Asian guys + Mulatto girls = The perfect match

Asian guys + Mulatto girls = The perfect match

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Thats how Filipinos are made

Asian guys are the least desirable, but Asian girls are highly rated. I genuinely doubt that Asian men are the first guy women look to when they think of Chad.

>Least desirable males with the least desirable females
Works for me

>Asian guys are the least desirable, but Asian girls are highly rated.

You really have this down to a science don't you?

I don't think SE Asians have it quite as bad as Pajeets in the western dating market
still pretty bad though

Money gets everything my man

> least desirable females
Mulattas are hot

What I desire the most

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My goal


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I love mulatto girls

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White girls are so undesirable compared to mulatto woman

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Potential power of a mulatto woman

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Mulatto woman at full power

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>mulatto girls
Having light brown skin doesn't make a girl mulatto user

Love mulatto women

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It almost always means that if they are considered black.

You can be a multi-generational mullato

Black girls of mixed race are mulatto

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Not quite.

Mulatto typically means a mixture of Euro and African specifically.

What's your point?


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Mulatto girls are mixed race. Mixed race black girls are necessarily mulatto.

Thanks for the history lesson

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You are very welcome originally.

It's amazing that Jow Forums wants to some variant of this thread every single day, even though all of it is completely meaningless and not worth talking about.

I was being sarcastic.


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is that rich chigga

Not sure if I care.

Sorry about your micro penis genes though

Hey, I asked if 6 inches was small, a majority of anons said no.

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Why must I have the horny for only black/mulatto women?

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>said no
user, i ...

Mulatto girls love Asian guys. Regardless of penis size. End of story.

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Truth bomb #5337

Brooke ONLY loves Asian guys.


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So who is the black dude she is with?

That's her gay best friend. Honest.

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can a curry acquire big booty mulatta gf with colored eyes?