Peviously on /r9gay/ I'm a shitty person, are you? edition
Also dude weed lmao
/r9gay/ - #420
Other urls found in this thread:
i like to think im a good person but i cant even keep a bf so probably not.
>tfw no suicidal bf to be depressed and kill myself with
Imagine being a gay and also a robot.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Statistically you're far more likely, so please fulfil your only useful role of teaching the young the path to not go down by ending yourself.
As a gay, you'll never amount to much more than a degenerate burden anyways
>tfw i will never go to prison and become an prison gay
>will never entice all the straight guys there with my small petite figure and cute face
>will never wrap them around my finger
>wrap them around my finger
lol, you'll get traded fore a pack of cigarettes.
>lol, you'll get traded fore a pack of cigarettes.
still hot
Here's the pastebin
It's incredibly cringe and makes me want to sudoku, but hey, it's so tl;dr that most people probably won't read it all anyway.
But yeah, I see many mistakes that I made along the way throughout this whole ordeal. I should've just nipped things in the bud. I let it drag on for way too goddamn long. J U S T
I'm definitely a shitty person, though. I'm pretty sure this confirms it conclusively and undeniably.
Also, if this has any personally identifiable info that I missed taking out, I'll literally fucking kill myself lmao
Remind me why I should care to read your blog? Stop bitching about sudoku, you've come to a place seeking sympathy where there is none.
I don't care.
Nobody here cares about you user, don't you get it?
I was asked to post the messages. I just realised how fucking cringe it all was once I read through it again
If you don't want to read it, then don't lmao. Simple as
You've missed my point.
Introspection is hard for many, but try.
Sure, you're an insufferable fag which is bad enough, but why are you posting them just because you were asked?
Why would anyone in their right mind care? Why are you posting this here?
consider me scared straight
thanks guys
Because I started doing it, got caught up, and before I knew it, I'd finished, so I figured I may as well post it. Why not?
And lmao obviously someone cares, even if it isn't you, so just hide the post and move on.
its nice to see someone even more pathetic than me, also yea, you really are a cunt, should have just told him that you dont want to talk to him anymore.
"Why would anyone in their right mind care? Why are you posting this here?"
"posting them just because you were asked"
wow you answered your own question user
You're still not managing to be introspective.
>someone cares
No they don't. Some random anonymous cunt on a message board expresses a passing interest in your boring, degenerate life doesn't mean they care user.
Are all homosexuals this desirous of attention? Stop proving stereotypes true user.
>Hi person, tell me personal intimate details
>You played yourself.
I'm very conflict-averse, and yeah, I think I am a cunt. Probably ought to do something about that, yeah?
lmao I don't mean 'care' as in genuinely give a shit, but that he's mildly interested in reading it. Get over yourself, dude.
>sharing your private conversations
kill yourself
why do u care so much user, stop shitting up the threa., it wouldve been better to let it pass and get like 2 replies but now its the main topic of the thread you retard
was he cute atleast
the person doesn't use Jow Forums, let alone Jow Forums, and then /r9gay/, and I removed (hopefully) all personal info, so I don't see why it matters
Fuck me. Don't let your desperate craving for attention get into your head, lads. It's not good.
Not good at all.
Reckon you can manage to get through a comment without the phrase lmao? I reckon you can do it.
If some rando asked you to type it in the thread, why are you putting it here? Do you want sympathy? Attention? Tell us what you want user.
Because maybe I want the other user to stop being a pathetic faggot?
>Fuck me. Don't let your desperate craving for attention get into your head, lads. It's not good.
>Not good at all.
I think with faggotry it comes with the territory. All the same.
What do you guys think of this?
>not even cute
why do people on this board say they want "le mentally ill gf XD"
this is what its actually like, not the quirky fantasy you have in your head rtards
The original question I asked was how to deal with the person - whether I should ghost him or tell him to fuck off. I was asked for messages so that the user could give a better answer. If I could've restricted the pastebin to him alone so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities, I would've done so
>Because maybe I want the other user to stop being a pathetic faggot?
lmao good luck
Did you perhaps mean bf? Or were you speaking more broadly?
But you're exactly right. 99% of the time it won't be worth it, not even close
>so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities
Bit rich coming from a faggot.
>lmao good luck
I reckon
C'mon user, don't faggots have the ability to look inside at all? Have an ounce of self-awareness? Believe me, it'll help
broadly, like i said "on this board", not on this general, even if its rampant in both. But yeah dating someone thats mentally ill to a horrid fault is a shitty meme
it doesnt matter if he uses Jow Forums,its just vile to share private conversations in any way
Oh, I thought you were actually genuinely engaging, but now I see that you're just trolling. Sorry for taking the bait. That was rather new of me.
Yeah, I'm a pretty vile person (unironically)
an asian receives one cuddle for every three cuddles a white guy gets
how can we into cuddle equality?
cuddle orgies, obviously
>Oh, I thought you were actually genuinely engaging, but now I see that you're just trolling. Sorry for taking the bait. That was rather new of me.
C'mon user, you have to at least say what it was that I said that was trolling. If it came accross that way, it wasn't my intention. But it seems like you shutting it down like this is just running away. Or the classic, you can give but not take syndrome.
Are you scared of looking inside? You say you're a bad person but do you do anything about it?
why don't we just put all illegals on hormones instead of deporting them so that we can have cute trap gfs?
that way trump can make anime real
Last reply, because this isn't constructive for either party
Yeah, I'm fucked up in innumerable ways. I'm in psych treatment for lots of stuff, so I am "doing something" about it. It's not a switch I can flip, though. We're talking years of maladaptive behaviours and interactions. But even if I didn't do anything about it, I have no issue with being a hypocrite. I just don't care anymore. At least not most of the time.
Insults don't bother me, let alone online ones, so feel free. I just don't really feel like talking to people who are going to be that way. It's nothing personal.
I know myself pretty well, so I have no issues looking inward lol. I probably know myself better than most people. I just don't care to protect any imaginary reputation on an anonymous imageboard. The next post I make will in no way be connected to any of this, so it's no big deal - no deal at all, really.
>so it's no big deal - no deal at all, really.
Is that what you tell the little nagging voices in your head?
Unironically, all gayfags are messed up psychologically I've found. You all should cease such behaviours. Your mental illness levels will improve in leaps and bounds should you do so.
Be mad with me, give me excuses, it's fine.
Deep down you know you're degenerates and need to change.
I'm glad this will be your last reply. I imagine you'll just ignore my words, because gays are the most obtuse people and can't handle criticism, but maybe you or some user will change.
My god, you're such a sanctimonious prick. Why are you even in this thread?
ill give any Asians who are lacking in cuddles however many cuddles they need.
Be mad, it's ok.
People don't like being told that what they're doing is dead set wrong, but it's necessary for all of us.
I'm in this thread because I think I want to help a little, but failing that, crash this thread with no survivors
I have 0 cuddles man.
t. white guy who doesn't understand how the intersection of identities affect the number of cuddles they receive.
t. lonely ugly person who isn't nice to be around so they receive no cuddles
>Friend dragged me into cosplaying with him
At least I'll be cosplaying as Joshua Graham so I won't be recognized and my anxiety won't kill me because my whole body is covered. Wish I'd have the confidence to cosplay as someone more cute.
Your friend got you to cosplay and made you fully cover up your face? Yeesh, nice friend you have there sending a message like that
Cosplaying as Joshua Graham was my own idea not his.
If you are actually able to pull of a Joshua Graham cosplay, chances are you'll never fit into/pull off anything approaching the realms of """"cute""""
t. white guy who doesn't understand how the white supremacy in our society results in him getting an unfair amount of snuggles and cuddles
Guilty. Gosh darn white supremacy, I don't know what to do with all of these excess cuddles and snuggles.
Feels pretty good
>He can wear a swat vest and cover his whole body in gauze rolls, that means he can't be cute in other clothes!
Fuck you are even dumber than me.
I've never even seen you m80, but I am night certain you aren't """cute""". You'll be too tall, voice too deep, chest too wide, hips too narrow and so on.
I can put a tutu on a tarantulla, doesn't make it cute sadly. Same would go with 99% of guys wanting to be """cute""".
Bit sad really
You decided that i have a deep voice, a wide chest, narrow hips and such from me wanting to cosplay as a character? Holy shit, are you retarded or what?
People cosplay as characters even thought their bodies aren't the same you dumbass, fucks sake.
But tarantulas are already cute, though. A tutu would make it even cuter.
This is sad, whenever I see all these guys being so clingy I think back to my past and it makes me cringe.
Poor clingy user.
Stop bothering with him. He's the same person from earlier in the thread.
If you don't have a deep voice and a manly build why bother cosplaying as Graham?
You sound desperate to me user.
I was going to say a cane toad, but not many people know them. Big problem in my country. Fun to kill tho. Ugly bastards.
B-because he can cosplay whoever he wants user, i-it doesn't have to match the character at all, you silly!
>want to buy new clothes because I dress like shit
>have no idea what would look good on me
>get stressed out and leave without buying anything
>feel dizzy and have to sit down
I just want a bf to hold my hand through this
I have to go to work now but I'm hungover/still drunk as fuck... Uggghhgg why do I do this
Are all fags this retarded or just you?
Honestly, this thread has been such a learning expereince for me.
My preconceived notions of gays being complete emotional wrecks or on the other end, husks, has been confirmed beyond what I expected.
Thanks frens.
go to /fa/ u faggot
I'll be honest user i don't think you're a good fit for this board
Try reddit or something
Im a good person i sometimes make evil or bad choices cause i feel that the right choice of action
>I'll be honest user i don't think you're a good fit for this board
What are the qualifications I don't meet friend?
>Ha, I know, I'll tell him to go to reddit
Try a little harder user, you can do it.
who did you hurt?
Same, I really need to buy new clothes because my old ones are pretty worn out, but going outside and buying clothes is such a chore.
Read your posts back to yourself, you are peak normalfag
It's true, I'll admit. I've developed a bit of a bad habit in bullying retards.
Self aware retards are fine, but gay ones? Wew lad, most fragile bunch of buggers (hah, geddit?) you'll ever meet. Thanks for letting me have a little fun, have a nice night or whatever
Lots of people but they don't know it was me cause of my good quite boy never hurt a fly attitude which is true
Yeah man, these retards are like a hivemind. Theyll insult you if you call them out in their bullshit. I bet 90% of them isnt even gay just lonely.
i dont know what im doing
i should be asleep and i shouldve eaten 2 days ago
Ok hello miss ? Sir ?....hello
Back to discord with you, tranny scum.
hello how are you doing originally
If that's a picture of you good job you're pretty cute but a that's against the rules and b it's a bad idea to be posting this sort of thing anyway
holy trips brapman
Does anyone want a boyfriend who cares about your well-being & wants to hold your hand everywhere?
Please eat something user, it's not healthy to starve yourself.
thanks and i dont care im dead inside
thats fine
Don't think you want to stick around here. Most people don't like your kind and those who do want to just fuck you and use you as a dumpster.
I doing good these days and you my new fren ?
yeah i know
im bored
i dont care if they hate me
>Does anyone want a boyfriend who cares about your well-being & wants to hold your hand everywhere?
Would gladly but I don't deserve someone like you.
Actually, that's the number one thing I want in my life right now
Do you have Pectus Excavatum? Your chest seems to be going inside.
No, I want a bf that abuses me. I don't deserve a good bf.
dont know, dont care
cant care
at least some people think its decent looking
Come on, user, eat something and go to bed
If not because you can care about yourself, then because I care about you
no one cares about me
thats why im here
>i dont care but ill attention whore
I care about you because you're here
Please take some care of yourself
where you live?country, state?
who knows
no you dont
i try to
yeah i will
i have willingly graced your ballless replyless post
Trannies really are the worst. I like attention myself but I never go this far.
you should eat salads, they are easy to make, taste good, and have endless variety of healthy toppings and editions, hard boil egg, tuna, chicken, turkey, as main stuff, then you know, everything else
teach me/post some good recipes for health and aesthetic
>yeah i will
>i have willingly graced your ballless replyless post
At least use english when you reply to me.
you can go kill yourself
Asparagus, Beets, Artichoke hearts, Cucumbers, Peppers, Carrots, Broccoli,
Peas, Red onion, Celery, Mushrooms, Sweet potato, Radishes, Olives, Corn
-Try your vegetables roasted, grilled, marinated, raw or pickled for variety-
Hard-boiled, Poached, Soft-boiled
Whole Grains
Couscous, Farro, Quinoa, Barley, Rice
Pepitas, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds
Dried Fruit
Cranberries, Cherries, Raisins, Mango, Blueberries
Vegetarian Protein
Kidney beans, Black beans, Garbanzo beans,
Great northern beans, Edamame, Tofu
Tuna, Salmon, Crab Cakes, Shrimp, Scallops
Chicken, Turkey, Steak, Ham, Bacon
-A great way to use up leftovers!-
Pears, Grapes, Mandarin oranges, Apples, Avocado,
Strawberries, Tomatoes, Pomegranate Arils
-Thinly sliced, segmented, or in dressings-
Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, Pine nuts
-Try them toasted, raw or candied-
Goat cheese, Mozzarella, Parmesan, Gorgonzola
-Crumbled, grated, sliced-
Fresh Herbs
Basil, Mint, Chives, Dill, Parsley
Non-Traditional Dressings
Salsa, hummus, smashed avocado, pureed fruit
Croutons, Crispy noodles, Water chesnuts
>you can go kill yourself
Why would i, i havent done anything bad but on the other hand youre degenerate scum.
recipe combos? thank you for the list seemingly ready at hand
any good stuff you have mixed together, its all good, lettuce, and then mix all the good stuff