Murdering animals is NOT your personal choice edition
Thread for all vegans and people interested in the superior vegan lifestyle.
Meatcucks allowed as long as they humblepost from their cucksheds.
Veganism is the healthiest, environmental friendliest and the literally only morally acceptable diet. Vegans are the healthiest people on Earth and science and history have proven this. Meatcucks BTFO.
If the Alien fulfilled all my needs and wants until it was time to die, and i was killed in a painless way, i wouldn't mind desu
Elijah Morales
explain plant allergens
the secret is to not over consume food fuckheads. Eat meat and eat vegetables. Don't over consume either! educate others to do the same and you won't be such a nuisance on the environment and food industry
Asher Johnson
A new meme I've heard from vegans is that it's "healthier for the earth" the less meat you eat. If you idiots had your way, there'd be so much overpopulation especially with deer.
Brandon Stewart
If vegans had their way, there would be no deer left, all their forests would be paved over for soya farms and avocado plantations. (all of which farmers, practice the culling of deer who get on the farm, which vegans seem to never have heard of)
Jack Jones
Toplel, this b8 thread is full of samefagging, and is obviously that Sv3ige bullshitter.
Jack Diaz
Not all.
Dylan King
I think you better kill yourself. Then everyone in the world will turn vegan. I guarantee it.
Ryan Gomez
Man, I was vegan for 3 years. Stopped a few months ago. So glad I did. Just didn't feel like it was nourishing me properly so I started eating fish. I lost around 21lbs of muscle during my vegan years, but I did stop going to the gym (didn't have the energy to do it anymore).
Angel Martin
>the science >youtube links The idiocy; the thread
Blake Anderson
if the alien is a higher being and had successfully captured me, he can slaughter me all he liked. natural selection, even if I am the one losing
Brayden Rivera
What worries me is the fact that many vegans are mentally deranged and may end up hurting people. An example is Nasim Aghdam who shot a man and two women with a handgun after storming youtubes offices. She was a vegan activist. Just look at VG - clearly mentally ill and admits to depression, wanting to hurt people and suicidal. Why is he still allowed on youtube?
Cooper Morales
if faggot cattle and sheep breeders didn't murder all the apex predators to keep their faggot sheep and cattle safe then those apex predators naturally present in every ecosystem would keep the deer populations in check
Nathaniel Bennett
Its pretty fucking hilarious ironic and detached from reality isnt it, thinking that eating these insanely exotic and difficult to cultivate crops like avocados and almonds which require insane amounts of water and destruction of natural wildlife to sustain is somehow better for the environment.
Because a man killing a cow is way worse than a man obliterating an ecosystem with a hectare of avocados.
Colton Jenkins
Very similar here, but 6 months
Carson Morgan
Can anybody explain why most vegans are lefties/libtards in general? Why do they want white people to die off? Why do they want brown people to thrive? How can that possibly help veganism?
You're just as bad as them, you're mixing people who are totally unrelated into a 'them' just to pretend you're superior.
Just as much as a far left is bad, so is a far right which you fall into.
Asher Ortiz
>which you fall into On what basis do you say that...
You're just as bad as them.
Leo Barnes
Vegans hate themselves and see their very existence as sinful. Their presence on Earth is inherently harmful. Therefore they feel guilty and try to do things like "minimize their impact" which includes eating no meat.
White guilt is such that brown people thriving is seems as good
Carter Cruz
I genuinely believe in Veganism but just don't find it practical and I enjoy meat. What really baffles is how fat most vegans are. If you strictly adhered to a vegan diet it is virtually impossible to put on weight, and by virtues of the quality food you're eating you should be sitting at around 10% bodyfat thoroughly nourished with vitamins and minerals...yet all I see from these are flabby spotty people who look below average on nearly every single health metric. I don't mean muscle mass and athleticism, just general wellbeing.
Having said that, I firmly believe if you genuinely were to adhere to a vegan diet (lentils, beans, green veg, quality nuts, fresh fruit, only black coffee) you'd be healthier than 97% of the population. The problem is we have "Vegans" who'll stuff themselves full of chocolate and soda throughout the day and think they actually have the right to represent any kind of lifestyle let alone one so strict.
Camden Wright
lmao at the picture humans=/=animals
Brandon Edwards
Ranchers do fuck about like this it's true sadly. Who will speak for the wolves? The bears?
Parker Thomas
we're apex predators, bud.
Then they just eat everything, wipe off entire populations of fauna and they start dying out.
Vegans are retards who don't realize we're part of the ecosystem
Daniel Edwards
The whole point of veganism seems to be white genocide. 90% of vegans appears to be white females. Castrated men make up the ranks of vegan 'men'
But you never see vegan activists going to AFRICA and preaching this genocide. They want blacks to eat meat, be healthy and reproduce.
Why? I have no clue.
Josiah Wilson
'they' the deer or the bears? You lost me on that. I would love to see wolves and bears in the wild even at the risk of my life. (I hope they would mostly eat the obviously weak and sick humans ie vegans)
if humans are supposed to be vegan then how come carbs degrade our teeth but meat doesnt?
Christopher White
>Be long term pioneer vegan. >£iterally a toothless emaciated walking corpse.
Do vegans really want to look like this? I don't get it, they can see their future in these toothless skeletons, yet they are still enthusiast about veganism??
You kill that many insects and rodents in one avocado plantation. After you have genocided the natural wildlife that used to live in that rainforest, before you plowed it over because your addiction to avocados is insatiable and growing.
Why do you hate the earth and all of nature?
Dominic Stewart
Hell no thats like eating garbage fed beef
Colton Moore
Bruh youre wrong. Archeologists keep finding human remains with hunting tools and animal bones. We are natural born killas. But hey, if you want to be a basedboy who cant get his dick hard and have an overweight feminazi gf who constantly berates him, go for it
Adam James
Someone is poaching the 17 year old vegan QTs, and it ain't us breh.
Asher Cruz
It takes years for the unnatural vegan diet to start doing permanent harm to the human body. By age 35 the long term vegan is noticeable as a walking corpse.
Still no news on Emily the bite size vegan my vegan comrades! I'm really worried about her and the Meatcucks mare saying she 'died from her unhealthy unnatural vegan diet'
Jack Torres
I'm really getting worried about Emily vegans, pls halp!