>Be Me
>Decided to browse the infamous darkweb
>I have been browsing for 3 days
>Always turn on shitty free vpn
>I thought that if I exited the window it would still be running
>turns out it turns the VPN off so now I found out I have been browsing the dark web without any vpn or protection
> I now I am worried and need reassurence and how do I change my IP as I use a modem broadband.
I just found out I have been browsing the dark web without a vpn
You can't access the 'infamous darkweb' using a normal browser you retard.
I used tor you quadruple nigger
u will not be caught so fast nigguh
>needs VPN
This must be the IT equivalent of people who microwave their cat to dry it
would that not dry my cat?
It is double protection anyhow im going to wipe my laptop
Retard Organs dont sell for much so your safe
Too late bro. I've alerted the authorities and they've dispatched a squad car to your location.
Rub butter on your keyboard and put in the oven at 450 degrees for 1 hour.
Unless you're involved in some really really questionable stuff nothing will happen to you on the dark web
This. Use Tails instead, but otherwise nothing is going to happen to you if all you did was browse around.
Any suggestions on how to get a new IP address?
Learn how to use bridges in tor, user.
paypal me $100 and i'll switch your IP address to a new one
send me a dik pic on omegle. interest: r9k. ill change ur ip
Only if you wrap your cat in tinfoil, before putting it in the microwave.
You are safe if you didn't watch cp or tried to buy something, retard.
I hope you weren't looking at CP. you naughty boy
Visiting naughty websites won't get you arrested. The police have bigger things to worry about than to chase some kid who looked at a drug market but didn't buy anything. Unless of course you looked at CP sites, but then you deserve to be v&
Tor is a VPN in itself.
If it's just watching cp he should be safe too