All my friends move in with their gf's and then spend 100% of their time with their women

>all my friends move in with their gf's and then spend 100% of their time with their women
>they never hang out with me again
>for years my only company is my brain, friends are too busy to see me
>eventually I grow bitter, insane and a toxic person who does horrible life choices
>commit a crime
>all my friends blame me in wonder how I could've fucked up this bad since they didn't fuck up either

Why are normies this fucking blind?
These guys have their wives at home meaning they have human interaction, company around the clock every single day of their lives whereas I'm deprived of it.
As they judge me they never take into account the fact that I had to live alone. They don't even see it as a contributing factor.
God, when will people learn that people get fucked in the head if you cast them out for years.

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What crime? Pls tell us buddy

People who bask in human interaction don't understand that it's the human interaction that keeps them from falling apart and the number one cause for people who do.

This. I fucking hate people who go

>yeah I have a wife but I just don't understand why you're taking your 40 years of virginity and loneliness so hard, if I was you I'd just party on, brother


Stop trying to justify your crime by blaming it on your friends for not hanging out with you.
Even though it's probably the igniting cause for your mental health issues.
Yeah, people should have friends but some people don't so what can you do..

They are not your friend in the first place, actually.

>eventually I grow bitter, insane and a toxic person who does horrible life choices
That's your own fault. You're responsible for your choices. Learn some self control.
>commit a crime
>all my friends blame me in wonder how I could've fucked up this bad since they didn't fuck up either
They weren't pieces of shit who chose to commit crimes.
>Why are normies this fucking blind?
You're justifying being a piece of shit because of loneliness. I'm guessing you were lonely because you were a piece of shit too.
>These guys have their wives at home meaning they have human interaction, company around the clock every single day of their lives whereas I'm deprived of it.
Plenty of people deprived of it don't commit crimes. You chose to be the piece of shit who did.

Nigga speak for yourself, my friends who are married are fucking miserable and I'm thriving alone. Learn to love yourself and your own company will be the only company you ever need. Relying on others for happiness will take you down the wrong path.

Surprise, surprise, normalfags are incapable of putting themselves in other people's shoes or understanding the bigger picture. It's your own fault for expecting anything other than than duplicity and complete faithlessness from the cattle.

>commit a crime

Attached: 1533553741928.jpg (612x716, 88K)

he sucked the dick of an underaged child

Aw man you sure reprimanded him. I bet he feels so stupid now and sees that youre smarter than him. Thank god people like you exist.

>cast them out
lel. mentally retarded people should just be given less access to the rest of society. problem solved. you can commit crimes on each other and pretend that loneliness is an excuse.

ps everyone feels lonely

I'm not sure this is objectively true OP, I think being single/lonely just makes going crazy/weird more likely.

Single/unsociable people just have to work a little harder to behave appropriately around others if that's your goal since you don't have a peer group constantly reminding you.

But ironically if you're conscientious enough and take care of yourself as a weirdo you actually have the tools to make a good impression or even a better impression at least in the short term than normies do.

Less social obligations ideally mean that you can go to bed early / exercise / eat clean religiously and have the time and leisure to groom yourself and dress well. Of course the less social you are the less incentive you have to actually do this, but if you are insanely autistic you can actually beat the normie in several areas of life due to a lack of distractions and a greater capacity to go full narcissism in a way that normies that stay up late partying, have nagging gfs that steal all their time and money etc. just cannot do.

They're right, marriage is for losers and depriving you of the lure of soul-sucking relationshits and marriage was actually an act of mercy on the part of the Almighty towards you.

There would be nothing worse in life than being barely normie enough to fulfill the normie criteria to an acceptable extent but not normie enough to fulfill them smoothly and reliably. If God couldn't make you Chad he did the next best thing and gave you freedom in a different way. But you were spared being part of the herd.

I don't give a shit about reprimanding; his point was either good or it wasn't. I explained to him why it wasn't in the most honest way. Do you have an actual argument against anything I said or are you just shitposting? I have a feeling I'll either get no reply or it'll be more beating around the bush. Is loneliness an excuse to commit crimes and if so why?

It's all a meme. YOu are jsut a criminal, no wonder no one likes you. I'm lonely too but I mean I still have to sometimes reject invitations. Last night a coworker hinted at getting dinner after our shift was over. She's cute but I mean I have to work tonight so I passed, told her next time.Kind of abig deal since I'm single now, I dumped my gf of 7 yeas back in June. That said I still haven't felt any desire to commit crimes.

Nice projecting. What's your beef?

Jesus are those "friends" retarded? For me it is always bros before hoes

What was unfair? Criminals are pieces of shit. People who justify being criminals because of loneliness are pieces of shit. In fact, in this very thread are self-admitted lonely people who even say there's no excuse to commit a crime because of it. Excuse me for calling someone without any self-control a piece of shit, but that's what he is.

>Caring about friends.

How old are you? I bet you are under 25.

Look, forget about getting your happiness through friends. All friendships end one day.

Just think about yourself. Get a job, your money, get your own place to live to leave your parent's house and found your main meaning through your job, passions, personal interests, fucking bitches and eventually get a good woman to live with her.