Is this the future of America?
Arnold's son
Is the true heir lads
Creepy, it's like a semi-Mex mask over 26 year old Arnold's bone structure.
And that's a good thing
next gen terminator
La creatura
He'll grow into his throne soon.
>of America
I think you mean the true aryan nations of the world, Austria and Germany, you absolute dipshit
>you will never have Arnold's DNA
feels badman
>have Arnold's genes
>waste them by getting fat
>some liberal piece of shits son
>who is half spic
>True Aryan nation
Go away.
my anti Mexican/creature politics aside, good for the kid. he had to struggle to make it, unlike his half siblings. I admire his drive, and he seems like a cool dude. looks good too, he's definitely Arnie's kid
The C O P E
maybe he's on a long term bulk
She's drinking a vegan protein drink.
Reminder that nk matter how much he lifts he'll never have blue eyes, white skin and triple digit IQ lmao lol
tfw i have retarded lips like him
He's half MEHICANO
Exactly he's the New American
It's weird how he looks mostly like Arnold, the Med genetics mixed with rugged Alp German genes really let the bone structure come out and not be hidden away like the gay Kennedy genes did.
pics or gtfo
if he sticks with that white gf his kids might. Sounds like a net gain to me desu
He doesn't need any of those things, he's rich, you're poor. He wins.
He’s a Chad, so yeah
Next Joseph Joestar.
His IQ is 102 dude, and white skin looks gay on a man
Does literally anyone realize how aesthetic he could be if he was actually 8%bf
Imagine being the type of person who would comment on this, never mind having to cope like this.
Cope lol
Your women getting BEANED