I just had a nightmare, bros. It freaked me out. I need someone to talk to.
I just had a nightmare, bros. It freaked me out. I need someone to talk to
never fear!a fellow bro izz here
What was the dream about? Was it a rational dream?
say everything that was in this dream.
What's wrong little one
You should definitely kill yourself. I think that would help a lot.
It kept switching from first person (it was me in the dream) to third person (it was like watching characters in a movie). And the appearance of the characters would change some times. I'll describe it below.
>mom and dad are sometimes possessed by demons
>they start talking to each other about how they have stretches of time that they don't remember at all
>these periods of memory loss are when the demon takes over
>when the demon takes over, their behavior becomes very strange and bizarre
>their son (sometimes me) is not possessed and has no idea what's going on, but he notices that their behavior is becoming increasingly strange
>dad has a friend over to talk, and there's this weird moment where dad turns into Sheriff Truman from Twin Peaks and the friend is Cooper
>Truman "accidentally" (it was actually on purpose) spills his coffee on Cooper's leg, Cooper is visibly annoyed but says not to worry about it
>Twin Peaks thing is over now, back to mom and dad
>mom in one of her possessed moments goes outside and starts digging up literal shit out of the septic tank and flinging shit and filthy water around the yard
>there's some weird moment at the grocery store but I don't remember exactly what happened
>back home, mom is becoming increasingly possessive and angry
>she starts taking son's things and screaming at him if he questions why
>mom starts gathering up all her skin lotion and takes son's lotion as well
>she stores all the lotion in her bathroom
>son asks if he can at least have a little bit because he has dry skin or something
>mom flips out and screams at him about what a selfish, spoiled, ungrateful brat he is
>son goes to dad to talk to him about mom's behavior
>dad sighs and says that he knows what's going on
>he takes son to a room upstairs and says that mom is possessed by a demon
>he's invited a paranormal expert to the house so he can hopefully make the demon go away
>paranormal guy arrives, he seems nice
How terrible for you. The only reasonable course of action now is death. You can't live on with the memory of what happened now can you?
If you are who I think you are then please leave this website
>mom greets him and smiles
>she now looks like some actress or something, middle aged but still pretty
>paranormal guy looks like Sydney Pollack
>he says he knew the situation was serious when he saw a fire outside the house which is sometimes used for Satanic rituals
>this is the point where I wake up but I already knew the dream was going because it was like I was watching a movie
>the paranormal expert was actually in on the whole thing, he was in a Satanic cult
>he, along with mom and dad, were going to ritually murder son in a fire
That sounds pretty irrational to me, and it seems like the worst part is over. Go drink some water and maybe put something on to watch to put your mind at rest, you don't need to go back to sleep but as long as you're occupied and comfy you'll feel a lot better.
Oh and ome thing I forgot to mention is that in their demonic possessed state, mom and dad would sometimes talk about how irrational and pathetic humans are, and how humans disgust them
>they talked about humans like filthy, disgusting, pathetic little animals, the same way a human might talk about a rodent or something
i always wondered how people remember the smallest details in their dreams. I always forget them almost immediately after i wake up and all my dreams are usually incoherent mess anyway.
Yeah that's usually how my dreams are too, but occassionally I'll have a dream that sticks with me like this one. (Except for the part in the grocery store like I already mentioned, I can't really remember what happened there.)
It's weird because I used to never have nightmares, but lately I've been having bad dreams/nightmares occassionally. They basically make me feel stressed out in my sleep. Does anybody know what increasingly frequent nightmares means? Could it mean that I'm under too much stress in real life? I have been pretty stressed out at work lately.
Yeah thanks user. It just freaked me out a little bit and I needed to talk to someone. I'll be fine. I'm going to get comfy and watch House.
What nightmare? You are awake!
I had a nightmare today and it was gross, horrible and traumatizing so just tell me everything and if anyone has anything to say about it i'll rip them in half cosmically.
Shit I just realized I'm too drunk to help.
I already said it user
Was there a corpse and a bunch of browned condoms involved as well as an ex you want nothing to do with consciously?
Why do you drink, user? It's a filthy normie hobby.
also Fat Affleck
Addiction, I live within walking distance of liquor store and have 0 reasons to live