I've seen sidecuts on little girls, too.
Why is everything so ugly these days? Back in the day cute was cute, now ugly is the new "cute".
I've seen sidecuts on little girls, too.
Why is everything so ugly these days? Back in the day cute was cute, now ugly is the new "cute".
Degeneracy is not a meme, it's real.
People think doing one "sin" is not really that bad, but it starts piling up and soon we're monsters just like religion always told us.
This style only looks good in 2D but thats because 2D is inherently superior
What day was that user?
Because mainstream "fashion" for both males and females from the 90s all the way to ~2010 has been pretty fucking bad. I think we're improving desu.
Actually I think sidecuts are fine if the girl is attractive/good at flaunting it. I personally find haircuts that are considered a little bit "dykeish" (so like Tracer in OW) hot, but not ones like multi-colored buzzcut garbage. I think the main problem is the SJWs get the same fucking ugly ass haircuts and they're ugly as fuck so they look like shit.
The chick in the pic you posted is cute IMO.
It is weird how the "alt kids" of generation X and after never grew out of it and now have kids that they dress as little punks. Or the ones that gauge thier toddlers ears. We Africa nao.
more average/below average/ugly people in fashion = shit will sell more because uglies and delusional average at best types will think that's beautiful or be inspired to buy that product being featured.
ugly is attractive and attractive is ugly now
>lip rings are cute
Fug off retard.
Maybe in 2007-2010, that phase is long gone. It pretty much died out completely ~2012.
I never said they were. I don't like them but it doesn't mean a chick can't look good DESPITE them. Same with nose rings. Yuck.
>now have kids that they dress as little punks. Or the ones that gauge thier toddlers ears. We Africa nao.
Shit sucks. Especially how feminists raise their kids to be ugly feminists too
I know what you mean. My niece had long beautiful hair but one day she convinced her grandmother to let her get a shorter version of the haircut in your image. Then they let her bleach and dye it too, all because some celebrity had that hairstyle. She's only 11.
haha yea user
Doesn't sound like she's gonna grow to be a doctor.
Just sad.
Personally I've heard of a 10-year-old stretching her ears.
God I miss the 50's..
>all women have to be plain boring long haired with loads of makeup and nail polish and jewelry and other garbage piled on
Beautiful is not boring you degenerate.
Women these days think fuckin' their shit up in a "creative" manner is just another form of beautiful.
News flash: it's NOT.
user come on
Newsflash, not everyone has the same standard of beauty that you do. Expecting women to adhere to one uniform standard of beauty is boring for both me and her. Creativity is good, as long as it doesn't get out of control.
By the way, the same "beauty" that you worship is manufactured by corporations and governments and held up on a pedestal, same as what the SJWs are doing. By forcing people to accept your standard you're as bad as they are.
sidecuts make my peepee feel funny. I think its cute. Piercings gross me out, though.
> ugly == new cute
> Ugly chicks are selfish against the cute once
> Ugly once are majority in FEmiNiSt groups
> push hate against normal looking cute girls
> Saying that ure a nazi when u call these ugly ghouls for ugly
u can only imagine who is the biggest part behind it pulling the strings
Dude, if you're not a female, I'm amazed. You sound exactly like a woman.
> nose rings are cute....... not
Dude my cow can whear a nose ring,
Nope. I just think women with short-hair can be pretty hot, and I think it's dumb that people accuse me of being some kind of mental case just because I like something different. Isn't the whole fucking point of this board for outcasts to be able to express themselves? It's bullshit.
> Woman with short hair
in some point u are right, some women look pretty hot with short hair. But its not in the nature that chicks shall have short hair.
> Isn't the whole fucking point of this board for outcasts to be able to express themselves
It used to be, now incels and Jow Forumslacks think it's theirs. It's now a hivemind where you can only say things that they agree with
Its a man you fags
My problem is that girls who get tattoos and piercings to look "unique" constitute 90% of all women.
How unique is that?
It's amazing how women can only think of superficial means for being unique.
Awful exemple suzuya is much better with his regular haircut
As with all styles of appearance and dress, depends on the person's normal physical appearance, and the confidence and attitude with which they wear it.
>Isn't the whole fucking point of this board for outcasts to be able to express themselves ?
t. pic related
>all women have to be plain boring long haired
>something different
The "something different" of current year are the long haired ones with traditional hairstyles because everyone is jumping on the present-day marketed "something different" which are alternative hairstyles in an attempt to appear totally not like other girls xd