Platonist libertarians might come to a change in view in what they view as the perfect society

I'm too Aristotelian to be a collectivist, theres no such thing as perfection

Will let you know if I ever do have a change in my view and go from neetcap to neetsoc tho

every society is collectivist, isn't it?

Ones that are more individualistic tend to prosper more

define prosper
I don't care about my bread and circuses if that means my culture gets completely destroyed.
There's more to life than materialistic goals.

did pretty much the exact same thing, play red alert 2 and mained soviets and memed that into an actual political stance throughout my teens, then i grew up

>learned about politics when I was about 12
>got into far right wing stuff until at c. 15 I read up on Marxism and decided it's similar to my opinions
>was a commie but now more of an ancom

Went from not caring about politics at all because politics never cared about me, to being angry at the Jews all the time because they're the cause of practically ever ill in the world. I'd say that's worse for my mental health but at least I know how to vote now - against Jews.

Only power counts, with power you can do whatever you want and impose your agenda on others.
The rest is shitflinging aka discussion, fool's talk.

What are your moral beliefs? Hoppean or objectivist?

Absolutely based

This. Power is all that matter, fuck your gay ass ideologies.

What are your thoughts on Keynes?

Read Nick Land and Moldbug, the ideological leaders of Jow Forums.

>began as a pseud kid talk about how "communism is good on paper..."
>started reading Christian apologetics and became hardcore theocrat
>lost faith and became an atheist, moderated my views into a normie conservative and lost interest in politics for the most part
>became an alt-lite fag during the election 2016
>Stefan Molyneux made me a Libertarian
>started with Ayn Rand, but moved on to Mises, Rothbard and eventually Hoppe and became an edgelord AnCap
>read a very solid critique of his (Hoppe's) argumentation ethics and familiarised myself with Nietzsche
>read Evola, Guenon, the neoreactionaries (Land, Moldbug) and become pic related

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thx for a few new people to read up on. Already started with Evola, the guys is fascinating.
Any specific books you recommend from the other three?

btw, not the guy you were responding to.

I'm somewhat more of a Hoppean. People tend to stick to their own groups without the state interveneing, so I don't think that the free market is going to turn everyone into a low IQ creatura

see above

>Liberal left
>Center left
>Centre right
>Back to liberal left
>Nordic model economics, EU, safety net
>Non-racist occasionally sexist
>LGBT rights exist
Pretty much it

>What are your thoughts on Keynes?
I don't know enough about him and his theories to have one.

In general don't base my views on works of others because then I feel they stop being my views.
Probably the best book to start with Guenon would be an introduction to the study of the hindu doctirnes. He lays down some ground work for his ideas and the challenges other orientalists face. East and west would be a natural follow up, the the crisis of the modern world. Those three offer a solid critique of modernity, slightly differently from Evola.
Moldbug has a blog called "Unqualified Reservations" and has a long introduction that might be worth reading although it is up to you.
Land has a very esoteric body of work, and may seem even to be a leftist at times. He is a former marxist and continental philosopher, highly influence by Deleuze. This article has a nice intro to his ideas.
Reading up on Deleuze's concept would be necessary before diving into Fanged Noumena. He also has a blog called xenosystems.

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>He posts this image and he hasn't read SIEGE
Fuck you doing cunt.

>brother taught me basic economics and morality when I was a kid
>ancap ever since

>brother taught me economics
>is an ancap
Is your brother retarded too?

depressed liberal
miserable nihilist
right wing ideals have become stronger the past few years as a new healthy outlook on life has changed me a lot, starting to get a little bit of a grip

your brother must've failed miserably

Don't be a naughty little goy and get involved in any of that racial solidarity nonsense!
You're fine, the world is fine and your country is absolutly fine! Ok goy?

Leftists appropriating the Seige meme by saying "Read Capital" is probably the most cringe thing ever said.

Surely you fucking jest. Can those cunts do anything original? Fuckin retards.

>telling people to read a book is an approporiation of a meme

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i didn't give a shit about politics when i was a teen and i don't give a shit about them now. you have to be one boring dipshit to take any of this shit seriously

Got a job in education where I handle learning support data. Looking over that will turn anyone blackpill.

>95%+ of special ed kids come from divorced families
>75%+ of them are currently living with single moms

I was already turning right before I got the job but seeing this stuff at my desk every day is so absolutely damning that I'm at the point I'm considering the view that it should be fucking illegal either for families to divorce, or for women to vote. I won't be convinced otherwise.

It is 10x as difficult for a kid to turn out okay in that environment.

While I'm rambling about it there's 2 other major factors for teens that people don't discuss enough.

>Being born as late as possible in the year, close to the rollover date

Its a meme that sportsball dads try to live by sometimes but my fucking god. That extra year, especially for grades in class around 7th or 8th grade. That single extra year doubles the kiddos size and easily gets them a letter grade higher in everything, a running start into the 2nd half of schooling. Don't underestimate it.

>Parents helping with homework
An 80 IQ kid with a parent who looks at the homework and helps them with it each week will probably manage to beat a 100 IQ kid or even smarter one who's parents just don't give a shit. Its a huge huge deal. If I was a poorfag single parent I would forego anything else in my life to help my kid with homework- but none of them do.

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>Says leftist
>Talks about them as if he's smarter and not as stupid as each other
>Calls them cringe
What is with you political faggots Jesus Christ your all flipping cringy.

Yoir cigarette daydreams will never be fulfilled

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Your grammar is more cringe inducing.
Yeah nah cunt, You're a boring cunt if you don't have some sort of political belief, just cattle, nothing more.
At least with dirty fuckin comie cunts, they're trying to stand for something, even if that something is pants on head retarded.

Why is it cringe to imagine a different world? Have you never gotten a high tax bill or met an obnoxious rich person and thought "I wish x?"

thanks fren, appreciate your effort.

>turbo nationalist
>was turbo libertarian
>went on in life
>realized that nazism is the future
>hyper turbo national socialist

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>didn't care when was a child
>hated the government in mid school
>hated the government in high school
>stopped caring about politics in uni
>became a public servant after graduation

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no, John. you are the goberment.

I realized that there is a plot to destroy me in middle school

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Politics, both left and right, are for losers

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Go suck a dick, FBI/Soviets

I've got shit to do at this time so my grammar on Jow Forums isn't high on my priority list. I do have political beliefs I just don't fucking scream about it on every corner of the internet and nor am I cattle to one fucking political side like you faggots and who gives a shit what commie tags are standing for they're still fucking stupid just like most retarded political faggots here.
>Why is it cringe to imagine a different world?
It's cringy when one person from a political side says another side is cringy while acting cringy.

You're a massive faggot and you should kill yourself

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>become atheist, age 10
>socialist leanings until halfway through university
>realize I am working like a slave while everyone is out doing SJW shit and pursuing degenerate activities
>mfw i cannot find job while these fuckers get govt work
>instantly reject all socialist philosophy
>embrace fascism / singapore model, wish for death to all SJWs and their enablers
>remained atheist because organized christianity is evidently a cuck religion
>black pilled on women for two years now, wish I had discovered some of this shit earlier (things we all suspected to be true, but now we have overwhelming confirmation of the truth)

I mistyped, I meant to say EVEN commie faggots stand for something.
Cunt, you're on a fuckin anonymous forum, people are going to express their fuckin views and argue with each other. I know it must upset ya, but we'll get through it.
So cunt, tell us your political beliefs!
Or are you unironically enlightened centrist? kek

>lmao, I have edgy extremist brainlet beliefs, i'm so enlightened and cool

I used to be a liberal when i was a teenager but i became more and more right winged and conservative as time went by, and now im slowly starting to think ethnostates and nationalism are good because I'm starting to realize different people from different cultures couldn't and cannot ever live together peacefully, they can only tolerate eachother.

I took the political alignment test in 11th grade. I was pretty far right. Mostly because I placed a high value on defending the country and not caring at all about poor people. Later on in live at some point I stopped caring about my country and the people in it, now I'm a centrist.

>women should should be the property of men and should no longer be educated / given rights
>meanwhile, boys should be raised through apprenticeship system / as indentured servants and have rites of passage every few years
>girls 14-15 should be married off to men 17-18 who have earned a trade / skill
>women should be seen as a liability
>weak men should be sent to forced labor / concentration camp in undesirable regions to toughen their character and make them useful

>be megatrad christian at age 11
>browse around the internet and stop hating fags around age 12. also more of a communist economically since I read meme statistics
>browse /b/ at 13 and become even more gay and tolerant of minorities somehow, also drop the communism meme
> at 14 I take an econ class and shift way to the center economically
>around 16 i become more of a nomie and start accepting more normie stuff like mainstream democratic ideas yet still holding some fringe stuff in my head
>around 19 after reading more and more statistics and articles about tax cuts on the rich being an absolute meme I move to the left economically

I don't think my political views have changed very significantly throughout my life

I've been pretty lucky most my life with these things.
Both parents are redpilled as fuck with most things and I mostly learnt through them.

>Teenage years : standard leftist, hate my racist parents etc.
>Early twenties / college : full blown feminist, anticolonialist, campaign for abortion rights
>Late twenties / enriched college : actually dislike living amongst the enrichers, start changing view, summer of Jihad rolls in, own city gets terrorist attacks
>30: full blown Jow Forumstard, everyone that isn't white should stay outside of white countries
>Couple years later : whiteness is under attack but there's not much one can do about it except prepare for the collapse and pump out white, self-reliant kids

I know I'm on an anonymous for you cock sucker but I don't want to see some fucking retarded shit about politics every single fucking day on a board that isn't meant for fucking politics. my political beliefs ain't centrist you dumbfuck, it depends on the issue but it mainly comes to centre left and I don't fucking tell my political beliefs to people everywhere and call people with differing views cringy while both doing the same stupid shit. Now beat it you fucking cunt.

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10-12 year old
>women rights were a mistake haha niggers haha penis
>who cares lmao lemme play some vidya
>wow the left is quite retarded, what the fuck is happening, I guess propaganda works after all, somebody needs to take down these jews
>women rights were a mistake, at the root of every problem is a female, they don't contribute anything to society. Humanity can only ascend by climbing on the mountain of genocided females. Artificial wombs soon