How the fuck does the guy on the left keep winning?

How the fuck does the guy on the left keep winning?

Attached: big-ramy-phil-heath-1024x739.jpg (1024x739, 152K)


Better backshots and calves mainly.

Affirmative action

Amazing back, better legs and more defined arms.


I don't know but he gave me a handjob once.

Body builders with shitty abs need to be gassed. What's the fucking point in being that swole when your whole core looks like shit?

>better legs
>better lats
>better bi/triceps
>better calves
That's how. Are you just focused on the abs?

Heath sucks more gay sponsor dicks
Heath got more supps backing him
And the fucking fact that big ramy is an arab sheep herder hick from bumfuck nowhere in middle east that can barely speak english.
Against phil heath the basketball american with the pearly white smile he got no chance

Lol @ you still thinking bodybuilding is still about muscle

You happen to be in the majority with that opinion and that's why the Classic Physique division was introduced in 2016.

Are you just talking about this pic? I give you the legs but better bis, tris and lats? What are you smoking?

>better conditioning
>shredded hamstrings
>top tier arms
>top tier back

Big Ramy always comes big but never properly conditioned

Attached: mr olympia 2012 (115).jpg (550x685, 54K)

You don't know how these are judged do you? He has longer and more defined biceps. Period. His triceps have more definition and are also longer. BOTH while being just as big. So he gets the mark in that box.

He's smaller and his lats are just as large. Not to mention the muscle below the armpit is larger too. 13s are flat in comparison.

Kek, nice b8.

>while being just as big

Attached: 1498247847198.png (264x240, 115K)

Sorry you're a fucking retard who has no perception.

Lmao he a wristlet

What body would you rather have though, left or right. I'd choose right. (Of course we don't really want our bodies to be so big. Its not aesthetic)

Politics. He came in looking pregnant last year and still won somehow. Kai also should've won 2 of the olympias he won but >grapefruit

sucking good dick


Attached: wristlet.png (407x123, 120K)

What am I looking at?

Attached: wristlet2.png (80x84, 13K)

achievable results from 6 months SS + GOMAD

why is no one posting a backside comparison

Well you would need creatine unless you have a good base

He looks more niggerish and thats all the judges care about nowadays.

okay, didn't read the filename. Thought his abs formed a face or something.

Why do they look like aliens?

What a morbid, disgusting """sport"""


who cares, it's like comparing two giant turds to see which is the best looking

not one normal person finds these bodies appealing to the eye, classic physique needs to be the main category, meanwhile these guys can see who can get the biggest while looking the least grotesque

>not one normal person finds these bodies appealing to the eye

no serious bodybuilder gives a fuck about what normal people think. getting monstrously jacked is the goal, fuck your sensitivities


I just watched some clips from Pumping Iron. this thread makes me sad.