Stopping with weed

Have any of you had any succes getting off of weed? Ive been smoking 3-4 times a week on average for the past 6 years and my mental health is showing this.

Anybody have tips on how to just stop and not relapse again? Its such a negative spiral and I want to get clean. Im ready to be an adult.

This is a comfy thread

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It's time to get out of your comfort zone user. That's the only way to quit.

Try to get it down to 1-2 joints a week and after that try to get that number to 0
Used to smoke like 2-3 grams a day for a year so it was really difficult
I started smoking regular cigs (which I know is not any better) and now I'm giving my best to quit those as well
I still do smoke weed sometimes but not as much as I used to
Good luck user, I wish the best for you :)

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You're fucking retarded if you can't stop using weed. I've been on it every day for years and ran out last week but you don't see me crying here like a pussy. Get the fuck off this board with that shit.

I smoked every day for like a year with 2 of my "friends" (i actually hated them but they gave me weed for free) that I lived with. I did nothing with my life and became more and more depressed. At some point, I broke cut all contact with friends and moved back to my parent's house. I smoked a few days right after moving back into parents house cuz it was hard to cut it off all in an instant but now I am almost a year without smoking any. I am not saying that weed is bad for everyone but for me, it was the worst thing. Now I am like 10x more productive.

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Thanks for input, user. Problem is, I just want it out of my system asap. I just want it gone, i can feel it altering my thoughts and emotions. I was sharp and bright, now I feel dull, slow and my memory is fucked up. I just hope it will come back someday, so I just want THC gone. Cold turkey.

Also if anyone wants to know I smoked a shit ton. Like maybe 3 joints and\or 5 bongs a day. I was super fucking used to that shit at the end and didn't even feel it.

you seem a touch irritable, user

Don't give in to the temptation user, I believe in you
I know it's difficult in the beginning but once you go clean your life gets much and much better

This is very motivating user, thanks. I actually share a very similar experience, with having friends who primarily wasnt your friends, but more people who also was addicted to weed with whom you could share your addiction, terrible stuff is bad for your social life. I also cutall contacts and moved to rebuild, and I am 2 days alone into my new apartment and now I just want off weeds wild ride.

>You're fucking retarded if


I was in the same boat last year, it was hell on my mind so I just stopped one day. It's easy op, just gotta have willpower. You can do it brother, I believe in you!

You seem a touch of a pussy, which is probably good for you considering the fact that you've never touched a pussy. Again, you're fucking retarded. Kids like you are what's fucked with the future of our species. Imagine if it was difficult to stop using marijuana. Oh wait, you can't, because you're a degenerate druggie already as a teenager. You actually think it's addictive, because like I said, you're a fucking retard.


you smoked 5 bongs a day? how did you get a fire hot enough to melt that much glass? did it burn your lungs? fuck

how is it showing?

Just the dependency symptoms, confusion, dizziness, dullness, forgetfulness. I feel stupid.

Became a shut in who's only outings were going to work and 2am nightwalks. If anyone asks if I wanna smoke I never say no but the occasion may arise once a year at school renunions. If you cut all sources out of your life then its not too hard. To be fair I'm severely depressed and not a day goes by where I don't wanna smoke to make the loneliness leave

Flower bongs. Weed is illegal where I live so getting glass would be super hard although I did smoke it a few times.

Yeah just find a new drug like meth man. Worked for me and I'm 100% clean of weed to this day :) family is proud

Don't buy weed
No buy = no smoek

Problem fukken solved!

Smoked an ounce a week for four years, smoking everyday multiple times a day. Had a kid and forced myself to stop. Just have to have willpower and something else to occupy your time

Do you smoke cigarettes? It's actually easier to quit smoking altogether than to just quit one type of smoking in my experience. Eventually I found a good reason to make it work for once and quit both at the same time. That was 3 years ago and since then I've smoked 3 or 4 joints with friends (even one joint is a huge set back for motivation and mental clarity, never ever go back to it, not even for one joint) and dozens of cigarettes (doesn't really matter except it makes alcohol hangovers worse for me).

anything you associate closely with weed, cut that out as well or one can always lead to the other. I avoided my weed-friends for a while but I did not cut contact with them. they were real friends before any of us ever smoked weed and I don't just drop people like that. but they are the same friends that I relapsed with a few times so keep that in mind. weed smokers will admire you for having the will power to not smoke weed but on some level they always want you to be their weed smoking buddy again. can't blame them, I was the same way when I still smoked. however, maybe yours were just druggie alliances from the start, then drop those with no second thought.

and alcohol, while in itself harmless for me personally, temporarily nerfs your will power. looking back all but one of my relapses was while buzzed. not even "drunk", just having had those first 2 beers at a party that make everything easier. so if you want to keep contact with weed smokers you could try to stay completely sober around them to be safe. in general, beware of offers made to you while on alcohol.

Absolutely seething stoner in horrible withdrawals because he cant get his marijuana fix.

I smoked with around half an ounce just by myself in the first year of college, sometimes more and very rarely less. Must have done like 20 bong hits everyday.

And then I started hallucinating while sober. Thought I developed schizophrenia, got so anxious about it that I quit immediately from 2-3g a day to literally nothing. First 3 months were hell, the detox made me feel like I was going crazy.

Then it all went back to normal. Psychosis free, doing much better with life. Some anxiety is still there, but I can live with it.

Not saying this will happen to everyone, but if you think weed is harmless you're pretty fucking retarded.

assuming youre a sedentary fatass; you're going to have to abstain from weed for at least 90 days before all traces of thc/thc metabolites are completely gone from your system

It's difficult to quit weed because we're told it isn't addictive (it is), because the acute withdrawal is not as bad as other drugs. However it takes a long time to get it out of your system and reset your brain, so you have to be patient and wait for months to be fully freed from it. I used to smoke daily. What made me stop was a career. Get a career where they drug test you. I stopped working shitty restaurant jobs and got into the trades, I'm in a full time apprenticeship and no college degree needed. Turned my life around, but I could only get it if I quit smoking because they do random drug testing.

Also having a physical muscle goal is helpful as well. Weed literally lowers your testosterone levels, so if you bust your ass every day at the gym, are you okay worth with your smoking habit reducing your gains you work so hard for? I wasn't. After I quit I started making more gains and I'm more jacked then I've ever been.

What I'm saying is you have to find activities, daily activities, that weed would interfere with. Then you will have a more tangible reason to quit.

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The biggest tips I can impart


It's not about how long you can go fighting the intense desire to smoke, it's about removing the desire completely, and letting it atrophe while replacing a habit that doesn't serve you with one that does. WHEN you eventually fall off the wagon and smoke again (because you're human), move away from a blame-centric mindset. That will only flood your brain with more stress chemicals and drive you to more weed. Very few can simply sit in a room with nothing to do alongside an addictive habit and expect to win that battle long term. Find something very similar to smoking pot and do that (listening to music, lighting incense, playing videogames with coffee etc).

Another strategy is reward yourself for not smoking pot for a long period of time with a joint. This is not a "tolerance break" because your end goal is to quit completely, but you are making good use of your already powerfully established reward pathways to enforce good behavior.

I was stoned 24/7 from the time I was 14 to the time I was 24. I don't regret it initially but it no longer served me. I realized I could just be the person I was while high without doing drugs, instead of constantly looking for externals to modulate my personality and experience.

Good Luck.

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When I started smoking weed, it was on the weekends and slowly became smoking everyday and later 3 joints every night, I've always smoked at the same time, every day.

I had many periods of going cold turkey, sometimes because I simply ran out, sometimes because I wanted to quit...

What I've noticed is that sometimes just the "ritual" of having an exact time in the night, smoking in the peaceful silence of the night is addicting...

About weed addiction and withdrawals, the physical addiction is definitely weak, mostly 1-2 weeks of having problems falling asleep and being somewhat more irritated or having no apetite. The biggest problem ofcourse is the psychological addiction.

As people have said, the biggest problem will be overcoming your comfort zone.
For some people like me, the ritual of smoking itself is addicting so that's another thing.
Also if you've been mixing weed with tobacco then it will be much harder to quit.

Also the thing with addiction, even though my opinion doesn't really matter, I think it's always psychological...
If you have physical dependence then your body makes you crave the thing, it will be an uncomfortable feeling, but in the end it is still you who decides to take the drug that will make you feel better, ironically, pure morphine does almost no harm to your body but the addiction is so strong that you can't overcome it and will sacrifice your health just to get more dope...

It's just my opinion but quitting an addiction is not just about getting the drug out of your body, but adjusting life so it can be enjoyable without drugs... as in my case, I've quit doing weed or other drugs for a long period of time, never changed myself that much and always came back to drugs.

Saying you will just stop and never do it again is setting yourself up for failure. Try and see how long you can go without it, then when you do it again, just start over and over and over

I went cold turkey about 2 months ago because I had a trip where I hallucinated and heard a voice in my head.
What makes it easier is to hang out with friends that don't smoke either.

>anyone have tips on how to just stop

Yeah. Just fucking stop, you weak-willed faggit. Weed isn't addictive. At worst, you'll be bored and a little irritable for a few days. Oh no, discomfort! I hate pussies like you.

I think going vegan stops the urge.