Is there anything more pathetic than nazi incels?

Is there anything more pathetic than nazi incels?
I don't even think Jow Forums is this pathetic.

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Incel nazi zombies. Duh.

the people who can't stop thinking about them

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Have you sacrificed your blood for Hitler yet?

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There's a Jow Forums stage for everyone and most of them grow out of it.

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wheres the wound?


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This is so unfunny i actually cringed. Are you 12?

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>This is so unfunny i actually cringed.

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asian men, generally

>everyone grows out of the "Jow Forums stage"
Can anyone just forget that their kids are going to have to grow up in an America that is one big ghetto? Those poor, crime filled, welfare draining, black and Hispanic communities will be all of america and no amount of fat people in MAGA hats will make me "outgrow" it

Why don't all white boiiz just go on HRT? You were obviously meant to take cock and be submissive, plus you all have such pretty mouths.

>Grow out off it
These are what me call fakers they only like Jow Forums because it's cool and edgy to be a "Nazis" but the true/ pol/acks never go back

>I don't even think Jow Forums is this pathetic.
fuck you to you cock sucking faggot

Fucking crybaby is upset the kool kids klub is just more small dick losers like him.

>And then they all come out the woodwork and display their glorious superior Aryan anger at OP.
Truly amazing.

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I feel like the red hat has replaced the fedora regardless of your political persuasion.

>Is there anything more pathetic than nazi incels?
They're one step above bronies and curries fucking annoying cunts

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What's with his rubber arm?

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>rubber arm
it's his real one
truly, a reincarnated Wilhelm II, amazing

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i wanna dominate this nazi boy with my big leftist cock

based sigismund steinhauser

lmao I have the same crooked ass arm

stop being obsessed with white men incels and go get laid

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I don't know how to feel right now. I want this cute little Nazi boy in my arms

>I don't even think Jow Forums is this pathetic.
A-user... I...

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why are bronies and furries always equated? Furries are above bronies desu, bronies are probably the most degenerate subculute I know of.

>Is there anything more pathetic than nazi incels?
Yes, people that obsess over them and make pointless threads about them.
>I don't even think Jow Forums is this pathetic.
Apparently it is. You're here posting.

user if your gonna get hurt just leave the thread if not shutup and join in

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>I use to watch my little pony because it filled in that whole in my chest when it talked about friendship
>I watched almost all the movies at this point
>A year later I feel disgusted everytime I remember it
For fucks sake man I use to jerk off to furry porn occasionally as well the only reasoning I've got for it was it felt like something was missing from my childhood either way I quit it so get off my fucking back.

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>their kids
we are talking about incels, not proud chad aryan ethno nationalist like you my fellow white man

you cant just ignore them because they poz every incel/robot space

>Jow Forumstards shit up ever board on Jow Forums
>why so obsessed user? :^)

both of these are amazing and funny as fuck.

Nothing but thats because you can't be a nazi and an incel it goes against NS philosophy to be a worthless pile of shit, fascism demands self-improvement

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I have no doubt that you are.

>fascism demands self-improvement
Fuck your fascism you fucking faggots, I ain't doing shit to improve.

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then stay miserable, your life wont improve unless you yourself improve it

>then stay miserable
I'm happy where I am a NEET taking wagecucks money and living the life as opposed to years ago where I got bullied or more recently where I tried to improve but failed miserably each time I tried. Fascism is a joke It's not even robot friendly.

Jow Forumscuck tears ITT are delicious

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failure is a part of life, you can't have success without it the same way you can't have happiness without sadness, you may be pleasured as a neet but i guarantee you're not happy

I unironically love how the "whiteboiis with weak chins in front of vicky 2 screenshots" meme has taken off this much.

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I love it.
It brings immense butthurt to the nazi larpers and it shows whenever you post it.

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I wish the parents of these kids posing for stock images could see these memes. I wonder what they'd think. They're probably not capable of deep thoughts anyway cuz they're white tho lmao

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It's like the 56% meme but better

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real happiness is dying in a war to calm your fuhrers small dick rage.

dying serving your country well is pretty fulfilling you're right

>dying serving your country well is pretty fulfilling

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imagine being literally this cuckolded

>was rejected by a white girl
>implying white girls ever reject black men anymore


>u make grug do wat grud dond wanna do

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>wh*te boii gets angry when people laugh about him wanting to die for muh nation
Sorry, not everybody can be as much of a slut that likes to take it up his ass as you are.

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>I'm freezing, starving and dying in some shithole in Russia, far away from Home. I sure am glad I gave away my life for my Fuhrer.

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I mean, can you hold it against them? Who in their right minds would want to associate with subhumans like this voluntarily?

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*bourgeois laughter is heard in the distance*

yeah nice fake facebook post. that guy surely deserves to smeared as a part of your epic meme war.

What's the matter, wh*teboii, did the image hit too close home? You ""people"" make me sick

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Hitler making tactical mistakes doesn't discredit the nobility and selflessness of sacrifice for your people and nation

ah yes, communists have never sent men to die in their millions using false patriotism as incentive, never once

troling those wh*togroid poltards epic style!!!!

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What's that meme even trying to say? The first part is demonstratably true and the second is demonstratably untrue.

>Hitler making tactical mistakes doesn't discredit the nobility and selflessness of sacrifice for your people and nation
He got his country into a war they couldn't possibly win. He brainwashed people into believing retarded nazi pseudo science.
And after the war was lost, he killed himself like the coward he was and brought his country into total ruin and half of it was given to commies.
Soldiers were forced in a suicidal position because of the destruction that he was responsible for.
If you think dying for some megalomaniac is "just" and "noble", then you're a retard and I wish your grandpa died in the war so retards like you couldn't breed though I'm pretty sure you're a dumb amerimutt whose negro great-grandfather was a truck driver or a cook and never saw any combat whatsoever.

>He got his country into a war they couldn't possibly win.
Churchill started the war.

>He brainwashed people into believing retarded nazi pseudo science.
''the jews are fags and Germans are the best'' was the extent of his 'pseudoscience'.
I was referring to giving your life for your country as a concept not for whoever runs the country at the time

>Churchill started the war.
He wasn't even the prime-minister at 1939 you retard.
You're not even worth talking to.
Fuck off

>b-but the commies did it too!
dying for interests of bourgeois is retarded whether they claim to be communist, nazi or democrats

Woah epic stock image memes bro, really trolled the wh*boys, hit up my discord if you wanna play some fortnite bro xD

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>Churchill started the war.


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That's not a nazi salute. He is erecting a force field.

my country is in the top left

I didn't know Chamberlain invaded Poland

Chamberlain started a pointless war on Germany out of involvement with a matter that wasn't England's business, Germany started the war with Poland but England started WW2

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>we started the war but we didn't start the world war, it's all englands fault

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Fuck off faggot

This is why white man conquered and raped you, he loyal to his nation and his people. And the history repeats itself...

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>This is why white man conquered and raped you
>And the history repeats itself...
>boo hoo, we're getting overrun by non-whites
Make up your mind you utmost faggot.

>Is there anything more pathetic than nazi incels?
Yes, niggers like you

>white man conquered and raped you
lol half of Jow Forums gets a hardon over my country because we're 95+% white and we don't let in immigrants, get fucked krautlover

>if he doesn't agree with my autistic faggot views, he must be a non white or a jew
I'm fucking white, probably whiter than you mutt. 99% of whites think you're morons. You're the absolute fucking minority here. The only power you have is in your echo-chamber, so you should stay there and jerk off with the other larping nazi mutts

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if youre white why do you support cuckposting?

Explain it

damn that's a cringey picture haha
what a faggot.

I live in a 95% white ethnostate
The number of blacks I've seen IRL I can count on my fingers.
The reason why I do that is because it triggers you mutts so easily.
Jow Forums meetup

>Jow Forums meetup
That's what I heard but It looks pretty interesting

And then they come out the woodwork with their sack of butthurtness they try to hide

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You'll be overrun by niggers and arabs eventually

>You'll be overrun by niggers and arabs eventually

But in the meantime we'll make fun of the muttoid empire

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it's honestly hilarious how butthurt you are

complacent faggot
you people deserve to be conquered. your ancestors would be ashamed

>But in the meantime we'll make fun of the muttoid empire
that meantime should last 5-20 years max, have fun

>that meantime should last 5-20 years max, have fun

That's 5-20 years more than the USA

>y-you'll be blacked too!
s e e t h i n g

absolutely pathetic cope

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enjoy being in denial cucks

you are god damn right. kids will try to deny it, but we oldfags all know that you grow out of /pol

I don't feel sorry for you. You deserve everything that's coming. I hope it can snap you back into reality

>I don't feel sorry for you.
of course you fuckin don't, you envy us

no, i really don't. being a voluntary suicide cuckold isn't anything to envy

>56%er calling people from white countries cuckolds
the irony

The fuck is happening to his arm

You're a walking caricature
Consider suicide

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soon enough youll be 56 too